Author Topic: Burning Skies Saloon  (Read 1467607 times)

Offline Plasmarobo

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1830 on: June 04, 2013, 09:05:36 pm »
Plasma slips into the tavern quitely. He regards the strange woman. A horribly beweaponed Elite.
This was above his pay grade. Still. He had a job to do. However demeaning.

He clears his throat, keeping clear of the tension in the room.
"Ah. Commander. I realized you're a bit... busy. But I have a copy of the incident report for you. Bit silly really. Seeing as how you were there..."

He leaves a folder on the counter. It contains a few documents of unnecessary details.

He looks rather doubtfully at the tap. Leaning on the counter and looking nonplussed at the bare room.

"Truth be told, it's been a long...well. How much for a drink?"
« Last Edit: June 04, 2013, 09:12:16 pm by Plasmarobo »

Offline Honeybadger

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1831 on: June 04, 2013, 09:19:12 pm »
-Somewhere in Anvala-

Honeybadger looks at Dylan

"What the fuck man!?"

"Shut up! We need to find the guys who fired those mecenaries."

"There will be a lot more guys after us if we keep this up."

Honeybadger spots a bounty poster with both Dylan and Honeybadgers faces sketched on it

Honeybadger sighs and picks up the flier

"Well how about this... They are fucking quick aren't they?"

Dylan rests on the alleyway wall

"Just like old times huh?"

Honeybadger smiles

"What is it?"

Honeybadger passes Dylan the wanted poster

It read:




"Well, we better clear this up fast..."

"I know where to start looking. But first we need something to conceal our identities."

Dylan and Honeybadger think for a second before realizing they were next to a close pin line with dusters and big hats

"That's handy isn't it?"

Honeybadger nods and quickly puts the clothes and hat over his other jacket and derby hat. He pulled a trimmed Cigarillo from his coat pocket and lit it.

"What do you think? Outlaw-ish enough?"

Dylan sighed. The two headed to look for the men who hired them. Which wasn't that hard because one of them were carrying a family insignia.

Might as well have two powerful crime syndicates on your bad side...

They walked off

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1832 on: June 04, 2013, 09:44:32 pm »
--Trading Center--

Roland and Ny-Lee arrives to the Trading Center with the list of furniture they needed for the saloon. Inside they turn to a furniture store where a shop clerk addresses them.

"So, how can I be of service today."

"We are need of new furniture for our saloon, here's a list of what we need."

He takes out the paper and hands it to the clerk who reviews it.

"Ahh okay, follow me please and we can get you two sorted."

The two follow the clerk through the store as they picked which type of design they wanted for the saloon. During their time, Ny-Lee turns to her husband and ask him about her brother.

"Dear, have you notice anything strange about my brother?"

"No, why do you ask?"

"Well, he seems to be out of it for some reason."

"Maybe it's just him thinking."

"Maybe. But still."

Then the clerk comes and interupts the conversation.


BdrLine leans on the bar counter as he takes a few glances at Yiski's new bodyguard. He sees Plasma comes in asking for a drink.

"Yeah that's a good idea. Yiski got anything to spare?"

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1833 on: June 04, 2013, 10:16:38 pm »

"Sure, I never did you're name by the way."

"It's Plasmarobo, but call me Plasma for short."

"Fair enough."

Yiski hands Plasma a Hellfire. Since finishing his own drink, Yiski makes himself a White Steam Whiskey.

"Darling, would you like something to drink?"

Lauren was still glaring at Althea when Yiski asked. Without averting her glare...

"Darling? I can already tell what you're up to, so keep calling me that. I like it. Oh and I'll have what you're having."

Yiski hands Lauren a White Steam. Before taking a sip of his, he waits for Lauren to drink first. Lauren sees Yiski eyeing her and is confused as to why as she takes a large gulp. Immediately, she feels her face get red and heated and everyone in the saloon sees the famous white steam come out of her ears. She puts down the drink on the counter and looks at Yiski.

"Wow! That has a hell of a kick."

"Heh. You should have seen BdrLine when he had a Wild Wind."

The mere remembrance of it brought shivers down BdrLine's spine.


The defenders, guards, and other soldiers now had the whole city on an intermediate lockdown. Trade and passenger ships could leave and enter, but all cargo and passengers are opened and screened (much like when Yiski was abducted). Because the order to shoot Honeybadger and Dylan had escalated and the fact it came from Yiski in a short time after yesterday's incident, many assumed the two had something to do with it. While it would be procedure to capture and interrogate, Yiski's warped shoot order still stood unless the Council said otherwise. They were not pleased with the current situation and decided to back Yiski's orders.

