Author Topic: Uncharted Skies  (Read 549574 times)

Offline Koali

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #165 on: July 16, 2015, 10:02:04 pm »
"Right. So I'm thinking of a weapon I read about in some old story about a bunch of people who went around hunting monsters. It's an axe... That turns into a sword! There's one that starts out as some kind of hammer, too, which should be perfect!"

Offline ShadedExalt

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #166 on: July 16, 2015, 10:16:23 pm »
"A switch axe is wayyyyyyyyy too big for you to use.  Why not go with that dagger?  I have a design in mind..."

Corvo Attano's blade, from Dishonored

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #167 on: July 16, 2015, 10:27:32 pm »
Carn takes the confounding route, through the sewers, then alleys, back to the docks. Alison following, listening to Alister explain the job.

"And this is the transport."

"So, that's explains your mood. I could tell you were out for blood, didn't know why though."

"Your point?"

"You can be more unpredictable when your like this. I can never tell when you'll do something amazingly stupid."

"Gee, thanks. Are you in, or not?"

"It's 10,000 crowns, of course I'm in."

"Then we have our medical officer."

"And infiltrator."

Offline Koali

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #168 on: July 17, 2015, 12:25:04 am »
"Naw, I've got plans for this knife, and the switch axe would be small enough for me to wield. You don't actually need much weight to cause extreme blunt force trauma!"

(Note: this is actually true. Someone who owned a historically accurate war hammer decided to hit a beer cooler with it. The metal exterior was dented, and the plastic inside was shattered.)

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #169 on: July 17, 2015, 12:34:53 am »
Militia Headquarters; Cathedral

"We need to get you a set of survival gear, best to come prepared, even if we don't need it." Reagan lead Amelia through the hallways as they talked.

"And we're here because?" If they were looking for equipment shouldn't they be at the market or something?

"Because even though we can buy everything we need, why buy when we can grab things from storage?"

Reagan opened a door and the two of them stepped out into the storage yard, a number of warehouses in use by the militia stood in rows within the fenced in compound. Trucks entered and exited at will, carrying boxes and personnel. A board stood close by, listing the different warehouses and what was stored in them, similar boards stood at the gates.

"We need warehouse 2, and here it is." She patted the wall that was a few feet from the board. "Lets go."

She opened the door and walked in, Amelia followed soon after and, while not gaping like an idiot, was surprised at the rather high quality of the equipment stored here. Shelves holding numerous boxes and racks of equipment dominated the warehouse floor, a few office workers could be seen taking stock of items and a number of guardsmen were signing out various pieces of equipment. Reagan of course knew exactly what she was looking for, passing her a few odds an ends as they walked passed. The first thing had been a hood sown into a hat with an accompanying face mask, they replaced the worn repair equipment she had with her and also grabbed a satchel and tool belt. They signed all of that out and walked to the armory where they gave her a side arm, a rather light revolver with nominal stopping power.

"It will keep you safe, should get you a real weapon though, still lets go stow our equipment in the transport, probably a locker we can claim for our selves."

The two of them made their way back to the docks where the transport was tethered, they were greeted by the backs of a rapidly familiar man and a walking armory.

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #170 on: July 17, 2015, 08:10:11 am »
Carn and Alison are currently having an argument.

"I told you, I'm commanding this expedition, alongside a captain of Cathedral's guard!"

"Oh? Well then, if two of you command, then who get's the Captain's quarter's huh? I think I'll take it, and remove any problems about the situation."

The two, both in essence walking armories, and both red-heads, though Carn's hair is closer to blood while Alison's is more akin to copper, stare each other down.

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #171 on: July 17, 2015, 08:29:13 am »
Reagan sighed, she was wondering where the daily argument was, now she was too tired to deal with it, instead she took Amelia by the hand and walked straight through them.

"I take the Captain's Quarters." Smirking as she walked up the gang plank.

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #172 on: July 17, 2015, 08:32:40 am »
Alison bristles at that statement.

"And just who are you?"

"She would be your commanding officer."

Carn looks at Reagan.

