Author Topic: Uncharted Skies  (Read 556737 times)

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #525 on: August 11, 2015, 04:03:13 pm »
South Docks

"What the flak kid? Didn't anyone teach you NOT to sneak up on someone at a firing range?" After this reprimand, he answers his question. "And I was referring to the Holy Bacon, the one true religion."

Hangar Bay

"Dangling a hundred feet,"

"Through active fire,"

"Not to mention Alister burning moonshine and blasting tar."

"And on top of it all,"

"Alison's cooking."


Alison manages to get herself between this stranger, and the maximum security cell Jasper is in. "Nobody. Nobody talks to him. Not without clearance. State your name and business."

Offline Koali

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #526 on: August 11, 2015, 06:13:07 pm »
"Bacon's tasty and all, but I wouldn't go so far as to worship it..."

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #527 on: August 11, 2015, 06:17:14 pm »
South Docks

Alister looks with pity upon this unenlightened soul. "Your to young to understand. Holy Bacon is not that which we eat. That bacon is but the way we worship Holy Bacon."

Hangar Bay

"Not to mention,"

"That is a impressive craft."

"We haven't had the,"

"Opportunity to work on a rocket."

"And its a truly,"

"Amazing design."

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #528 on: August 11, 2015, 10:02:20 pm »
The Warehouse

While setting the sights on the Mercuary with Dalhia, Courage overhears Carn's statement about a religious bacon.

"I've been around some strange people, but bacon? Think it's an Anglean thing?" he whispers to Dalhia.

Once the sights have been zeroed in, he looks through the scope towards a old wreckage. Smiling, he opens the dual field gun's breach and loads in a Charged Round. Grabbing the twin triggers. The mount swivels around it bears as Courage takes aim. With a pull of the trigger, the round escapes the barrel as it flies toward the target. Unlike a standard Mercuary, the Anvalan variant barely had any recoil from the charged round as it was made to withstand a higher powder mixture which is only know in the desert city. The round then impacts the piece of metal and pierces directly through the thick sheet.

Tracking the round, Courage smirks knowing his aim hasn't left him, "If only we had the standard for this. Who else wants to give it a go?"

Hanger Bay

"What a surprise seeing you here. You going on this thrip as well? I just recently got accepted, already met with Commander Frey," Renard says to her.

Back at the planes, their suspicions are correct that she was indeed Captain Morgan.

"Looks like she's maybe another flier," Antonio assumes from her craft and whistles," Look at that thing, prototype engines and all. Think we can handle it Farris?"

"I think I can, I don't believe you would. You may blaze up in a ball of fire." he chuckles.

"Hey! Ok Kei you are the deciding factor, who think can handle that thing?"

Rolling her eyes as the two, she hops out of the cockpit she was in and walks towards the both of them. Ignoring the calls, she approaches the group around the craft.

"Nice to meet you Captain Morgan, I'm Kei Naga, one of the pilots of the scouting planes. I'm just wondering, since there are four planes who is the last pilot?"


Ulric tries to look pass Alison not the room, but is blocked by her head each time.

During each attempt, he manages to put out a few words, "Well miss I'm Ulric......Culvin.......Captain..... Excuse me...... Naturist....... Can you pardon your head....... and curiosity are persistent aren't you?"

Straightening himself, on his glasses he added several more lenses to see if he can zooming in with them. Seeing that only a glare can be magnified, he readjust the frames back to his normal lenses.

"so who is it that we have on board, a ruffian? Oh maybe an exotic animal? Is it an animal, must be a bird if it's humming, please let me see." unaware of the seriousness of Alison's glare.


Alexi enters the armory and is fascinated about the quantity of weapons stored. Passing the rifles to the savers, he notices a pile in the corner and a smirk is seen. Recognising several of the equipment stored at the temporary sleeping arrangement he says to no one in particular.

"Well looms like we are on the same job aren't we Alister."

(those reading, disregard the first entrance of Alexi into the armory. -.- )

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #529 on: August 11, 2015, 10:16:28 pm »
Militia Docks

After having been satisfied with his Anvalan merc, he hoisted it onto his shoulder, grabbed the box of ap rounds Alex threw in. He then glared at Koali, and is now boarding the ship. He notices a familiar looking galleon along the way. "Don't tell me old Kasparov took the job too."


"Ruffian? Hardly, he has the muscle density of a anemic twig. Animal? Infinitely worse. He's a mentally deranged prisoner, who has useful information. Now I suggest you leave before I take action. It's terribly awkward when I have to patch up the people I injur."

Hangar Bay

"Excuse us!"

"We're trying to secure our positions!"

"You guys already know what your jobs are."

"We don't want to wait and get a crap job."

Offline Koali

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #530 on: August 11, 2015, 10:18:55 pm »
"The heck was that glare for?"

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #531 on: August 11, 2015, 10:24:12 pm »
--Eagle's Shadow, Hanger Bay--

Reagan gave the gathering circle of people around her craft a look of amusement, "I wasn't expecting this much interest in a dinky little rocket racer, to answer your question," She shrugged, "I have no idea, might want to ask around." She looked at the twins, "To answer your questions, we'll have to see, not sure we'll have a chance to take her out." She gave the craft an affectionate pat, "Officially I'm piloting this tub we'll be calling home," she broadly gestured to the hanger bay, "whatever the case if we do take her out I'll consider it."

--South Docks--

Dahlia gave him a chuckle as she took control of the weapon, "The Captain has mentioned it a few times." She sighted in one of the few intact plates of metal, loading in a standard round from the stores she let her trigger finger hover for a moment before depressing it. She felt a light vibration as the powder ignited, sending the round forward to slam into the plate. Satisfied she smiled at her handy work.

