Author Topic: Burning Skies Saloon  (Read 1468201 times)

Offline Papa Paradox

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #405 on: March 06, 2013, 11:54:49 pm »
*Looking at Yiski*

"You got it, bud."

*Papa P looks at Bdrline*

"I come into more wealth than you could possibly imagine, divide my share amongst the group. Hell you could give it to Zill and send him to the local Harem to turn that frown upside down"

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #406 on: March 06, 2013, 11:56:21 pm »
*In a rare move, he removes his mask, revealing what remains of his face.*

*Yiski sees the face. It looked the same now as it did when it happened. While it did not phase Yiski, the other patrons were a bit taken by Zill's facial features (or lack thereof).*

By the burning skies Zill, put that back on. Have you no decency? Some of us are drinking here!
Also, the only way you're gonna get yourself killed is by hanging with all of us. And you ain't gonna lose shit. If we don't kill you and someone else does, then we'll kill them and take what they took from you.

*Laughs some and replaces the mask*

I wouldnt want to go any other way than in the best company Anvala has to offer. *Raises his glass to Yiski and the patrons of the bar.* If this body had any shred of worth left in it, it would gladly go toward this city, and these people.

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #407 on: March 07, 2013, 12:15:02 am »

As the moon rose high above Anvala, many of the patrons started clearing out. BdrLine and Ny-Lee talked until they were the last two sitting in the saloon. BdrLine knowing he hardly had any room at his place for his sister to sleep suggested she take up Yiski's offer. He figured, if anybody wanted to harass her, they would have to get through the Crimson Bolt.

Yiski tossed Ny-Lee the key to the spare room and she headed up stairs to get some rest and BdrLine headed out to his place.

Yiski also handed Roland some gold coins for holding down the saloon the past few days and for the days ahead. While Yiski was feeling much better, there were still a few sore spots and he'd need Roland's help to keep the saloon running efficiently as it has been.

With Roland now out the door, Yiski contemplates his actions for tomorrow. The objective: buy new equipment and make new drinks.


--END OF DAY 24--

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #408 on: March 07, 2013, 09:36:54 am »
*Ny-Lee wakes up he next day and wonders where she is at. Then she remembered that she is in a spare bedroom above the saloon. She gets up and quietly goes downstairs as Yiski is still asleep. She heads towards the docks to her ship to get a few things and then explore the City of Anvala*

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #409 on: March 07, 2013, 10:18:14 am »

*Yiski wakes up and is still a bit slow in getting up. He curses to himself.*

Dammit, my age must be beginnin' to show.

*Yiski walks up stairs to see if Ny-Lee is in the spare room and sees it empty.*

Looks like she headed out pretty early. *He worries a bit, but puts it to rest.* Meh, she's old enough and looks like she can handle herself.

*As Yiski heads back down, he sees Roland coming in*

"Morning Yiski! How are you feeling?"

Still sore, but nothing that should slow me down. You wouldn't have Ny-Lee on the way here?

"No, why, has she left?"

Looks like it.

"I am sure she can take care of herself. She did seem quite resourceful."

*Yiski left Roland to tend to the saloon. Yiski was heading into the market with the reward from the Empire.*

First things first, I gotta get a new still.

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #410 on: March 07, 2013, 10:28:59 am »
*Zill had another rough night, but put that behind him. He took out his finest (the term is used loosely) officer's jacket for today. It still brought him at least some motivation.*

Doesnt look half bad. I can still tell where each bullet hole and dirt stain came from too. *Smirks*

*He puts on his mask and makes his way out of the city center. He bumps into Yiski*

Ahoy there. Money already burnin' holes in your pocket?

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #411 on: March 07, 2013, 10:34:43 am »
*Zill had another rough night, but put that behind him. He took out his finest (the term is used loosely) officer's jacket for today. It still brought him at least some motivation.*

Doesnt look half bad. I can still tell where each bullet hole and dirt stain came from too. *Smirks*

*He puts on his mask and makes his way out of the city center. He bumps into Yiski*

Ahoy there. Money already burnin' holes in your pocket?

*Yiski jabs Zill on the arm*

Not yet. Heading out the market to get parts for a new still and probably stock up on some ingredients to experiment with.

*Yiski realizes Zill has on his 'good' uniform today*

Well, aren't we lookin' fancy today. What's the occasion? *Yiski grins* Wait... let me guess... I know you can't a get a date, so all that's left is you're headed for a funeral. So, who died this time?

*Yiski gives a chuckle.*

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #412 on: March 07, 2013, 11:03:59 am »
*Yiski jabs Zill on the arm*

Not yet. Heading out the market to get parts for a new still and probably stock up on some ingredients to experiment with.

*Yiski realizes Zill has on his 'good' uniform today*

Well, aren't we lookin' fancy today. What's the occasion? *Yiski grins* Wait... let me guess... I know you can't a get a date, so all that's left is you're headed for a funeral. So, who died this time?