"If you can pilot the transport, then you can take Captain's quarter's. I don't have enough stuff to warrant that much space."

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #173 on: July 17, 2015, 08:50:52 am »
She shrugged, "If our benefactors don't have a pilot in mind I might as well. Besides I have this as luggage." She points at Amelia's face.

"I resent that statement." She made the point clear by lightly punching her arm.

"Still" Reagan said as she approached the pair and in one quick movement drew her blade and slashed through a weapon strap at random, "We're going to get along just fine right?" Of course only an idiot would keep a blade extended and brought it closer to her body. If this had been Firnfeld or Yesha the other would have responded in kind but hadn't noticed a sword on the women's person and wondered how she would react given the situation.

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #174 on: July 17, 2015, 09:02:54 am »
Alison just smiles.

"Careful with that,"

She says angling her wakizashi short sword up from where it was, pointed right at Reagan's abdomen.

"Wouldn't want to hurt yourself."

She sheathes the short curved sword in the sheathe on the small of her back, crossed with another angled for her left. And those are above the twin SMGs on her hips.

"I'm beginning to question the sanity of bringing three redheads on one vessel, two of which are women."

Carn grumbles as he sees this unfold.

"Try not to kill each other."

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #175 on: July 17, 2015, 09:18:16 am »
Reagan of course looks like she's been given a gift of monumental proportions, before anyone realizes what's happening she draws the other women into an embrace all the while smiling like an idiot.

"Oh you and I are going to get along just fine, juuuuuuuuuuuussssst fine." She releases her in short and straightens herself.

"Captain Morgan, a pleasure." She turns on Al before glaring at the both of them, adopting a serious manner that is seemingly uncharacteristic, "Of course there is another matter at hand of course, I expect the both of you to act professional at all times, and from what I've seen I'm not impressed. Whatever grudge you have against is going to be put aside for the duration of this mission, if not I'll stab both of you and leave you in a closest to sort out the issue."

She turns away from both of them and motions for Amelia to follow her inside, where the the two of them promptly begin laughing.

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #176 on: July 17, 2015, 09:26:49 am »
Calling after her, Carn comments.

"You do realize, your not my boss on this job. We are on equal footing here, unless specified by Frey!."

Snorting to herself, Alison says. "And why does she think there's a grudge between us?"

"I believe that would be due to the blindingly obvious hostility your putting out in my direction."

"Oh really? Well what about your arrogant way of trying to shrug me off?"

"I'm trying to act professional here. Believe me, if there was anybody else who could do the job, I would have brought them, not you."

"Hmph, I'm going to check the medical bay."

"Good, I'll be anywhere else."

The two go off in different directions, Alison to the medical bay to inspect the supplies and equipment, while Carn goes off to city hall. He needs to verify what he heard about Jasper.....

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #177 on: July 17, 2015, 10:23:30 am »
Of course when given a vessel one must know it inside and out in order to use it effectively. So after dropping their stuff in the quarters they will be using for the duration of the "Expedition" the two of them begin exploring the ship, Reagan in an effort to understand the vessel she will probably be piloting, and Amelia because her new found understand of engineering has given her an appreciation of the vessels that fly through the sky. After finding numerous crew accommodations the two of them stumble upon the loading bay, large enough to store a small vessel or two, and the a fore mentioned Half-Track and Tank, the two of them involuntarily sighed, though it had been a good chunk of time since Vyshtorg it was still rather fresh in their minds, still they at least knew the capabilities of such vehicles. Still Reagan examined the space, two large doors stood on opposite sides, allowing cargo and other items to be carried in from the side while docked. A loading crane lined the ceiling, and it gave her a really bad idea, well, it could probably be considered bdrlinebrilliant.

"Amelia I'll be returning shortly I have some things I need to check on."

She sighed, "Of course, I'll remain on the vessel until you return."

"Brilliant." And with that Reagan sprinted out the cargo doors and onto the dock, making her way to the south docks where Alex kept his warehouse, and hoped they were in.

