Author Topic: GOIA memes  (Read 692781 times)

Offline Replaceable

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Re: GOIO memes
« Reply #120 on: March 25, 2015, 07:52:51 pm »
via Imgflip Meme Maker
Im 98% sure clans would be more than happy for you to join their VoiP. Just ask :)

Offline Dutch Vanya

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Re: GOIO memes
« Reply #121 on: March 25, 2015, 07:54:29 pm »
via Imgflip Meme Maker
Im 98% sure clans would be more than happy for you to join their VoiP. Just ask :)
Yea, i just invade the communications of all friendly clans.

Offline BlackenedPies

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Re: GOIO memes
« Reply #122 on: March 25, 2015, 08:31:50 pm »
As the most active player here, MM is significantly faster than the old system. Don't sit in crew form! Make a custom lobby and invite from queue or don't complain. If you have a stacked high MMR crew/team it will take much longer than a low MMR crew/team. There's no reason to complain about that because it facilitates newer players. If you don't think that's fair then start losing more. Make a custom lobby and recruit from MM, players will start joining immediately. Or it's your MMR's fault so don't complain. Find some other high MMR and make a balanced lobby, or don't complain that it's not pairing scrubs up against you!

MM let's you play more matches period. This game isn't about sitting in lobbies, it's about playing. Don't complain about wait times when it's your stacked MMR that's causing you to wait in crew form, the reason is that most players currently playing have low total matches played. MM should (but doesn't) put you in the lobby even when waiting for that 1 last player, but it does so to be efficient so make a custom lobby. Maybe MM just doesn't wanna pair scrubs up against your MMR when it's got plenty of other scrubs to pair up.

Yesterday during the lowest point in the early morning I was able to play with never more than a 5 minute wait time to fill up all captain slots until there were less than 50 players left, at which point I preemptively logged out. The over exaggerated wait times are just that- lies or confirmation bias. If you're waiting that long you're doing it wrong. I am one of the most active players in the game and these complaints are straight up bullshit.

If you have suggestions, share them. If you just want to make baseless and pointless complaints then make your own special thread. This one is for GOIO memes. It's really frustrating to see all this BS by players who don't actually play, or only play with stacked teams. I play almost exclusively with pubs and don't have any problems, and I play more than anyone here. So I am self appointing myself as the expert here on the subject. Having spent over 20% of my total time playing this game since I got it, I figure that I've played enough to know the old and new system.

Yes there is the problem of that "1 more player", so make a custom lobby and recruit from MM. It will fill up immediately, or it's MMR's fault. Fixed end of story.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2015, 08:42:42 pm by BlackenedPies »

Offline MagKel

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Re: GOIO memes
« Reply #123 on: March 25, 2015, 08:36:34 pm »
Im 98% sure clans would be more than happy for you to join their VoiP. Just ask :)
Yea, i just invade the communications of all friendly clans.

I thought it was an unpolite thing to do! good to know

via Imgflip Meme Maker

Offline BlackenedPies

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Re: GOIO memes
« Reply #124 on: March 25, 2015, 08:41:08 pm »

Offline Imagine

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Re: GOIO memes
« Reply #125 on: March 25, 2015, 08:42:34 pm »
Well, this thread was going to go to pit anyways...

>Use slang including sexual innuendos in international company
>Tell people they are being "intentionally dumb" when they don't understand it
(inb4 "check it in the dictionary" - as it includes innuendo I assumed I'm better without knowing because I geniually thought that it may be some weird sexual term)
It's incredibly hard to believe that someone on the internet has not heard the term before, international or not, but 'tis while I posted the definition.

>Everyone who agrees with Imagine are right/reasonable
>Everyone who agrees with Disaster are "circlejerks"
Incorrect on both accounts, or at the very least, that's not what I said. I brought the term up because the last page or so had devolved into a lets shit on matchmaking and Muse party, and it was pretty annoying.

