Author Topic: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)  (Read 1945373 times)

Offline Mr. Goggles

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Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« Reply #15 on: March 17, 2015, 08:22:28 am »
[Koali] "Well, I'm sure we've got water around here somewhere... I mean, thats what we flush the toilets with, so... worse case scenario you ca–oh, never mind. I'll be right back." Mr. Goggles hurries through a door behind the bar and returns with a mug of water. He strides lazily over to where Koali sits. "I'm curious as to how exactly you see through the gun sights with your height and all, or lack thereof. No offense, sir." He says, as he slaps the tall mug down. "You didn't ask for ice. Plus, we don't have any, so I hope this makes do." He gently walks back to the counter.

[ShadedExalt] "I've got a few ships I'm working on. Happen to fly my own squid class, actually. Very fun. Very dangerous." He says, taking another sip. "The Red Rocket. That's what I call it."

[MightyKeb] "Spire, huh? I love to work on those things. Quite a thrill knowing you're riding in one of the easiest things to shoot down. Quite a reward knowing you're the one that kept it alive, too. Not to mention the potential for acrobatics on the thing. It is an art to jump down to the engines without A. falling off the ship or B. breaking a leg. Quite fun, actually." Mr. Goggles pours himself a small glass of moonshine and begins to sip at it. "Actually, I'm sure we have time for a story or two." He says, nodding towards MightyKeb.

Offline ShadedExalt

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Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« Reply #16 on: March 17, 2015, 09:57:37 am »
*He slams back the rest of his moonshine and gestures for another.*

"Might as well get right and proper drunk, eh?  And I'm a half decent engi.  I'll keep you alive in a scrape, but dear god, man, the one time I flew on a Spire was the one time I crashed.  Captain had me on the Typhon, oh boy what a gun... Anyway, we were rushed by.a Pyra from behind and he got within arming range like that!"

*Snaps fingers*

"Needless to say, it rammed us.  Had a Banshee on board, and once armor was down we were just about snapped in half anyways.  Took less than one clip and we were falling from the sky.  I barely managed to snag a piece of balloon before plummeting to my death.  It's what saved me, and I still keep it displayed in the Wandelust's (Galleon) captain's quarters.  But enough about me and my near death, this fine gentleman here was about to tell a story..."

Offline MightyKeb

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Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« Reply #17 on: March 17, 2015, 11:44:35 am »
[Koali] You'll have to get used to that moonshine if you fancy sailing, lad. In this age of air it's a part of your engineer's everyday meal. Sure, you may have heard lots' of them absolutely hate dealing with moonshine on engines. But that's because they love 'em in a mug. I admit, I've occassionally done it. But mostly when I'm not pleased with their work. **He grins, taking a short sip from his glass. His gentlemanly virtue fades a bit with each glass.

"Baronies is where the story begins. Blackcliff, we weren't no nobleman as a family, but father had a good management position in the local metal works. I could've lived as a gentlemen of leisure for the rest of my life after childhood. Well, it wasnt so simple. To my dismay, my family had already arranged me a wife months before I've hit the legal age. I've tried not to mind the fact that she was a lower class plebian or a horrible cook, but the problem here was that I had already laid interest to two fine women far out of her leauge."

**He takes another deep sip from his glass, impatiently dipping it down to continue talking.

"But I say this is far from the point. I wouldn't marry her if I weren't content. However, that would mean to violate the mutual reverence I shared with our family. From what I had seen, my only legitimate escape from this dilemma was enlistment. Baronies have already expanded so far in their land that their only choice was to give up and settle or risk the outside danger and expand further out of the region, towards other states. Obviously, recruiting volunteers was the most cost efficient solution. I've contacted an accomplice I've made who happened to work at Blackcliff just under my father's branch. We had two days until enlistment period was over, and this wasn't a charity, you needed your own ship and arms to serve under the lord's banner. A petty deal indeed, but you know what's a pettier deal? Marrying whoever your family wants."

"So he's gathered his workmates, and in two days they've built a ship completely from scratch. An exact replica of custom, Howard Industries - Series 9 junker. Terrible engines, barely functioning guns. But we weren't looking for quality, we were just lookin' to sign our arses up as soon as we could. We desperately set sail for Lord's Leap and managed to register fifteen minutes before the enlistment line was shut. Fifteen, can you believe it? Honestly, the part I dont believe is how Lord wouldn't open his doors to enlistment at all times. I guess he cared for his army's pride."

"I've picked up a few tricks while that thing was built, had taken up the monkey wrench to be of some help, but despite my say, unpleasant position as the secondary engineer the crew held me in a fairly high regard for where I've came from."