*Yiski gives a chuckle.*

*Zill shakes his head and laughs*

Just wanted to look more like an Admiral and less like a half-livin' fool who tripped into a tar barrel. Goldfish is getting redone so I needed somethin' to fit the occasion.

*His tone gets a little more serious.*

By the way, have you ever considered a few hands to watch over the Saloon? Using the Blood Bolt on some unruly fools dumb enough to take us on in there seems a little overkill.

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #413 on: March 07, 2013, 11:16:24 am »
*Walks into the saloon, and notices that Yiski was out.*

"Hey Roland"

*Takes a seat at his usual corner table*

"Hey is Ny-Lee around? I really would like some more about Azn"

*Shink smiles a little bit on the inside... It's not everyday he can get some dirt on his friends. He looks around. He looks around to see if he could start a card game with some of the regulars*

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #414 on: March 07, 2013, 11:49:04 am »
--Market Square--

*Zill shakes his head and laughs*

Just wanted to look more like an Admiral and less like a half-livin' fool who tripped into a tar barrel. Goldfish is getting redone so I needed somethin' to fit the occasion.

*His tone gets a little more serious.*

By the way, have you ever considered a few hands to watch over the Saloon? Using the Blood Bolt on some unruly fools dumb enough to take us on in there seems a little overkill.

Hire people? Hell, I thought that's you and the others were for. But you're right, I may need to hire somebody. But not right now. And don't worry about Blood Bolt, I've got her loaded with some experimental 'semi-lethal' rounds. I say 'semi-lethal' because there wasn't an idiot yet stupid enough for me to use it against them.


*Roland fixes Shink a mug of Anvala's Standard Rum*

"Sorry Shink, Ny-Lee headed out early this morning. Yiski and I have no idea where she went."

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #415 on: March 07, 2013, 12:00:37 pm »
--Market Square--

Hire people? Hell, I thought that's you and the others were for. But you're right, I may need to hire somebody. But not right now. And don't worry about Blood Bolt, I've got her loaded with some experimental 'semi-lethal' rounds. I say 'semi-lethal' because there wasn't an idiot yet stupid enough for me to use it against them.

-Market Square-

*Zill nods*

True , but we aren't always there. And do you honestly think Roland will manage alone? Id hate for somethin' to happen to him. Maybe its me.

*Turns to head toward the docks*

Well off to finish that Goldfish. If the Council is good at one thing, its filling my orders quickly. Those schematics from our travels helped though. Will probably get Jun'ko to say hi to Ny-Lee. Im sure they'd both like that.

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #416 on: March 07, 2013, 12:17:35 pm »
*Looks up from his hand to Roland*

"That is a shame... Mind grabbing me a cup of No. 3?

*Lays out his hand to the other patrons dismay, and starts to rake the money to his pile*

"You also wouldn't happen to know of anyone looking for a good gunner would you? Apparently, one of the walls in my apartment fell by "accident", and the super is making me pay for it"

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #417 on: March 07, 2013, 12:23:04 pm »
*After Ny-Lee went to her ship and got what she needed, she headed out into the city. Since all of this was unfamiliar place, she brought along her old Colt 1911 pistol that she found out in the Flayed Hills, just to be safe*

--BdrLine's docks--

*To himself*

Since my sister is here i don't think her staying at the saloon will be a good idea, don't want to burden Yiski more. Better start cleaning this place a bit.

*before he started cleaning his place on the docks, he calls out to the workers that are around*

Alright guys try not to go inside my place for a bit, gonna do some cleaning. Just don't mess with my docks like you usually do on a daily basis.

*as he goes back in and started cleaning, Bdr gets a little distracted with some of the things he found*

Oh my old fireworks, I wondered where they went. Oh there's my design for a rotating medium gun turret.

* as he was cleaning, he didn't noticed that moving those old fireworks agitated them a bit and they started going off inside the house*

This is gonna be a long day

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #418 on: March 07, 2013, 12:28:40 pm »
--Market Square--

*Zill heads off for the docks.*
*Yiski then heads towards the local machine shop. A few minutes later, Yiski can been seen holding a few small boxes in hand. Next, Yiski heads for the food stands. By the end of his shopping, Yiski has a few bags filled with potential(ly lethal) ingredients for his new batches.*
*Happy with the haul, Yiski makes his way back to the saloon*


*Roland looks to Shink*

"With the docks in their current condition, I do not think there are any captains hiring a crew. However, I do believe the Academy is looking into hiring another weapons instructor since their oldest one retired a while back."

--En Route to Saloon--

*About halfway to the saloon, Yiski sees small lines of light streaking from the docks. Yiski snickers.*

I guess BdrLine found his old fireworks.

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #419 on: March 07, 2013, 12:37:19 pm »

*Zill is just outside the docks when fireworks shoot off. He rushes in thinking the worst, and then realizes its only BdrLine. He stands over him.*

Dammit BdrLine. Im half tempted to light the rest of those flakin' things up in your jimmies.

*He lets out a sigh. He looks over to his docks and see's Jun'ko working on the goldfish. The main support had just arrived, and it was a sight to behold.*

At least something in this place is workin' right.