>Fill most of the post with insults to your opponents
>Expect to be treated seriously
I mean, I'm just callin' em like I see em. Any time Matchmaking is brought up the same group of like 6 people sit around yelling about how awful it is and how much they hate it.

I've never seen anyone hating on matchmaking not going into incredible hyperbole in an attempt to prove how bad it is.

Not that that's anything new for this community.

You are a liar and/or you don't seem to understand (willingly? should I also say that you are being intentionally stupid?) what is happening around you. Sure, in many threads there were hyperboles but also reasonable arguments, even by the same people. I understand that you may have a different opinion on the subject but there is no point in arguing someone that is lying or not willing to even aknowledge existence of contrarguments to your thesis.
I also think it's worth noticing that experiences with the matchmaker may differ depending on how you use it - whether you matchmake alone or in whole ship or even 2-3 ships. I think that part of an argument may be caused by this, some people try to matchmake alone (and they have a bad experience) and some matchmake with whole ship or two, usually with high-lvl friends (and they may have good experience).
Also, given that some other changes that matchmaker were implemented in the same time - should they be considered in this argument? For instance timer? That's debatable, I think.
I've repeatedly said that in no way is matchmaking perfect. The algorithm it uses to match up people is baffling at best, I've give up trying to figure out how exactly it works. Personally I always thought that the high turnover ratio of people who play the game plus the general smaller pool of those to pick from would make it hard to have a consistent baseline of MMR, and that generally seems to be more or less of the case. However, in cases of people arguing against it the like number one thing that gets brought up is about lobbies and how slow the matchmaking is and how it hasn't helped speed up matches is, well, complete and utter bullshit. Ask Muse at a fireside chat. Matches start faster than average now, and while assuredly there's wait times still, anyone who claims that it's going slower now is looking at the old system through rose-colored glasses (since you might not understand that term either, it's basically looking at something in the past and remembering all the good things while leaving out the negatives).

If we're talking about arguments for server browser:
It gave player freedom of choice. We used to choose lobby (on various basis) and after quick glance on situation decide whether we want to stay or try in other one. That action of choosing, checking and deciding would take around 30-40 seconds (all levels have been visible). Time of game start would differ depending on lobby and player slots left - but if you were just hurry to play with anyone you could hop into the lobby with 1-2 free slots and start within minute or two. Also it was easier to manage and balance a lobby back then and after few matches usually more-or-less balanced lobby would emerge and people could stay in it (no 3 rematch limit). Players have been using this system succesfully for a long time (in my opinion there was very little wrong with lobbies and server list, only small amount of players) and it was taken away from them, replaced not offering much in exchange. Since there is very few people in the queue matchmaker isn't able to create good lobbies, especially when you consider that veterans do everything to fly together (because having a noob on your ship is a pain in the ass). So for many players matchmaker neither gets them faster in a lobby nor makes lobbies better. Also when you wait in a lobby you can socialize with other people, but when you wait in a crew form it's just boring, so for many people the same amount of waiting became more bothersome. Before matchmaker you could also just go into the already started game and if it has free slots - join and if not just wait until match ends (because often after match ends few people leave the lobby, so there will be a spot for you). Now it's mostly impossible. And no, the "but you can still do that, just add everyone to your friend list" is not a contrargument. So this is as reasonable as I can get, I hope you'll be satisfied.
See, this is the rose colored glasses I'm talking about.

What actually used to happen is that you'd join a lobby, then wait several minutes, after which your pilot would leave, then a new one would join, then they'd ready up, and then unready, then ready up, then someone on your team goes afk so they unready, then they change ships so the other side changes loadouts, so they both unready to change again, then half would ready, then an opposing captain would leave, then a new one would join, and by now like 3 people in the lobby would be yelling READY UP repeatedly, and you get my point.

While I do miss the ability to join specific lobbies, what I wrote was far more often the case than some magical world where games would start promptly and civilized.

Look, there's a reason Muse identified the issue of games taking too long to start as the biggest problem that needed to be addressed, and, in general, matchmaking has made that much better.

