AoS-esque mode
Two sides of the map, with a few gun-towers on each sides. The objective is to destroy all enemy gun towers.
These towers would be armed with something like heavy-flak. Nothing that would cause serious harm, but something that could cause serious harm. Does that make any sense?
No minions and other mechanics... so not really a AoS or Moba genre, I guess...
A Campaign PvP
A PvP lobby with 3 to 5 set maps.
Teams begin with limited load outs, kinda like a novice lobby.
After each match, new guns/ships/etc are unlocked. The Winner gets to choose, Loser is given one at random.
After 2 or 4 matches, a final showdown match. If you win this match, you are awarded as though you won all 3/5 matches. You know, with experiences or w/l ratio and what not.
COOP Mode.