Honeybadger and Dylan were not going to leave Anvala.

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1834 on: June 04, 2013, 10:29:09 pm »

Zill and Jun'ko stand at the bar, since even the stools were gone. Zill watched the two girls fight before Yiski broke them up, and shook his head.

I'm staying well away from that nonsense.

He goes up to Yiski and taps his shoulder.
"You get a babysitter, and I get poisoned letters and assassins. I need to develop a new ship type or something."

"Or just do the same to the Council."

Zill started thinking and Yiski put a mug of WSWin front of him to cut that train of thought. They laughed.

Jun'ko walked over to Althea and introduced herself.
"Hi I'm Jun'ko. You can relax around here y'know. I can feel your tension from here."

"Which is the reason why Yiski got abducted is it not?"

"Well, he was away when it happened."

"True, but had someone been with him...."

"I'm going to stop you there, and change the subject. Eh, must be nice being an Elite yea?"

"It has its perks. The men get to me a lot though.

I was a leutenant in the Yeshan military for awhile. I know your pain.

They begin conversing about their military careers. Zill just grinned and turned to Yiski.
1 Jun'ko, 0 Lauren.

Lauren gave Zill a dirty look, and Zill could only grin under his mask and take a swig of WSW.

Offline Papa Paradox

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1835 on: June 04, 2013, 10:39:28 pm »

Jen and Paradox sat in a meeting hall, John radioed in from The Arashi League. John started off, "I've talked to a couple of the city states within the league, they want guns and ships... a lot of them"

"How many?" Papa said in a voice as thick as mud.

There was a brief pause over the radio, "Uh, 7500 bolt actions, as for ships they we're looking at 10 galleons and 25 pyramidions"

"Done. Jen import the Galleons from Yesha, we'll build the Pyra's... In 6 months they'll have their army." Papa was concise in his statement.

"Sir, there's no way that'll be that profitable." Jen seriously questioned his decision.

"It's not supposed to be, we want them to harass The Guild, it's an investment." Papa said assertively.


Papa walked in, drawing the looks of the bar, Althea startled by the huge mechanical presence drew her guns.

"Ah fer flak sake, every time there's a new pair of ovaries it tries to kill me."

Offline Honeybadger

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1836 on: June 04, 2013, 10:47:45 pm »
Honeybadger and Dylan proceed down the back streets of Anvala until they reach a den of mercenaries and assassins and both. Honeybadger finishes of his Cigarillo and stomps it out.

"Alright we're here." That cigar tasted really fucking bitter.

Honeybadger and Dylan walk into the tattered room. Along with a bar there was a card table set up as well where men with tattoos cheated against men with tattoos. They were being eyed by everyone as they entered the room. The draft caught under their 'loaned' dusters. They tipped their hat over their faces and proceeded to the bar, eventually everyone continued what they were doing.

"What can I do you for?"

Honeybadger leans on the counter

"We're looking for Bass."

Everyone in the room looked at them dropping everything they were doing just to stare at them

"THE Bass?"

Honeybadger nods

"I'm afraid he is mourning the death of his ten cousins right now."

Honeybadger and Dylan look at each other and frown underneath their dusters
"We're the priests he ordered."

The barkeep looked at Honeybadger and Dylan. He let them past, They didn't look like priests but if they came to comfort Bass then they wouldn't look much like a preacher. Honeybadger put his hands together and bowed slightly to the barkeep as they walked into the back room.

They went into the back room and found a man sitting at his desk with a bottle of whiskey and a gun. As Honeybadger walked in it set him off and cause him to start to reach for his gun, being drunk he stumbled and missed grabbing it, Honeybadger and Dylan took this situation to pull their own.

"Do you know who I am?"

Honeybadger nodded and pulled his hat up from his face

"William Bass, I know exactly who you are. Do you happen to know who I am?"

William looked like he had seen a ghost when he saw Honeybadgers face

William Bass
"Wha-w-w-what... T-t-t- Trinity?"

Honeybadger rolls his eyes

"As of recent it's Honey the Kid, this is Dylan Thakery."

William looks at both of them terrified.

William Bass
"I'm sorry I sent my cousins after you! I HAD NO CHOICE! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!"

Honeybadger sighs and rolls his eyes again

"What good would you be to us dead? Besides I need you to tell me who hired you?"

