Author Topic: Inter-Clan Coalition of Awesome Really Useful Science (I.C.C.A.R.U.S)  (Read 23664 times)

Offline Dementio

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Re: Brawling Heavy Flak Spire (Innovative Design)
« Reply #15 on: February 20, 2015, 03:20:16 pm »
Super Secret Special Daniel Tactics incoming!

The only viable Carronade Spire "Let's go Carronade Spire!"

What does it do
It's a Spire intented for long range uses where it wins with it's superior Mercury/Doube Artemis combination for maxmimum accurate shatter damage and wins in close range with Heavy Carronade/Double Artemis.

What the crew does
  • Gunner: The Gunner will start of at the Mercury and destroy enemy armor or helps disabling when necessary. In close range, this gunner guy will jump down to the Heavy Carronade and disable the enemy more than necessary for ultimate victory.
  • Main Engineer: The main engineer, responsible for the hull, will be shooting the top right Artemis whenever possible and repair the armor/main engine. Nothing Fancy here.
  • Buff Engineer: The buff engineer, responsible for the balloon and bottom engines, will be shooting the bottom left Artemis whenever possible and repair the balloon/bottom engines, buff these components and make sure that the Heavy Carronade is at least one way away from being completely rebuild.

Why not Hwacha/Lumberjack/Heavy Flak?
Because none of these guns excel the Heavy Carronade in close range and although the Hwacha burst disable is quite formidable, guns can easily be rebuild during Hwacha reload and Heavy Carronade can actually destroy armor so Artemis can wreck.

Why gunner on the Mercury in the first place and have him shoot a Lumberjack or something?
The Spire needs a piercing gun shooting, which is not possible when the main engineer is repairing the armor. It could also be a Hades, but the Mercury adds the disable possibility and if the enemy gets really close, they will already be in arc for your Heavy Carronade.

The Piercing Mobula #PiercingDamage

What does it do
In long range it applies the Mercury/Hades bifecta for some disable and some piercing damage, not intented to win in long range, but also not intented to be completely useless in long range. And mid to close range it will primarily use its Gatling/Hades/Banshee trifecta for maximum damage output during constant armor destruction.
I say it is very effective on open maps against Pyramidion, Goldfish, Spire and Squid, provided the ship can keep arcs on the Squid for just a little bit. The thing is, with its immensive piercing damage output it is able to overload the enemy main engineer and keep them on the armor constantly, not having them leave it for a second for it could mean unnecessary perma hull damage or even death. The main engineer on ships like the Pyramidion, Goldfish and sometimes Squid are very likely to be also repairing a good portion of engines, so when the main engineer is busy with hull, nobody will be repairing the engines and the pilot has to conserve his pilot tools when he wants to escape while shooting back or he will be stuck in midair with destroyed engines. Tanking against this Mobula could work out rather well as the Banshee is the only kill weapon and its tendency of overloading the main engineer is completely negated when multiple people are repairing instead of shooting.

What the crew does
  • Gunner:In long range, this guy will shoot the Mercury and use it to disable enemy long range stuff so we can chip away at him. In mid to close range will jump to the Banshee to get some actual kill power going.
  • Hull Engineer:Is shooting Lesmok Gatlings, this is also an indicator for the gunner to get ready to switch to the Banshee. This guy will literally not do anything in long range other than chem armor and shoot random flares. When shooting Gatling, stops when enemy armor is destroyed.
  • Balloon Engineer:Shoots Hades at everything non-stop and repairs balloon, obviously.

Additional stuff
The bifecta with the Hades and the Mercury is on one of the spikes on the Mobula helm as well as the trifecta with Gatling/Banshee/Hades. Althouth it isn't directly in the middle, the Hades is actually shooting straight forward, meaning you can move directly forward with this ship too, while you need to make you are off-center to get the Hades shooting, logic 'n stuff.

Why Hades on balloon side and not hull side?
Personal preference. I also like to have the easier bifecta with the Banshee by keeping it on the Hades side. If the Hades would be on the hull side, I would consider moving the Banshee to the hull side as well, but I like to have the second gun for the gunner on the side of the Mobula that has a ladder to the top middle gun. Also, when in long range you can repair the hull, while the Hades keeps shooting. When you are against only Lumberjacks, it is an argument to switch the Hades to the hull side to keep consistent Hades going.

That second engineer loadout.

Metajunker 2.0 "Nobody can tame it."