--Cathedral, South Docks--

Things were finally getting back to normal, which for everyone involved was relief, of course Amelia had run off and ended up joining the guard, which was something that one Alexander Henley could understand to a degree, after living such a sheltered life one might find the current situation dull and unexciting, not his crew, they appreciated the change in pace but it was best that it was only on occasion that a world shattering event happened. At the moment Alex and Richard were cataloging the items retrieved from their latest salvage op, a client had wanted a few items of personal value retrieved from the wreckage of a freighter that had been grounded in a storm. Client had been kind enough to offer anything else on the vessel as payment so long as it could fit in their ship, the Skyrunner, which was currently moored just outside their warehouse. There hadn't been all that much, somethings had already been salvaged, such as weapons, but they did find the items of interest and a few valuable pieces of cargo. Which they had sold at a hefty profit, they had also salvaged some equipment, which was now on the floor in front of them.

"Alex, got to hand it to whoever built these engines, they're tough."

"Richard, if an engine isn't tough it isn't worth much, still we have to figure out what to do with the, we could replace our current compliment but not fully, we could also do... something, I'd have to examine them and draw up some plans."

He thought it over, "Think we could build a-" There was a knocking at the door. The two of them kept switching their gaze from the door to each other before Richard made a move for it, "I'll get it." The person on the other side however was not someone he was expecting to see today.

"Reagan, fancy seeing you here." He stood aside to let her in, to her the warehouse hadn't changed much, though its contents had, a few unfamiliar weapons were organized upon the floor, others were elevated by racks and other dedicated equipment.

"So," Alex approached her with a flask in hand, which she took gladly. "What brings you Captain?"

"I was hoping you'd do me a favor, the rocket craft, I was hoping you'd give it to me for a job."

Both men raised their eyes at that, "A job?" Richard asked, "I suppose this has to do with your current duties?"

"Somewhat, you've probably heard about the expedition, well I joined." She smiled at both of them, "Cathedral needs someone with the city in mind out there, and I was hoping... that the rocket craft could give us a few extra options out there."

Alex spoke up, "It's yours as much as it is ours, still, try not to break it."

She laughed, "I do what I can. So, shall we fly it over?"

--Cathedral, Militia Dockyard, The Transport (Does it have a name?)--

Amelia had decided that yes, she did in fact quite like their home away from home. She was also stuck wondering what Reagan had planned, that was answered a few moments later, as a rocket craft landed in the bay. Three people climbed out of it's cockpit and she decided that she would take a few moments to examine it. In a way it was like a plane, it had two wings, a cockpit (Made for at least three obviously.), the rear of the craft was adorned by a rocket engine, a gatling stood out from the back of the cockpit, and two points on the nose she could see what could only be rocket launchers serving as it's main armaments. The moment she turned her attention to it's pilots she instantly recognized Captain Henley, Richard, and Reagan and waved to them, they waved back of course and went back to discussing what she assumed were old stories.

Offline Carn

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #178 on: July 17, 2015, 10:36:43 am »
Alison was currently busy taking stock of the medical bay. There were only four cots, so hopefully they won't have five seriously injured people on board at one time. There were enough scalpels, syringes, saws, and other medical hardware so that she won't need replacements. There was also a modest amount or adrenaline and morphine aboard. She may need to acquire more if the crew size increases. In fact she could probably use more just in case anyways. Despite her arguably excessive hostility, she always does her utmost to keep her patients alive. The extra hostility was brought on by Alister, even though it isn't really his fault.

"Why did I agree to this? It's not like I really need 10,000 crowns, not when the job is like this."

Meanwhile at city hall, Carn is talking to the receptionist up front.

"Sir, I cannot grant you access to those files. Not without clearance from the Council."

Gritting his teeth, Alister is currently loosing his patience with the usual red tape.

"And I told you, I was hired by the Commander, who is working in conjunction with the council. And those files are relevant to the mission at hand."

"And sir, I cannot give you access without proper clearance."

Offline Koali

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Re: Uncharted Skies
« Reply #179 on: July 17, 2015, 10:52:36 am »
Back at Gaige's workshop, Koali was busy attaching blades to a shaft.