William looks around the room to check for anyone else

William Bass
"Ok, listen. There are three families that are after you right now. The Riggs, my own family, and..."

Honeybadger cocks his gun

"Come on then..."

William gulps

William Bass
"Well... The Yeshan family. Some Yeshan admiral runs it, His name is Qiao Huang..."

Honeybadgers eyes widen

He fucking found me

Dylan got very grim

"Fuck me..."

"Alright Will, how about this. I'll let you live..."

William sighs relieved

"You just need to do a little dusting for us."

William looks confused, Dylan and Honeybadger look at each other devilishly.

Offline Plasmarobo

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1837 on: June 04, 2013, 10:51:46 pm »

Plasma eyes the drink, before draining half of it in a single swig. His eyes water and he coughs. But only once.
Then he slams his fist down on the bar repeatedly and exhales in a wheezing, burnt sort of way.

"Hell- *erk* -hell of a kick, that stuff."

He glares at the drink as if challenging it to a duel. Grabs the mug roughly, and dumps the rest down his throat.
He turns to the Admiral, straightens slightly and gives a sort of casual salute. He listens carefully to the conversation between Jun'ko and Althea.

"Honestly, I understand most Elites rarely get to set foot out in the sky. Guess you're the lucky exception."

Althea turns to the Ensign, arching an eyebrow in condescension.

"Oh? And why is that?"

Plasma holds his palms up and shrugs.

"Didn't mean to offend. I became an officer expressly to avoid being stuck on solid ground. And now look what duty I've drawn: Searching the port, running errands. I swear it's as if Captain Verra had some reason to...well, she's a fine captain."

The drink is starting to creep into him now. Face flushing, words becoming just a tiny bit unsteady.
He pushes the mug back and turns to Yiski

"Sorry Commander, that's strong stuff. I think I better slow down a bit, less I unbecome... do things unbecoming an officer."

He whirls as Papa enters.

"Good god man! What the flak are you!?"

Offline Honeybadger

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1838 on: June 04, 2013, 11:14:28 pm »

Honeybadger enters the saloon under the cloak of the duster, half the people didn't realize it was him until one of the patrons tried to pull a gun on him, naturally he pulled it first, they say if you blink you miss it. He was fast all right. Everyone was silent and staring him down, then new patrons and Papa either saw this as amusement or just confusion. But most everyone including Yiski were staring him down ready to reach for their pistols or rifles.

He tipped his hat off of his face to reveal his very kind and smiling face, he was having a hell of a time. Where as everyone wanted to kill him and continue their day.

"Before you think of shooting me, consider the last bunch of men who did the same. But still, I think you should hear me out before you do anything."

Everyone lets their guard down slowly except Papa who was still chilling and sipping on his drink.

Honeybadger motions for Dylan to come through the door. He came with a gagged man with tied up hands and a blindfold. Honeybadger turned back to the patrons who were now confused as to why he had a tied up sweaty guy in the saloon.

"Ladies and Gentlmen, the man who sent the goons to kill me. But more importantly, the man who sent them to shoot up the bar."

The tied up man started to panic and wiggle while groaning until Dylan knocked him out.

"So how was you day hmm? Shit day? Buying furniture? I've been fucking saving the streets and busting out of jail. No need to thank me."

Yiski started to reach under the counter

"Before you consider doing anything I should point out that this man is worth over 10,000 gold. I think they call him the Typhoon of Anvala. And I'm almost positive he had something to do with the attacks that happened a couple weeks ago. Hell, might have been involved in the kidnapping of Yiski. His brother owns the Bass gang that owns a good chunk of this city underground. Plus, don't think I don't have an escape plan..."

Honeybadger holstered his gun and sat down at the nearest table and took the downtime to reach into his coat pocket and light up a Cigarillo.

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1839 on: June 04, 2013, 11:30:09 pm »
Still eyeing once in a while at Athena BdrLine answers to Honeybadger.

"Umm Badger, we already figured out who was behind the Anvala attack and I highly doubt a criminal family would want to kidnap Yiski over here. And I believe that he city have a warrant for your arrest. And you standing here with a gun pointing at us, some of the most highly trained individuals, is not helping your cost. Granted you napped a bounty."

Offline Honeybadger

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1840 on: June 04, 2013, 11:40:35 pm »
He glances at BdrLine and starts to sweat

"Well fuck me then. It's not like I'm being prosecuted for getting shot at."