"So next stop, Firnfeld. The fleet was plentiful, but I wouldn't have said the same for snow gear. We were setting sail for, well. As far as we could go, but I've heard Hanat was the real stopping point. Unfortunately, that didn't happen at all. Angleans were there, harrassed us around Snowpeak and forced us to a complete halt. Those things were bloody fierce I say, with every two we focused down, five or so of ours fell off the sky. It wasn't no all-out batte, these guys were guerilla and had an army strength on top of that!"

"Command decided to settle down and take things slow. From that point on, literally every mile we flied was checked firsthand by scout ships. If they never came back ,we either completely avoided the route or investigated with the whole fleet. Our navigator assured the fleet that we were heading for Hanat for sure, but little did we know the destination was actually Qinqaachi. Of course, Angleans, feeling threatened by our advancement towards one of their capital cities, ended up declaring full on war. Bullrushed the main fleet out of our territory. And we, say, "exchanged sorrows" with almost equal numbers. At some point, a lightning strike hit the darn field. And out of all the 20 ships, the commanding vessel of our fleet had the worst of this. And reportedly this strike took out Baron-General of Ravenrook, head honcho of the so called expansion. Rumor has it that this lightning wasn't pure chance, but rather a secret weapon Angleans dug up. Now, I haven't seen it for myself clearly so I can't tell ya' anything about it, but what I can tell you is One: The lightning was pretty, And two: that chaos ensued over our detachment. There was noone our ships could escort around, or charge with. Chain of command, poof. Gone like that. We ended up retreating collectivey in a pretty formation, as if all the captains could read eachother's minds. None of our ships looked pretty after that, hell our junker's engine coupling were damaged beyond repair, and I remember one of the guns falling off the ship at some point.

"And after that, well. Anglean expansion was called off, it was now just another border we had to protect. Now mister, I might have enlisted to escape a life I didn't want, but I didn't sign up for such a boring job. We sold our ship off, two of our folks retired and left their war savings for us, and I bought a Series-five pyramidion just like that. I thought engineerin' was the life until I got ahold of that baby, I tell you.

**His voice having gotten rather dry, he smiles at the men before taking a sip from his moonshine.

"I strayed off the lord's will to become a freelance. Exciting work, at times. Like hunting down kids who could barely fly their gorram' ship and somehow had a good bounty on them. I swear, these yeshans. You make a baby steer their helm a bit and all of 'em lose their minds. Still, good and easy money, what could I have said."

"The story ends here? Yes and no, Since then I've gained and lost many under my command and have a mild reputation to uphold around Guild. I still do send letters to my family however.

"Oh. Speaking of squids, I've found one in the ruins of an anglean town half a year back. Guild offered good money, but I was much more interested in enslaving some angleans to get the thing going. Needless to say, it's been serving me well. Great ship for poking fun at arashi's borders."

**He chuckles, raising his glass towards the fine men standing in the room, "To prosperity and virtue for all, I dare say!" He raises his voice with a bit of a serious tone.

**He then glances by [ShadedExalt],

"What's your name and where you're hailing from, lass? I'm sure your life story isn't all about smearing Spires and landing on balloons. Though I'll call you if I need an acrobat." He pompously remarks to his story.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2015, 11:57:37 am by MightyKeb »

Offline Indreams

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Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« Reply #18 on: March 17, 2015, 12:22:28 pm »
*Before [ShadedExalt] begins to talk, a white bearded gentleman sits down at the bar. He motions for a Yeshan Rice Wine.

(Just putting myself in the bar before it gets too crowded)

Offline Koali

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Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« Reply #19 on: March 17, 2015, 12:48:12 pm »
[Koali] "Well, I'm sure we've got water around here somewhere... I mean, thats what we flush the toilets with, so... worse case scenario you ca–oh, never mind. I'll be right back." Mr. Goggles hurries through a door behind the bar and returns with a mug of water. He strides lazily over to where Koali sits. "I'm curious as to how exactly you see through the gun sights with your height and all, or lack thereof. No offense, sir." He says, as he slaps the tall mug down. "You didn't ask for ice. Plus, we don't have any, so I hope this makes do." He gently walks back to the counter.

"Poy!" (I'm short when I'm off-duty. Stilts work wonders, you know. And is this toilet water?)

[Koali] You'll have to get used to that moonshine if you fancy sailing, lad. In this age of air it's a part of your engineer's everyday meal. Sure, you may have heard lots' of them absolutely hate dealing with moonshine on engines. But that's because they love 'em in a mug. I admit, I've occassionally done it. But mostly when I'm not pleased with their work. **He grins, taking a short sip from his glass. His gentlemanly virtue fades a bit with each glass.

