Author Topic: The Sovereign [Currently Recruiting]  (Read 8466 times)

Offline Ikerot

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The Sovereign [Currently Recruiting]
« on: April 14, 2013, 12:49:27 am »

Before I start... ah... look at that cover. Ain't it such a fail? And by fail, I mean I got the size wrong. Damn it!

Ahem... sorry about that.

Allo there, mate. This is Ikerot, and this is a new clan opening up. Before I start it off, I have to say is that The Sovereign is merely only a branch. This means that by joining The Sovereign, you'll be joining a much bigger (I'm slightly lying about that) community. So joining does not only benefit you from having a crew in Guns of Icarus to play with, but also having other gamers to play with on other games (we have currently have seven branches). And possibly, friends for life (lol).

Now that's over with...

The Sovereign is currently recruiting! Veteran players, no need to fear, we are a group of experienced players! New players, no fear also! We are willing to train newcomers. We are a group of casual players. The Sovereign is mostly in America, there are some players in Canada, but we accept players everywhere. We comprised of mostly adults and older adolescents. So are you looking for a clan, a crew, a guild, or whatever else you may call it? Then the Sovereign may just be the one for you!

We have a newly made steam page, which you can go to by clicking on the banner. There won't be a forum on that steam page; however, we do have a forum. <--- Make sure to read the manifesto!

Current # of Members: 8

If you are interested, all I'll be needing is your Steam ID (or add me). We'll get to explaining from there.

Oh, and that quote on the banner? That has nothing to do with anything. It just sounds nice.

Note to self: Be more arrogant and act as if I have an inflated ego next time. The clan name sounds like it's full of egoists, when in reality, it's just full of drunken Irish men.