Author Topic: HUD elements on Helm  (Read 9285 times)

Offline David Dire

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HUD elements on Helm
« on: March 27, 2015, 02:04:33 pm »
Now, yes, it's exactly as it sounds: Some indicators for things going on in your ship.
Now, I'm not talking anything big, I mean something that would fit into the world. A small gritty light that'd flicker on when your engines are fully healed and moving at max speed, a Dusty compass tied to the bar that held up your acceleration disk, and maybe even a small map of... well, the map you're on, but without the ships or anything. Just an average map.

I'm thinking about this mainly as a Roleplay thing. Preferably you could turn off your UI map and compass and the in-game helm map and compass would be appear. Also an option to have the engine light of your helm. As I enjoy having the feeling of almost being in the game I'm playing, if I usually like to imagine it being real.

Another great thing would be a gear-clock thing on empty walls on your ship *In places like the Junker or Galleon basement* that showed the current notch your captain is on with the acceleration wheel.

Again, all of these could be turned off.

Offline Kamoba

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Re: HUD elements on Helm
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2015, 02:32:57 pm »
Immersive hud elements on helm, Ohhhh Yes Please!

A compass would be awesome (because who looks at the top of their screen anyway? ;) ) not sure about flickering lights, obviously electricity is still debatable... But gauges! Pressure gauge for the engines, the more damaged they are the less pressure there is, during kerosene and moonshine bursts it can push into red until an engine hits 50% then it lowers!!
Balloon pressure too! Again normal no tools regular pressure, damage low pressure, chute vent or dead balloon no pressure, hydrogen in the red!

Offline Crafeksterty

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Re: HUD elements on Helm
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2015, 03:11:13 pm »
It has to show an element that is not allready shown to fill in gaps that only the pilot needs to know.
Compass and repairs are allready displayed and thus why it is not a helm element. But a height gauge is because only the pilot needs this.

But, Component buff helm element could be a thing, if a component is buffed, a light will light up green over the baloon icon. and etc. All except weapons. The engine light can have 4 levels of light, indicated how many engines are buffed. So in basics, you have a baloon, an engine and a hull light. To add, the lights can strobe (no matter buff or not) whenever the pilot uses a tool that affects that component, it strobes in the way it is affected. Red strobe to indicate damage, blue strobe to indicated innefectiveness (Drogue chute, impact bumpers on the engines).

Offline Indreams

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Re: HUD elements on Helm
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2015, 03:27:24 pm »
A compass element on helm would be pretty cool.

I don't know about lights or indication about components. That'd clutter up the helm too much (I think). However, something that tells me when I have hydrogen or vent chute on would be great. You know, if the altitude gauge told me I had hydrogen on? That'd be one more useful reminder on the helm.

Offline David Dire

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Re: HUD elements on Helm
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2015, 03:36:03 pm »
A compass element on helm would be pretty cool.

I don't know about lights or indication about components. That'd clutter up the helm too much (I think). However, something that tells me when I have hydrogen or vent chute on would be great. You know, if the altitude gauge told me I had hydrogen on? That'd be one more useful reminder on the helm.

I was thinking of these for more of the roleplay value, so they'd be toggable. I'd just imagine a little light with "Engine" written on it in a fancy text would be something they'd have.