What does it do
It is essentially a Metajunker with the only difference of having a Mine Launcher on the long range side, which means in long range it only has Hades/Artemis bifecta instead of the famous Hades/double Artemis trifecta. The Mine Launcher is up there for defensive purposes.
That double Artemis/Gatling is just because I wanted to have something not Gat/Mortar and my usual engineer that would shoot the right side gun really likes shooting the Artemis. But because my Gunner needs Lesmok for the Mine Launcher, he can actually shoot the Gatling with Lesmok too for some mid-range harassement.

What the crew does
  • Gunner:Shoots Hades when the Buff Engineer can't hit without Lesmok anymore. Shoots Mines to block of enemies. Shoots Gatling with various ammo types to either damage them or outright kill them.
  • Main Engineer:Shoots fron Artemis in all ranges. When Balloon is getting destroyed, he helps repairing and rebuilding on the top deck, since the front Artemis will never get arc on the enemy again anyway.
  • Buff Engineer:When the Gunner is on the Hades, this engineer will buff everything. This engineer shoots burst Hades and Artemis when range and arc is provided.

Additional stuff
I like Tar on Junkers, but that is only me. The build itself does require the crew to be kinda practised in their stuff as it expects a lot of position switching which is also dependent on a lot of stuff.

Why Mine Launcher on Hades side?
The most common problem for Junkers are balloon poppers and with the exception of a Galleon with Lumberjack these usually are charging ships, making Mines very effective against them. These balloon poppers could probably very well stay out of range, but then the second engineer could help rebuilding the balloon and one of these engineers would shoot Hades and then the balloon popping ship wouldn't be as effiecent in killing the Junker while popping its balloon.

Why not Mortar to pair with that Gatling?
The Gatling has a good chance of being used in Lesmok range and I kinda like the double Artemis/Gatling trifecta.

Meta Cactus "Long range Squid OP"

What does it do
It shoots Hades/Banshee in bifectas and when it is being shot at you can count on that thing just booking it without a second though.

What the crew does
  • Gunner:Shoots Hades in all ranges, shoots harpoon for special emergency evasion manouvers.
  • Main Engineer:Whatever your average Squid main engineer does. Could potentially shoot Banshee in long range when nothing is shooting the Squid while Buff Engineer buffs.
  • Buff Engineer:Buffs only Balloon and Top engines as more engine buff makes it easier to stabilize for the Hades/Banshee when not more engines are buffed and it outs a bit of stress off of this engineer's shoulder. He also shoots the Banshee and buffs Hades at least once in the beginning of the engagement.

Additional stuff
The Aft Harpoon and the Special Emergency Evasion Manouver: Harpoon enemy behind you, dodge, have enemy in front of you with their back turned towards you, kill enemy.
Everybody will miss with the Harpoon and I will always be disappointed.
As the pilot of this ship I bring Hydrogen, Kerosene and Chute Vent for maximum verticatility and buffed engines make phoenix claw not required.

Why Hades and not Gatling?/Why Banshee and not Artemis/Flak/Mortar?
Banshee provides the best arcs, making this build work.

Why aft Harpoon and not the traditional Mine/Tar/Whatever?
Because I like the harpoon.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2015, 03:35:31 pm by Dementio »

Offline Radagahst

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Re: Inter-Clan Coalition of Awesome Really Useful Science (I.C.C.A.R.U.S)
« Reply #16 on: February 24, 2015, 02:39:00 pm »
Theory:mine slam

Practice: when an enemy is on the floor (no balloon) deploy a mine right above their ship and as soon as they rise any distance the mine will re pop their balloon (requires good gunner, tried and tested using the No5 mount on a galleon on labyrinth against another galleon.)

(sorry its not very detailed im new at this, think of me as a grad student dipping his toe into the world of hard theorycraft.)

Offline nanoduckling

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Re: Inter-Clan Coalition of Awesome Really Useful Science (I.C.C.A.R.U.S)
« Reply #17 on: February 24, 2015, 08:28:31 pm »
Another field report
That works Rimmer, especially if you / your ally are / is a balloon popper, you create a minefield above the enemy, if they have a break from the balloon popping they rise straight into a mine (typically with a part busted balloon) and slam straight into the ground again.