Offline Caprontos

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Re: GOIO memes
« Reply #126 on: March 25, 2015, 10:34:18 pm »

As for meme?

make it so muse.

I haven't seen Outlaw Star in a long time...

As for the MM stuff... I think its fine..  Its not prefect sure.. People forget how bad the old match list was.. I don't think MM is prefect.. But it does a good enough job when it can... and when it can't then it's no worse then the match list was.. I don't really get what people expect it to do..

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Re: GOIO memes
« Reply #127 on: March 25, 2015, 11:09:43 pm »

As for meme?

make it so muse.

I haven't seen Outlaw Star in a long time...

As for the MM stuff... I think its fine..  Its not prefect sure.. People forget how bad the old match list was.. I don't think MM is prefect.. But it does a good enough job when it can... and when it can't then it's no worse then the match list was.. I don't really get what people expect it to do..

You say forget but I have nothing but good memories for that system. You just clicked a lobby joined a match and waited for teams to form. And while you wait you hung out with people in a glorified chat room. teaching ppl and talking about stuff.

Learned so much more in those lobbies than I did in game. We all did.

And in big 3 v 3 and 4 v 4 lobbies you just become all captains and watch as people join you mid game.

Only annoyance was noobs joining in as the wrong classes...but they ruin everything regardless and I STILL get idiots joining mid game as the wrong classes anyway.

I remember when timers werent there until captains DECIDED they were ready. So we had a weapon for people that refused to change classes. No listen to captain. No game start. People listened to that (as they should be anyway, seeing as its a teambased game requiring you to play a role)

So essentially... MM has fixed nothing and made things worst.

I truly wonder... if the technical limitation was really so bad as to lose server browse....
« Last Edit: March 25, 2015, 11:14:47 pm by Maximillian Jazzhand »

Offline Koali

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Re: GOIO memes
« Reply #128 on: March 25, 2015, 11:12:07 pm »
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you: Ceresbane being Ceresbane!

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: GOIO memes
« Reply #129 on: March 26, 2015, 12:06:23 am »
I do just that Blackened...I make infinite custom lobbies then invite from queue. Sometimes the lobbies take 30 mins to fill even with that just cause the pop is so low with no one playing. It helps but still doesn't change the fact that the system is a mess and it was completely avoidable. MM became the Windows 8 of GOIO and it was seen coming from miles away. Current version of MM I'd relate to 8.1. Few fixes but too little, too late. The stigma is here to stay. Might as well laugh about it while we play other games :D.

Offline DJ Logicalia

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Re: GOIO memes
« Reply #130 on: March 26, 2015, 12:57:38 am »
Bit rich claiming to be the most active player here.

But, what your proposing is a work around. If MM isn't doing it's job without you having to fool it, it's not doing it's job. Clear and simple

Offline BlackenedPies

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Re: GOIO memes
« Reply #131 on: March 26, 2015, 03:00:04 am »
I don't think anyone here spends more of their time playing Guns of Icarus. That's what I meant by active player.

I played today until 87 players before we couldn't get more than 8 players in the lobby after waiting more than 5 minutes. I had no problems before then and played for at least 9 hours. I got on later with 73 players and was able to get a captain slot with 11 players in lobby by the time it started (no wait time, joined from friends list). Suggestions for dealing with low player count are great, complaints are not.

Making a custom lobby appears to somewhat bypass MM and immediately put players in. If crew form doesn't immediately put you in a new lobby, make a custom lobby and invite. It might help speed up the system until there's a fix. Muse has been fixing MM, ships now auto unready when a new player joins and more time has been added to lobbies. Maybe a system for unanimously adding time would be good. Muse listens and fixes, they're not incompetent.