Alex and Richard on the other hand had set up some dummies and were testing the weapons they had been working with. Well more like enjoying themselves as it were. Alex hefted the odd chaingun sword firing an experimental burst before giving the dummy a strike with its blade. Travis exchanged weapons and began a series of actual tests while Alex began to calibrate the 12 gauge carbine.

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #532 on: August 11, 2015, 10:36:19 pm »
Hangar Bay

Alister has walked in and noticed everyone else crowding around Reagan and her rocket. Including the twins, who appeared to be bouncing on their heals slightly. "Traitors." Quietly said under his breath, and completely devoid of meaning. He does have a job for them to do later though......but it can wait. For now, he stows the Anvalan merc on the Kibeth on a rack hear the armor mechanism, setting down the ap rounds nearby. "Think I'll have her on the back. Those engies didn't seem to be familiar with mines."


"Now if you wouldn't mind Mr. Culvin, please leave the brig." this time, Alison has delivered her message in a tone reminiscent of a whip. Coupled with the firey look in her eyes, it would take a oblivious idiot to not notice. She prays he's not a oblivious idiot, but so far that impression seems to be fitting.

Offline Koali

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #533 on: August 12, 2015, 01:19:31 pm »
"Hey, is that a rocket?"

Offline Koali

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #534 on: August 12, 2015, 05:42:48 pm »
Koali soon realized that he'd forgotten to actually walk to where everyone was. After joining the group, he repeated his question.

"Hey, is that a rocket?"

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #535 on: August 12, 2015, 09:20:35 pm »

"By your tone and facial express, it looks like you are releasing cortisol. Are you stressed in anyway? You know I know several herbs that can remedy that. A mixture of Cortan Lilies and Ucta leaves can relieve that. Also are you aware that Ucta leaves sweat out oil? Several specimens of marsupials tribe off that. I know a story when I encountered this small bear like animal that almost bite me when I was near one of one those trees. Mainly found off the western coast of Chaladon."

Oblivious to Alison's reactions, Ulric continues on with several more facts from his studies.

South Docks

"Great shot." Courage marvels at Dalhia. He couldn't help but stare at her while she was loading a new round and let out an involuntary sigh. Seeing her ears twitch at the slight sound, Courage catches himself staring and quickly looks in the other direction towards Alex and Richard.

"Those are odd weapons they made. When did them came up with them."

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #536 on: August 12, 2015, 10:14:46 pm »

A truly terrifying thing begins to occur. A vein begins to beat in Alison's temple, in the same spot Alister's does when he's about to lose control. "Leave. Or I cut you up, then stitch you back together on my medical table." Seeing that it still hasn't fully sunk in, she resorts to more direct measures. She pushes him back, then draws her wakizashi's "Last chance. Leave. NOW!!" Mentally she's thinking that is doesn't get the message at this point, they'd be better off without him. Old habits return and she begins to think of how to hide the body if necessary.

Carn's Quarters

After having secured the merc, Alister returned to his quarters. Reminding himself he still has to tidy up where he slept in the armory last night. He stands in front of a mirror and wash basin, and unsheathes his knife. Razor sharp, he then runs a hand through his hair, which has grown a bit to shaggy for his taste. "Time for a trim." within 10 minutes the shaggy mop has been reduced to a choppy, ragged imitation of a flattop. "That will do." Contrary to popular belief, Alister actually is a decent self-barber with his knife. Though choppy and ragged, its relatively even and he's never cut himself.

Offline Koali

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #537 on: August 13, 2015, 01:03:18 am »
Back out by the rocket, Koali was busy thinking to himself.

If I keep appearing everywhere without making it clear where I'm going, people might start to get suspicious or confused. For example...

Koali walked past Carn cutting his hair.

Not even I know how I got here, and if Carn catches me he'll probably kill me... Or worse.

Back in the armory...

Oh well, might as well check the switch axes.

Offline ShadedExalt

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #538 on: August 13, 2015, 12:42:02 pm »
Giving up, Gaige heads back to the Eagle's Shadow.

"Dear lord these streets are impossible to navigate."

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #539 on: August 13, 2015, 04:35:04 pm »
--Eagle's Shadow, Hanger Bay--

Amelia led her through the corridors on their adventure through the vessel like the pair of puckish rouges they were! Well, not really, but Lorena was enjoying the chance to examine a new vessel, a large one for that matter, the hanger bay was quite extensive, considering it was holding a galleon inside it.

At the moment she was examining the two vehicles sitting about, both definitely of Yeshan make, she'd had enough of Yeshan armored vehicles honestly, being shot at wasn't very enjoyable, still, at least these would be in the hands of people who would...

Ok she had to be honest, with Reagan in command no one here would use these responsibly, more than likely they would use them for personal enjoyment, still, at least there would be no hostile takeovers performed in these... Actually that might just happen, hopefully they kept the guns empty. She looked at Amelia who was examining its internals, she was an engineer after all, so it would probably be her that would end up fixing these. As she continued to watch her mess about with the engine a question appeared and wondered why she hadn't thought of it before.


"Yes Lorena?"

"Don't you think a tank is a bit much for a simple mapping expedition?"

She heard her pause with the engine before continuing to work. "Maybe."

Lorena shrugged and went back to her examinations.

--South Docks--

Dahlia took a moment to think, "I would say late night drinking fests, but not all their ideas are maddeningly insane. So honestly I have no idea."

"Also," she said with a smile, "Don't you think I can tell when you're staring?"