Author Topic: Anti-Pyramidion Mathematics  (Read 25235 times)

Offline Crafeksterty

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Re: Anti-Pyramidion Mathematics
« Reply #15 on: January 28, 2015, 07:44:36 am »
I said it "may" because last time i remember pyramideons weight at some point being listed incorrectly in the books because it got patched. I believe they fixed stats in the book to also tell ingame accurate stats, but i still distrust it.

Oh and ... I have had something written down before which was suppoused to be double hades heavy flak spire (Which needs crew to be topnotch gunners). With the goal of killing pyramideons.
One Heavy flak Shot does 99 armor damage (160 if buffed)

Lochnagar HF does 242 armor damage (404 if buffed)

One Heavy flak shot does 462 Hull damage (528 if buffed)

Lochnagar HF does 1131 hull damage (1300 if buffed)

If the heavy flak takes away the armor with 50% of the damage, then the other 50%

(if it was a lochnagar shot) will deal 650 health damage.

Hades shot does 68Pierce + 24Fire = 92 (buffed is 119) armor damage per direct over arming time hit.

9 shots equals 828 armor damage (1100 for 12 shots, 11 shots is 1010) (Buffed pyra armor is 845+200 mallet=-1045-)

7 Buffed Shots equals 833 armor damage (1400 for 12 shots, 9 shots is 1070)

6 normal shots (552) + 6 buffed shots (714) = 1250

This means that 2 buffed Lesmok Hades can only miss 3 out of 12 shots (One hades can miss 2, other misses 1) (Easier shots though)

If both have default and buffed, they can miss 7 out of 16 shots combined. (4-3 shots per hades) (Unbuffed can only miss 5 shots Combined)

If both hades have Greased and buffed they can only miss 9 out of 20 shots combined (difficulty of shot is higher though)

I want to ask you guys and tell me which ammo type is better.

Personaly i think default is pretty good but in combination with a 2 hades heavy flak spire,

i feel like lesmok would be the better choice. With a choice of changing to default.

There is also charged where it is like 4 shots if you hit 3.

buffed its 3 shots if you hit 2. Resulting in more shots can miss in comparison to Lesmok.

But the difficulty is that of default. (miss 6 shots out of 12)

Then there is burst that gives greased ammount of shots where

you can miss 2 extra shots from default. Like 9 out of 20 missed shots combined.

A bonus to this is how the burst spreads more fire between components.

The Aoe is pretty big actually. However the DPS is a bit slower.

With this data, i kinda want a tool that can see enemy armor.

"If you miss, try to hit"


Its a note long time ago, which when i tried the build, it was dooable... with AI. and not humans. Suprising i know that AI would be the better crew, but thats because having 2 gun engineers that can hit their shots with an added heavy flak that times it shot is super demanding on a spire. Especialy stressfull if a pyra is charging for you :P

But in all, it was interresting trying to target the pyras armor with a build specific to make pyra life quick.

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Re: Anti-Pyramidion Mathematics
« Reply #16 on: January 28, 2015, 09:47:34 am »
Here's another scenario we can put our mind to.

I've seen several captains go long-range spire to fight a metamidion. I think the typical build is mercury, artemis, flak/lumber, with a close range option.

Because pyra's front profile is two guns and all hull, the speed of the metamidion is unaffected.

If the spire sits still, and pyra charges at full speed of 32m/s, can the spire snipe out the metamidion before resorting to the close range option? I'll get on this math once I'm comfortably situated at home with the datas I need. Anybody is welcome to think about this one.

Offline Dementio

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Re: Anti-Pyramidion Mathematics
« Reply #17 on: January 28, 2015, 10:15:00 am »
But in all, it was interresting trying to target the pyras armor with a build specific to make pyra life quick.
On that note I have a Mobula build that might be of interest:

A Mobula with Mercury, Hades, lesmok Gatling and a little banshee.
Mercury and Hades in long range, gunner switches from Mercury to Banshee once lesmok Gatling is in range.
Mercury can disable guns in long range, Gatling only shoots when armor is up, Hades shoots always and Banshee when the enemy is close enough to be killed.

