Author Topic: Ammo that changes the secondary damage type of a gun..  (Read 10807 times)

Offline Caprontos

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Ammo that changes the secondary damage type of a gun..
« on: March 10, 2015, 05:56:19 pm »
Basically one ammo per damage type, and using it in a gun would change its secondary damage to that of the ammo..

If the gun doesn't have one.. Then un.. It does nothing or it adds it.. (probably nothing).

Another random thought.. How much effect do you think it would have and would it be useful or to useful or not useful?

If not useful .. Qh well..
If useful then ok.
If to useful then, what if it included a x% reduction in the secondary damage to compensate the change..

Offline Sarabelle Marlowe

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Re: Ammo that changes the secondary damage type of a gun..
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2015, 06:18:08 pm »
I'm not quite sure what you mean. Do you mean like say if I load this 'shatter damage ammo' in a flak and snipe parts? or 'explosive damage ammo' in a gat and strip armor and perma with the same gun?

Offline Lanliss

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Re: Ammo that changes the secondary damage type of a gun..
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2015, 06:20:30 pm »
Seems that way, although Caprontos also seems to mean that the piercing on the gat will be reduced.

Offline Sarabelle Marlowe

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Re: Ammo that changes the secondary damage type of a gun..
« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2015, 06:25:43 pm »
Oof, if it is then I'd have nightmares on trying to balance such a thing. Even with reductions it would nightmarish. I mean, could open up builds for silly fun, but then also for terrible amounts of trolling.

Offline Indreams

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Re: Ammo that changes the secondary damage type of a gun..
« Reply #4 on: March 10, 2015, 06:27:00 pm »
This is sort of the thing I like.

Like, incendiary ammo should just change the secondary damage to fire, instead of adding chance for fire. Heatsink should change secondary fire damage to something else. Stuff like that.

Balancing would be an issue, but that's always an issue for any change, especially if it pertains to making gunner more dynamic, fun, and viable.

Offline Sarabelle Marlowe

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Re: Ammo that changes the secondary damage type of a gun..
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2015, 06:38:08 pm »
Like, incendiary ammo should just change the secondary damage to fire, instead of adding chance for fire. Heatsink should change secondary fire damage to something else. Stuff like that.

Ahh, something like that I can see potential. I thought like putting in new ammo types that would outright change things instead of tweaks.

Offline Dementio

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Re: Ammo that changes the secondary damage type of a gun..
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2015, 09:14:28 pm »
Because it is relevant, awkm already voiced his opinion on that changing damage type thing:

RE: Changing Damage Types

I've thought about it but realized it is incredibly risky.  Why?  It's because of information and response.  As a Captain, I can generally understand what kind of strategy you're going to employ by your ship, its loadout, and your crew's loadout.  If suddenly your guns are doing something not what I expected then it can become unpredictable (in the bad way).  Even if I know that your Gunner has these ammo types, each gun could potentially have 4 functions.  Multiple that by the number of guns then you get a possibility space that is almost impossible to predict.

If you imagine Poker, it's like if you had your hand and also a supplementary 2-3 cards where you could switch a card in your hand with a supplementary card whenever you wanted.  Poke suddenly becomes very difficult.

Even with the ammos we have now.  The gun and its damage types defines much of its role.  The ammo only augments their uses slightly.

I fear that if we completely change the role of each gun just because we have this or that ammo, then why bother looking at your enemy's loadout?  Why bother having different guns in the first place?  Ammo will become the defining element.

Offline Caprontos

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Re: Ammo that changes the secondary damage type of a gun..
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2015, 09:45:51 pm »
Because it is relevant, awkm already voiced his opinion on that changing damage type thing:

RE: Changing Damage Types

I've thought about it but realized it is incredibly risky.  Why?  It's because of information and response.  As a Captain, I can generally understand what kind of strategy you're going to employ by your ship, its loadout, and your crew's loadout.  If suddenly your guns are doing something not what I expected then it can become unpredictable (in the bad way).  Even if I know that your Gunner has these ammo types, each gun could potentially have 4 functions.  Multiple that by the number of guns then you get a possibility space that is almost impossible to predict.

If you imagine Poker, it's like if you had your hand and also a supplementary 2-3 cards where you could switch a card in your hand with a supplementary card whenever you wanted.  Poke suddenly becomes very difficult.

Even with the ammos we have now.  The gun and its damage types defines much of its role.  The ammo only augments their uses slightly.

I fear that if we completely change the role of each gun just because we have this or that ammo, then why bother looking at your enemy's loadout?  Why bother having different guns in the first place?  Ammo will become the defining element.

Well that's a sensible reply. It would probably have a lot of unintended? consequences. - As someone above said balance would be difficult - if only because of so many different kinds of guns to consider.

Also it maybe fall in to just making guns even better at what they do.. by giving them the same secondary.. so they pop balloons easier, or break armor quicker.. or a part or the hull.. etc.. Which wouldn't actually help so much.