Author Topic: AN OPEN LETTER: "Return to crew form or rematch?"  (Read 23683 times)

Offline Inkjet

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Re: AN OPEN LETTER: "Return to crew form or rematch?"
« Reply #15 on: February 11, 2015, 05:36:43 pm »
If I recall correctly (and unless its been changed), the option defaults to return to crew form, so its less the novices voting for it because they don't want to be in a lobby, and more that they simply don't know that they need to click "rematch" if they desire to return to the lobby.

Offline Extirminator

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Re: AN OPEN LETTER: "Return to crew form or rematch?"
« Reply #16 on: February 11, 2015, 06:03:57 pm »
I understand that muse's philosophy is "everyone should be in matchmaking queue all the time" and kind of get it, because they believe matchmaker does a good job of, you know, matching people up.

It's not only that they think it does a good job of matching. The main issue is that once you get some people into matches, you lack the people needed to always be in the system for a person that just now clicked 'Play' to be matched with for a quick game. They don't want people to be stuck in lobbies forever and out of the matchmaker reach, because that way they run out of people to put in new matches. And to be honest, I don't blame muse, the quantity issue is a big one. However, I think that the way muse is approaching it is actually pretty smart way to at least semi-solve this issue.

Offline KitKatKitty

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Re: AN OPEN LETTER: "Return to crew form or rematch?"
« Reply #17 on: February 11, 2015, 09:48:23 pm »
What is the purpose of novice matches anyways since matchmaker is 'suposed' to make balanced games, hm? ;)

Hint: it doesn't

About the novice being novice really short thing, it's simple maths, even WITHOUT achievement bonuses:
Before the Antichri... I mean, Matchmaker came, the 'out of novice' level was 4 when lvl cap was 15
Now it's lvl 7 I think (correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm positive that it's below 10) with a lvl cap of 45. Which is around old lvl2.

I also pledged to raise the novice lvl cap 'at least' to level 10...

This is something I have posted a few times on the forum AND have written a letter to Muse about. I STRONGLY THINK NOVICE SHOULD BE AT LEAST LEVEL 15 with this new system.  I used to say 10 but I'm noticing even that seems too low.
I understand that muse's philosophy is "everyone should be in matchmaking queue all the time" and kind of get it, because they believe matchmaker does a good job of, you know, matching people up. However GOI is very much a social game and if I meet a random team I enjoy playing against, I want to keep playing with them for the whole session regardless of MMR differences. Our perception of a 'fun and balanced' match is only loosely correlated with MMR.

There are 10+ page forum discussions on the fact that Muse thinks match making works a lot better than the community thinks it works. I myself have screen shot after screen shot of match making failing. At one point, when match making first came out, there was even a gallery about it. Most people have stopped posting their screen shots simply because it's the same over and over again.,5019.0.html

Tonight many of my friends and I were sick of waiting 10+ mins to "Find 1 more player" that I started my own lobby and invited everyone from my friends list. DIDN'T open it to queue and played like 6+ matches. Had every ship full, spectate completely filled and others still wanting in at some points. Pretty much all high level players and got to spend as much time as we wanted in lobby chatting and having a good old time like we used to be able to do. The lobby swapped sides each time, no one complaining. Each match was as close to balanced as you could get and all close games, too. The problem is that a single player or even a small group of players do not always have the blessing to have enough players on to fill all four ships so they would have no other choice but to open it to the queue and get screwed after 4 matches and get sent into crew form and at that point, if we are all honest with ourselves, lacking the ambition to re-from a lobby.  In a 2 hour time we got in those 6+ matches. With the new system I usually have 30+ mins of that 2 hours waiting in crew form for that last darn player it's always looking for and only would get to play maybe 4 matches if it's a good night. At least with the old system I could see ALL the matches available and jump in even if the match was already in play. And this helped keep lobbies flowing and people in more matches per night.

 The best thing about the old system that needs to come back... NAMED LOBBIES!!!! I miss named lobbies.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: AN OPEN LETTER: "Return to crew form or rematch?"
« Reply #18 on: February 11, 2015, 10:53:05 pm »

Offline Narayan

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Re: AN OPEN LETTER: "Return to crew form or rematch?"
« Reply #19 on: February 11, 2015, 11:59:53 pm »
But sometimes I think it's normal for friends, or members of the same clan, wanting to play together for various reasons, including training for the official competitions.

Is a 12-0 noob stomp gonna get you ready for rydr? I mean these arent hard rules, I like to think of this as a gentlemen's rule thats more spirit than letter, its kinda like shooting of from the ladies tee when your a guy. Yea you can do it, and Im sure people can come up with great reasons, but its not going to make you a better golfer, and its not going to make your clan better at competitive to do team work against guys who cant even customize their ships. If you want to train get a private lobby with like dagz or bubble.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2015, 12:14:35 am by Narayan »

Offline DJ Logicalia

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Re: AN OPEN LETTER: "Return to crew form or rematch?"
« Reply #20 on: February 12, 2015, 12:48:02 am »
But sometimes I think it's normal for friends, or members of the same clan, wanting to play together for various reasons, including training for the official competitions.

Is a 12-0 noob stomp gonna get you ready for rydr? I mean these arent hard rules, I like to think of this as a gentlemen's rule thats more spirit than letter, its kinda like shooting of from the ladies tee when your a guy. Yea you can do it, and Im sure people can come up with great reasons, but its not going to make you a better golfer, and its not going to make your clan better at competitive to do team work against guys who cant even customize their ships. If you want to train get a private lobby with like dagz or bubble.
I'm in a competitive team, and we, along with most clans, will only train is pubs if we can't find any serious teams to practice against. It's a last choice, but it's better than nothing

Offline KitKatKitty

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Re: AN OPEN LETTER: "Return to crew form or rematch?"
« Reply #21 on: February 13, 2015, 02:26:07 am »
I would like to point out one more thing I never new about the new leveling system. I had a friend join the game this week. yay!!! time she was done with the tutorials alone...NO MATCHES PLAYED she was already level 2 gunner and pilot and level 3 engineer.....WHY!?!?! Why do new players level up for a tutorial? She was a level 5 engineer after only player 2 matches. I would assume when I play with her tomorrow she will be out of the "novice" ranks. So after 2 days of playing the tutorial and what maybe 5-6 matches she's not a novice. This really needs to change. 1) tutorials SHOULD NOT COUNT TOWARDS LEVELS and 2) the novice level really needs to be at least 15 if this is how easy it is to level up in the new system.

Offline Kamoba

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Re: AN OPEN LETTER: "Return to crew form or rematch?"
« Reply #22 on: February 13, 2015, 03:26:24 am »
I would like to point out one more thing I never new about the new leveling system. I had a friend join the game this week. yay!!! time she was done with the tutorials alone...NO MATCHES PLAYED she was already level 2 gunner and pilot and level 3 engineer.....WHY!?!?! Why do new players level up for a tutorial? She was a level 5 engineer after only player 2 matches. I would assume when I play with her tomorrow she will be out of the "novice" ranks. So after 2 days of playing the tutorial and what maybe 5-6 matches she's not a novice. This really needs to change. 1) tutorials SHOULD NOT COUNT TOWARDS LEVELS and 2) the novice level really needs to be at least 15 if this is how easy it is to level up in the new system.

I agree.

Offline Hoja Lateralus

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Re: AN OPEN LETTER: "Return to crew form or rematch?"
« Reply #23 on: February 23, 2015, 02:33:57 am »
That's one way to do it. I've suggested some ideas* and sent them to devs. It's their move.

Edit: But yeah, I agree that's just stupid.
