Author Topic: Proper AI  (Read 7542 times)

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Proper AI
« on: April 10, 2015, 09:56:03 am »
AI that take the build in your reccomended slots. Upon match start.
e.g. your third slot is an engie with spanner mallet chem.

Your other two slots are taken by players so the AI upon match start will take the class and loadout reccomended for slot 3.
But after ragequits or whatever. You get the default AI (if it is not possible for it to be coded to spawn in with the recommended loadout of the slot it fills in).

This means scripts for buffing and chem spray patterns should the AI have it.

So... I say the script for idle chem spray, is AI doing chem patterns in order of hull, balloon and engines. When set to repair while everything is full health.

Guns are reactionary as usual or even outright ignored. As AI do tend to prioritise fixing a barely hurt hull over a burning gun (hence scripting them to do guns in combat is pointless coding as they would never really bother).

As for buffing? repair buffs engines, balloon and then hull. During attack idle, they buff the guns short 1 hit and hit it when they are about to use the gun.

In terms of priority with chem and buff. Buff goes first during repair. And then while the buff is active chem patterns.
They only resume buffing during idle when parts are no longer buffed but in full health.

As for high stack fires? They chem and then mallet. Just like normal AI. As opposed to spamming chem until the fire goes out and then after doing some actual fixing.

As for the possible problem of AI being the wrong class? Solution? reccomend build for empty AI slot. And so they will spawn as that reccomended build.

Offline Koali

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Re: Proper AI
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2015, 04:15:15 pm »
But why do we need proper AI when we have you, Ceresbane?

Offline BlackenedPies

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Re: Proper AI
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2015, 04:23:35 pm »
First and foremost AI need to be improved as they currently are before adding extreme complexities like chem and buffs.

Offline Crafeksterty

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Re: Proper AI
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2015, 04:58:36 pm »
Thats dangerous terratory because you dont want AI to always be better than players, youl always want players (despite some are worse than AI).
So making AI not be able to do some things is, well alright. The game was designed for Players anyway.

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Re: Proper AI
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2015, 05:27:26 pm »
Thats dangerous terratory because you dont want AI to always be better than players, youl always want players (despite some are worse than AI).
So making AI not be able to do some things is, well alright. The game was designed for Players anyway.
you say that but I intentionally put flaws in the script.
e.g. chems won't be maintained as buffs take priority when buffs wear off.
plus chems won't happen unless parts are on fire or the ship is in perfect health.

As for pie.

The AIs script routines are fine. Its the order of priority that's screwed up.
All it needs is an extra line of code where, parts with less than 50% hp take priority over higher priority parts with over 50%.

E.g. hull is the highest priority by default. But engines tend to die since AI are slow to tap a mallet at them since it is 3rd or 4th in its priority list.

This 50% rule also applies to part broken too. So the hull might be hurt (like 95% or even 60%), but the AI will rebuild a destroyed engine first b4 it top off the hull.

do that tiny tweak and AI will work fine. Not perfectly but much better than before.