He leans back in his chair

"Do whatever you want but just the fact that you locked this town down faster then a virgins trap says that the attacks needed a little fucking inside help. If you had found out you would have gotten him yourself. And have you even found out who Yiski was kidnapped by? If it were me then that motherfucker would be six feet under by now."

He takes a puff of his Cigarillo

"Do whatever you want, but consider that every good magician have an ace up his sleeve..."

He looks at Plasma

"Only 500? Really?"

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1841 on: June 04, 2013, 11:55:42 pm »

During Honeybadger's bravado, Althea slowly inched her way at the flank of Honeybadger. Althea had received an earlier report to eliminate Honeybadger and Dylan with extreme prejudice. While Honeybadger was puffing out his chest thinking he solved everyone's problem, and the other's physically or mentally rolling their eyes at how Honeybadger was causing more problems, Althea sprung at Honeybadger with her dual daggers.

While Honeybadger was quick to reset his aim on Althea, his reaction could not compare to the speed and training of an Elite. Althea managed to get underneath Honeybadger's arm and stabbed one dagger underneath his armpit. Honeybadger cried out in pain.

"You bitch!"

With the other dagger, she flung it at Dylan's throat. It landed right where she threw it. Dylan fell, clasping his neck in a vain attempt to breathe and stop the bleeding.

Before Yiski had a chance to stop Althea, she grabbed onto Honeybadger's bad arm and drew her pistol. She used all seven shots, point-blank into Honeybadger's vitals: Liver, kidneys, lungs, and finally the heart.

Honeybadger fell without saying a single word. Althea stood over the two bodies and looked back to Yiski who was slightly horrified to say the least. The last thing he remembered were orders to shoot their legs, not kill them.

"Fugitives eliminated Commander."

"I did not see that coming."

"I kinda did."

Until other guards came in and took both bodies away, there was an eerie silence. Sure, Honeybadger had done many things in the past to annoy Yiski and the others, but recent events combined with a little bad luck had escalated the situation to the present.

Another hour would pass before Ny-Lee and Roland returned. Except for Althea, the two saw a group of friends and family with solemn expression.

"What happened? Why do I smell blood?"

"Well, nobody's bleeding. What happned?"

There was an awkward silence, before Althea spoke.

"There was a standing order for the death of Honeybadger and Dylan. They came to the saloon bearing weapons. I dispatched both of them."

"Wait. You killed them? Why?"

"Apparently, my orders from last night got warped along the way. It was initially to shoot their legs out if they tired to shirk repairing the saloon. I guess my kidnapping from yesterday and this kind of mixed together."

The night went on. There was little said after Honeybadger's death.


--END OF DAY 113--

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1842 on: June 05, 2013, 09:45:31 am »
--START OF DAY 114--


Yiski had woken up still tired and very groggy. Last night's events still weighing heavily on his mind. He sits up on his bed and rubs his eyes.

"Morning Commander."

Yiski stops rubbing his eyes to see Althea right across from him, sitting in a chair in the room. For a few moments, Yiski sat silently, unable to comprehend the current situation.

"Commander, you still look tired and I suggest you go back to sleep.

"..." *stares at Althea* "Have you been in here the whole night?"

"It would hardly be watching you if I wasn't watching you."

"Yeah. Don't."

Althea still kept her straight expression, but he knew she had to be at least curious as to why she shouldn't stay in his room which he shares with his girlfriend. Yiski then suddenly felt an embrace from behind and Lauren's head resting on his shoulder.

"It's because we like to have wild sex sometimes, and we don't consider ourselves exhibitionists."

Yiski facepalmed, but noticed Althea's expression didn't change. However, she did get up and walk to the door.

"Well, then. If you need privacy for intimacy, then ask and I'll leave while it's happening."

Althea walks out. Yiski turns to Lauren.

"Well, that was effective."

"But true."

Yiski couldn't say anything because Lauren was right. They did have nights like those. Consequently, his current condition wouldn't allow for that, so action was basic and minimal.

When Lauren and Yiski finally did get ready, they came to a still empty main floor.

"Good morning Lauren, Yiski, uh..."


"Yes, I never did get your name because well..."

"Because you killed Honeybadger."

"City had orders and he had a gun drawn."

"Ny, stop. What's done is done. Arguin' won't bring back the dead." *sighs* "Anyways, where is my furniture."

"Oh. Well, the store manager said it would be delivered by this afternoon because of the time needed to fill such a large order."