MM has problems but right now it works just fine for my pubs. I'm of the mentality that best goal for the game is gaining player base and I think MM does that better than the old system. We should be trying to gain players and keep them playing. Suggestions are constructive complaints are not.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2015, 03:14:50 am by BlackenedPies »

Offline Byron Cavendish

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Re: GOIO memes
« Reply #132 on: March 26, 2015, 03:43:39 am »
I feel bad for derailing this thread, however I do have a recent and strong example of a MM failure. This past saturday, I was queued with my entire Brotherhood competitive team for our weekend practice. We had been in queue for about 15 minutes, and everyone was getting frustrated. So out of curiosity, I looked over all the people in my friends list. I saw some ducks 'waiting', some ryders 'waiting', and a few others from big clans. I had a feeling they were also sitting there waiting. So instead of waiting any longer for MM to do something, I went and checked out Sammy BT's lobby. Sure enough there was an entire duck team there in an empty lobby waiting. So I called my team over and we had a really fun, and challenging game. So why if we were waiting in queue, and they had an open lobby would it not automatically put us together? The only reason I can forsee is that it wants to create mixed MMR team lobbies, and because we weren't mixed, and they weren't mixed, it couldn't put two and two together. And if that wasn't the reason I don't know what was. But either way, that is a terribly flawed system that punishes high mmr rated teams and skilled veterans. And it's really ignorant to blame us. This is a team based game that has, and should still continue playing with friends or making friends. To then blame us for wanting to play together as the reason MM won't work is counter productive to the whole premise of the game.

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Re: GOIO memes
« Reply #133 on: March 26, 2015, 07:06:39 am »
I feel bad for derailing this thread, however I do have a recent and strong example of a MM failure. This past saturday, I was queued with my entire Brotherhood competitive team for our weekend practice. We had been in queue for about 15 minutes, and everyone was getting frustrated. So out of curiosity, I looked over all the people in my friends list. I saw some ducks 'waiting', some ryders 'waiting', and a few others from big clans. I had a feeling they were also sitting there waiting. So instead of waiting any longer for MM to do something, I went and checked out Sammy BT's lobby. Sure enough there was an entire duck team there in an empty lobby waiting. So I called my team over and we had a really fun, and challenging game. So why if we were waiting in queue, and they had an open lobby would it not automatically put us together? The only reason I can forsee is that it wants to create mixed MMR team lobbies, and because we weren't mixed, and they weren't mixed, it couldn't put two and two together. And if that wasn't the reason I don't know what was. But either way, that is a terribly flawed system that punishes high mmr rated teams and skilled veterans. And it's really ignorant to blame us. This is a team based game that has, and should still continue playing with friends or making friends. To then blame us for wanting to play together as the reason MM won't work is counter productive to the whole premise of the game.

If it encourages people to play at similar levels MM lobbies would be more balanced and team switching would occur far less. Due to the low numbers it might not always be the case. But if you don't even give it a chance it won't have a chance to actually work.

Trying to create mixed MMR lobbies is dumb for 1 simple reason. There are far more new players than vets. It only works if numbers in each tier are relatively equal in population WHICH WE KNOW IS NOT THE CASE.

Offline Extirminator

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Re: GOIO memes
« Reply #134 on: March 26, 2015, 07:22:56 am »
Well, meme at the end for everyone interested...

I wanna talk a bit about this MM thing first though. First of all, I would like to comment that I have about 2400 hours on steam and over a month of play time in matches throughout all classes, as well as ~5000 matches played. So the numbers I am pulling here are not out of my ass.

The general claim I've seen running around here is of people saying matchmaking shortening wait time OR staying exactly the same/increasing in wait time. Now, as of pre-matchmaker, I have had my stats analyzed pretty consistently - and I got to about 40% play time and 60% wait time rather consistently every time I checked(+/-2%). As of now 5 months after matchmaking was released, numbers have changed to 47% wait time, and 53% play time.

Call it whatever you'll like, but for 2400 hours and 5000 matches, this is a big dent, that has been formed only during the past 5 months - while I play the game for about 20 months now.

Matchmaker HAS decreased wait time by a significant factor. Thus, solving the issue muse wanted to address about the long wait time, whether it helped in other aspects is for you to decide.

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« Last Edit: March 26, 2015, 07:27:59 am by Extirminator »