Author Topic: Back to lobby button (Probably done before, if so, multiple apologies)  (Read 8040 times)

Offline Wazulu

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One of the minor issues I have with the interface of GoIO is how as a game starts you cannot exit back to the main menu without waiting for the match to load. You have to physically quit the game. This is a waste of valuable time, as that quick loadout change  you need could be performed while others load, all but eliminating the chances of missing the opening salvoes. There is also the case of one failing to leave the lobby as they are enwrapped in conversation, although I imagine inaction deserves some punishment. That, and due to my incompetence I always press the damn 'Exit Game' button  accidentally.

On a side note, beware the false button. It states 'Back to lobby', but alas it kicks me right out the game. This is probably due to my OS, Macintosh, and in such a case is an irrelevant quip.

On a side note to the side note, I'm enjoying writing posts in such an odd fashion. I'll either go even more bizarre or tone it down a touch. That, and I doubt many will care for this issue, simply as it is easily avoidable and rather unimportant.

Cheers for reading,


Offline N-Sunderland

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This is definitely something we need.

Offline Morblitz

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I don't know if it's relevant here, but as long as we're talking about UI buttons. There really needs to be a way that we can access the games options from inside the game lobby. It's really annoying to be waiting for a match to start, realise you need to adjust some setting, leave the lobby to do so, and have your spot taken and now you can't play in that game.

Some settings need a game restart, sure, like graphics settings. But if I want to turn the music volume down so I can hear people speak? No, that shouldn't be a problem.

Offline Helmic

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Graphics settings don't need a restart, though.  It's kind of silly that you have to wait until the game starts before adjusting things you should be taking care of beforehand like rebinding keys or lowering graphics settings so that your framerate won't drop so horribly in clouds.

Offline Clara Skyborn

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We're reworking the header to add an Options button so it will be available in the game lobby. This is something we've wanted to do for some time.

For the back to lobby button, that's definitely an error, we'll try to get that fixed up.