Another similar tactic is if you miss with a mine high or low, deploy the next one of the other side (similarly left / right or fore / aft). It works best with the first mine below the enemy, the next one forces them down and has a chance to destroy the balloon making avoiding the lower mine impossible and dragging an engineer to the balloon and away from the hull which then takes a massive hit (well, unless it is a Mobula).
« Last Edit: February 24, 2015, 08:36:16 pm by nanoduckling »

Offline Kamoba

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Re: Inter-Clan Coalition of Awesome Really Useful Science (I.C.C.A.R.U.S)
« Reply #18 on: February 27, 2015, 12:49:41 pm »

Theory: This ship is for effective disable power against the enemy to stop your ship taking damaged. (Very practical now that the pyramidion is more squishy than Spong Bob's wimpy cousin) but also give the enemy damage through mines!
To be used as: Disable support with Mine Launcher for powerful defence uses.

The Build and crew: Slot one: Artemis, crewed by a Spanner Mallet Chem and burst engineer, this member of crew should be in charge of top deck chem cycles and large balloon repairs.(This loadout can vary)
Slot two: Mine Launcher, crewed by a gunner equipped with Pipe Wrench, Lesmok, Incendiary, Lochnager. This gunner is in charge of the Mine Launcher, they are crucial in close range encounters.(This loadout can vary!)
Slot three: Artemis, crewed by the main engineer equipped with spanner mallet chem and burst. The main engineer is in charge of lower deck repairs, should be encouraging the pilot for tri-fecter anytime there is not one, specific use of Artemis os to compliment the reload time to reapairs run around the lower deck, the engineer can shoot a full clip, start reload fix each component (or chem each component) and of done well, return in time to load burst into the Artemis without any wait time.

Slot four: Mine Launcher, send the gunner here during king of the hill matches, or use it yourself as the pilot if you dare leave the helm. This is the mine launcher for setting up mine fields and not ideal for use in combat situations.

Variations in builds:
Pipe wrench, buff hammer, chem engineer for slot one artemis. Ideal choice if you're not against any ship with balloon popping power.

Gunner variation: Spanner mallet buff. (works well alongside pipe buff chem)
Although this is a risky choice giving the mine launcher gunner less ammo, it can be very handy for when you know you'll only be in specific engagements, very close range (Loch) as your gunner can hurl only loch mines and has faster repairs for MORE LOCH MINES!

This build has a specific advantage in the mine launcher on slot two, at the expense of faster balloon repairs, you gain bonus of Mine launcher double Artemis trifecter.

Best used in Canyon Ambush, Partian Rumble, and king of the hill maps.

Offline BlackenedPies

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Re: Inter-Clan Coalition of Awesome Really Useful Science (I.C.C.A.R.U.S)
« Reply #19 on: March 23, 2015, 09:40:48 pm »
I enjoyed this thread so here's my attempt to revive it.

Concept: 4 engineer spire with 3 buff hammers, 3 spanner mallets, and two pilot tools.

Theory: Two buff hammers on the bottom deck and two spanner mallets on the top deck greatly increases maneuverability, survivability, and damage in quick engagements. Kerosene will be sufficient most of the time, and if necessary the main engi has hydrogen.
If expecting balloon disables more often than kills, a pilot loadout with kerosene, hydrogen, and drogue chute will be necessary.

Captain Loadout

Ship: the BlackenedsPier

Pilot: spanner mallet buff and lesmok (kerosene)
Main: spanner mallet chem and lesmok (hydrogen)
Flak: spanner mallet buff and lochnagar
Gat: wrench buff chem and lesmok


On spawn the main engi starts flying while the pilot buffs and prebuffs the engine, and prebuffs and loads the front guns. Prebuff hull if there is extra time.
Flak engi jumps to bottom deck and buffs and prebuffs balloon and engines.
Gat engi buffs flak and gat and loads the gat.

Flak engi tops off bottom deck buffs before beginning combat.
If burning engines is necessary on spawn, flak engi buffs the main engine before moving downstairs.
Regular on gat for under 450m, regular on hades when Main can hit.

Buffed hades and buffed gat (and buffed mine!) break armor while buffed heavy flak kills.  Use  Flak uses buffed lochnagar when the enemy is near and loses armor. Burning kerosene backwards with three buffed engines will buy distance from charging ships.

The pilot is in charge of buffing, repairing, and shooting on the top deck in tandem with the main engineer. Against charging ships the pilot jumps on the mine and throws out a buffed mine. If necessary the pilot and main engi can work together to repair armor with two spanners while the gat and flak continue shooting.

If using hydro is necessary the main engi jumps on and quickly pulls up with hydro, hopefully with a buffed balloon. When bottom deck is damaged two buff engineers working together can keep everything repaired and buffed. Spires are quite maneuverable with a buffed bottom deck.