"Fair enough. Looks like I'll have to keep the saloon closed for today."

"Well, I need to head to the Academy. We have new pilot candidates."

"I'm going to head to Port and see how work is on my galleon."

"I'm with him!"

"Well, darling and I don't have any plans. We'll probably just stay here."

"Actually, you two probably need to figure out what you're goin' to do for the future. You two haven't decided where you goin' to call home yet, right?"

"Well, we have discussed it some, but..."

"Well, you two need to figure it out now. If you stay here, Ny's goin' to have to apply for residency and likewise if you're gonna live in Chang-ning."

"I suppose it has come to this."

"Love, let us go to the Garden District. The scenery will probably help."

Ny-Lee nods and the two along with the others leave the saloon. This left Althea and Yiski. Yiski then starts for the back and Althea started to follow. He stopped her.

"You stay here out on the main floor."

"I need to keep an eye you and Lauren is not present for the two of you to have wild sex."

"Skies. I'm goin' to take a nap because I'm still tired. You stay here when the delivery comes and then wake me. Understood?"

While Althea wanted to protest, her orders from the Council were clear. While you are not to leave Commander's side, he still is your superior. Should he give you a reasonable request or order, then you are required to follow it.

"Yes, Commander."

With that, Yiski heads back to his room for a couple hours of sleep.


Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1843 on: June 05, 2013, 10:51:23 am »
-Council Docks-

Never has Jun'ko been to the prestigious Council Docks that Zill mentions from time to time but never goes to. While it was curious that he would rather keep his vessels out of such a place, she figured it was for good reason. All the forges, high capacity docks, and weapon systems around made her giddy. Being an engineer at heart, her eyes lit up at the extensive collection of tool kits and experimental systems. Her gear driver that Zill gave her way back during the chase tapped on her belt as she took in all the sights. Zill glanced at her occasionally and grinned.
"I see you are enjoying yourself. Don't drool on your shirt love."

"Hey now, you let me drool in peace. You should accept my wonderment and the rewards later on, my Admiral."

Zill kisses her, nearly falling over on her. She just held him up and chuckled. They make their way to the back docks. Not much was back here, but sparks and fire were flying as they rounded a corner. There stood his galleon. It was braced very well. The main supports had been replaced, and she really was looking whole again. The chief engineer saw the couple and came over, giving a salute.
Chief Engineer
"Ah, glad to see you Admiral. You sure did give us a handful with this one."

"I trust she's doing well?"

Chief Engineer
"Yea, the main supports are done and hardened, so she has her spine back. Everything we replace, we upgrade while at it. Your quick mounts have been added, as well as the new moonshine prototype engines. Since ramming seems to be a thing for this old girl, we added a splitter up front."

"It really does look reborn compared to what I saw earlier. You guys work fast."

Chief Engineer
"To work on the Admiral's galleon is a privilege I prize highly. We also renamed her for the occasion. "Then It Was Rebuilt"

"Fitting. A fine flag ship if I say so myself. Those Guild fools will think twice when they see her on the horizon. Know when she will be air-worthy?"

Chief Engineer
"About a month for all the finishing touches. While it could probably be done earlier, we want it done right. She deserves that much after the performance it gave."

"Agreed. I have plenty of other boats to keep me up. To Clear Skies chief."

They said their goodbyes, and started walking back out. Jun'ko caught the glimpse of a couple boats in the other back docks and jogged over, Zill wasn't so quick. He was going to protest, but he was too late.
"These belong to you too?"

"Eh, this whole back section is mine."

"Huh?? You have all this and yet keep some of your boats out of here?"

"Too much council business in here to keep them docked all the time. Plus, Port Tar Barrel is closer."

"I see your Goldfish made it here.....and what's that?"

Jun'ko motioned to an airship, covered with an old dusty tarp. Zill sighed, but knew it would come out sooner or later.

"That is my first boat. A pyramidion. Lots of memories there that I'd rather leave covered."

Knowing she hit a nerve, Jun'ko nodded and hugged him. He grunted from dull pain, but welcomed the warm embrace. They slowly headed out back to the saloon.

Offline Gryphos

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #1844 on: June 05, 2013, 10:53:20 am »

A man appears in the doorway and enters slowly. No older than twenty five, he wears a long cloak clearly with the intention of hiding his Fjordic, aristocratic garb, without success. But also to conceal the sheathed saber at his side.

"Excuse me, but am I right in thinking this to be the 'Burning Skies Saloon'?"