"Payu, woy." (Moonshine? This is rum. Moonshine is nothing more than kerosene, whiskey, and carronade shardshot. If an ounce of mead can make me see double, a tankard of Moonshine'll kill me! It's hard enough to aim without actual hands!)

Offline Koali

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Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« Reply #20 on: March 17, 2015, 12:55:14 pm »
"Mm..." (This bar could use an upgrade...)

*Leaves and returns with a buff hammer*

*climbs up onto the bar*

*whacks Mr. Goggles in the face and hits the bar*

*the entire tavern becomes nice and clean, an actual place where people would want to drink*

Offline Jester Schulz

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Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« Reply #21 on: March 17, 2015, 12:56:20 pm »
*A man in a faded duster walks through the door. Spots of dried blood speckle his duster. A thin trail of dust follows behind him. His mechanical left hand is resting on his katana. He smells of blood. With his right hand he takes off his respirator and places it in his pocket. He walks towards the bar. The thud of his boots echo throughout the room. He can't help but feel the gaze of people looking at the grin like scar that starts at the left corner of his lips and travels up his cheek. He looks at the bartender [Mr. Goggles]. He reaches his right hand into his pocket, pulls out some coins, and places them on the counter.*

"Bottle of whisky, if you would kindly."

Offline Koali

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Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« Reply #22 on: March 17, 2015, 01:02:30 pm »
*Eyes the katana*

"Poyo?" (Why the sword, mister? I thought boarding was outlawed as a crime against humanity?)

Offline MightyKeb

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Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« Reply #23 on: March 17, 2015, 01:06:22 pm »
**He sets an arm by the counter, taking notice of the man who just walked in, "

"Who knows, maybe it's just a trophy with red paint.", He smirks nonchalantly before turning back to the bar crowd.

Offline Jester Schulz

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Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« Reply #24 on: March 17, 2015, 01:18:04 pm »
*He looks at [Koali]*

"It's a trophy from the old world that I found while in the Labyrinth. Boarding may be outlawed but mutinies on the ship and quarrels while on land are still problems that sometimes need to be addressed. Cannons and guns aren't always around to solve things."

Offline Indreams

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Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« Reply #25 on: March 17, 2015, 03:27:29 pm »
*The white bearded gentlemen haven't received his rice wine (the bartender got knocked out)*

"My name is Shou Hu, Master Scholar of the Yesha Empire. I would truly appreciate a good drink. If you do not have Yeshan Rice Wine, a Chaladonian Blood Wine would do."

*The old Yeshan Scholar respectfully bows*

"If you will, my dear bartender"

Offline Koali

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Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« Reply #26 on: March 17, 2015, 05:40:47 pm »
*Walks behind bar and grabs a bottle of Yeshan rice wine*

*Hands it to [Indreams]*

"Wuayo, poy." (Here you go, mister scholar. You look kinda similar to someone whose head I bashed into a red button...)

Offline Indreams

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Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« Reply #27 on: March 17, 2015, 06:22:04 pm »
*Shou Hu pulls out a small codex from his quote, titled Obscure Words of the World.*

"Wuayo Poy,... Wuayo Poy... ah! I see."
"No, no, my dear friend. The [Indreams] you speak of is my nephew, Zai Meng Zhong. An ambitious kid, albeit a little foolish. Wuyo (Thank You for the wonderful drink) my little friend."

*Shou Hu pours a clear drink into a shot glass, and sips at it a little.*

(To those who are interested, Zai Meng Zhong, or 在梦中 is Traditional Chinese for In Dreams. Zai/在-to be, Meng/梦-dream, Zhong/中-middle.)

Offline Jester Schulz

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Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« Reply #28 on: March 17, 2015, 06:29:04 pm »
"What an inconvenience." *Looking down at the knocked out bartender*

*Jump over the counter and places the money on the knocked out man. Grabs a bottle of whisky and jumps back over the counter. Then continues to walk to a table and sits with his back to the wall. He places his dusty hat on the table and opens the bottle*

*He looks around the room and raises the bottle*


*He starts drinking the bottle*

Offline Koali

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Re: RP Tavern (Name never set in stone!)
« Reply #29 on: March 17, 2015, 06:48:29 pm »
(To those who are interested, Zai Meng Zhong, or 在梦中 is Traditional Chinese for In Dreams. Zai/在-to be, Meng/梦-dream, Zhong/中-middle.)

Ahaaa, well played, my good sir. Have a salute!

"Puyo, poy!" (Pleased to make your acquaintance, Mr. Shou Hu!)

*Begins humming Kihon wa Maru as he drags Mr. Goggles' limp body out from behind a bar and sets him in the seat across the table from [Jester], then takes a stool from the bar and sits on it behind the bar as the bartender.*