Never be afraid to burn kerosene.

This setup works with other spire loadouts but is risky when up against ships that counter spires. It can be particularly effective against other spires- especially long range spires due to the extra spanner mallet and buff on the top deck.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2015, 03:20:52 pm by Keyvias »

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Inter-Clan Coalition of Awesome Really Useful Science (I.C.C.A.R.U.S)
« Reply #21 on: March 24, 2015, 05:00:50 pm »
Ship: The only other viable Carronade Spire


Captain: spanner mallet buff and flare ammo (kerosene)
Main: spanner mallet chem and heavy clip (hydrogen)
Heavy carro: spanner mallet buff and charged
Gat: wrench buff chem and heavy clip


4 engineers with 3 buff hammers and three spanner mallets gives spires an important bonus to maneuverability, survivability, and damage during short engagements. Kerosene will be sufficient most of the time, and if necessary the Main engi has hydrogen.

The shatter damage from two buffed heavy clip gats and a buffed heavy carronade will quickly destroy vital components on the target ship. At close range the combined firepower rapidly overwhelms components, balloon, armor and hull.

Set up:

On spawn the gat engi buffs and loads up the gat and carro while the carro engi buffs bottom deck.

Captain buffs main engine and top gat while main engi drives (buff hull if there's extra time). Main engi then loads gat and flare. Start flare reload, start and finish gat reload, finish flare reload.

The captain buffs, repairs, and shoots in tandem with the main engi. Bring heavy clip for flare snipes or heatsink for triple flarage. Main engi uses hydro when necessary.

Heavy carronade: heavy clip is the default ammo used on the heavy carronade, but buffed charged works well with this loadout. The carronade will start off with buff heavy clip then switch to charged. With buffed charged the heavy carronade deals a massive 2160 component damage and 2056 balloon damage per clip from a total of 20 projectiles per shot. This will help disable components and rip through balloon and armor. Heavy clip is a well rounded and safe choice, but charged is fun.


Buffed heavy clip gats aim for components while carro shoots balloon/components. For close range, gats switch to regular ammo for max damage. It takes less than two clips of double buffed gat alone to kill a squid's hull.

Two buffed heavy clip gats will break a small gun in .42 seconds, that's only 4 shots each! Each of the 20 particles from buffed charged heavy carronade deals more than double the component damage of a gat shot, and slightly less armor damage.

Charge fast and hard, using bumps to control the target ship if necessary. Two buffed gats, a buffed heavy carronade, and 3 buffed engines will make short work of armor, balloon, hull, and components. The best tactic is often staying near but not coming into contact until you can finish it off with a buffed ram kill.

Use plenty of kerosene
Burning full backwards with buffed engines can help substitute for Phoenix claw.
Don't get too close against quick ships until they're well damaged.

This ship performs best against close range opponents but is quite risky against ranged opponents with a lack of cover.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2015, 05:04:00 pm by BlackenedPies »

Offline BlackenedPies

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Re: Inter-Clan Coalition of Awesome Really Useful Science (I.C.C.A.R.U.S)
« Reply #22 on: March 24, 2015, 05:02:06 pm »
Ship: Mobula with a Mine

Pilot loadout:

Pilot notes:

On a mobula the pilot can jump up from the helm position to grab the top gun. The fire extinguisher is to jump and extinguish the top gun if necessary.

Heatsink can be pre loaded in the mine which gives the gunner the option to quickly aim and shoot a close range mine before loading the appropriate ammo.

Crew loadouts:

Left: spanner mallet extinguisher and burst
Right: spanner mallet chem (or extinguisher) and heatsink/burst
Gunner: wrench and lesmok incendiary lochnagar

The right engi on light flak brings burst for longer range maps and heatsink for closer range maps.


Long range: the hull engi shoots the top left artemis with burst ammo, balloon engi shoots light flak with heatsink/burst, and gunner shoots the top right hades with lesmok.
Note: practice lining up this trifecta before attempting in a match.

Closer range: gunner moves to top mine launcher and left engi moves to gat with regular ammo.

The gunner may move to the artemis against a fleeing opponent, or transition back to long range trifecta. If the fleeing ship continues to move out of range the gunner and engi can swap with lesmok on gat and burst artemis, or go back to hades art flak trifecta.

Effective against charging ships like Pyramdions who are very susceptible to mines.
The long range option is not a replacement for a medium/long range mobula build, for that the hades should be swapped to the top.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2015, 05:10:51 pm by BlackenedPies »