It wasn't made as an anti-Pyramidion thing, but its nature to continuously destroy armor makes it very hard for a Pyramidion to fight back as the main engineer will have no choice, but to tank the armor instead of repairing engines and is thus easier outmanouvered if the enemy pilot didn't spare the engines the damage, which he probably won't have because he wants to get closer to the Mobula so he can actually kill it. Being hull only doesn't do it well either since it makes it easier for Hades and lesmok Gatling to hit.
Similar to Squid and Goldfish. Against Goldfish the pilot of the Mobula can even occasionally jump to the Mercury and destroy the heavy gun.


If the spire sits still, and pyra charges at full speed of 32m/s, can the spire snipe out the metamidion before resorting to the close range option? I'll get on this math once I'm comfortably situated at home with the datas I need.
A thought you should keep in mind in this scenario is: Is the Pyramidion in arc for the Spire? It might not be, heavy guns are pretty limited when it comes to arc, the lumberjack exceeds all in upwards arc of course, but still. Mercury too isn't the best when it comes to arc.
Furthermore, the Mercury might actually not be strong enough to destroy a Pyramidion armor all on its own in time (which you are calculating) and even then there is always a chance that it is accidentally, or with not choice left, hitting a component which "absorbs" all that damage.

As far as I can tell, long range Spires tend to fail, because they cannot do enough or the right type of damage quick enough while being shot at and then lack the disable to make up for it. When an enemy Pyramidion brings a Hades against the Spire, which probably has a Hades or a Mercury being shot by the main engineer, then the main engineer will not shoot that gun, he will repair the armor thus the Spire has no, or not more than the enemy, piercing damage and loses the fight.
What I do to compensate for that on the only long range Spire I have is have Mercury, double Artemis and a heavy Carronade. In long range the gunner gets on the Mercury and both engineers shoot their artemis, the disable power is of course pretty much at a maximum here. The engineers can still repair their stuff and the piercing/disable power of the Mercury is still there. In close range the gunner then switches to the Heavy Carronade and once the enemy balloon has been destroyed there is a potential of two artemis shooting the enemy plus a Carronade that keeps the enemy at a height disadvantage or just makes the armor destruction easier. A big plus on that ship is, that if the enemy destroy the Heavy Carronade in longish range already, the balloon engineer can easily pre-rebuild it.

The gunner should always shoot the most important gun, which when you have a Heavy Flak isn't the Heavy Flak, but actually the Hades/Mercury.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2015, 10:19:44 am by Dementio »

Offline Crafeksterty

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Re: Anti-Pyramidion Mathematics
« Reply #18 on: January 28, 2015, 12:40:25 pm »
If the spire sits still, and pyra charges at full speed of 32m/s, can the spire snipe out the metamidion before resorting to the close range option? I'll get on this math once I'm comfortably situated at home with the datas I need.

It depends on map and etc. Yes the spire does prolong its life by backpaddling than sitting still but it also questions the fact if there is anything behind the spire + the time in the line of sight. Instead of distance, it is the time it takes with the line of sight the spire may drop the pyra before he gets to Xmeters. Usually, in dunes 1v1 sniper spire versus close pyra is unfair as the spire will surely win solely on being able to attack first, and if the pyra does get close he will be in such repairs that the spire can juke and still take distance. Imo sniping isnt that great versus pyra if you dont have a good handle in it.

The best choice of builds is Lumberjack as it will give you enough shots and time to pulverize the pyra with the only focus is on disabling. So like, 2 artemis + lumberjack and a minelauncher or something else, defence or offencive. The lumberjack will be able to keep a ship down while artemis will have to make the pyra repair itself, going on a loop where if the pyras ally does not do anything with the spire, the pyra will die. But regarding other maps, LJ is still the better choice because of just being able to place the pyra in a position where you can then multitask something else or be safer from the enemy.

Offline BlackenedPies

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Re: Anti-Pyramidion Mathematics
« Reply #19 on: January 28, 2015, 01:05:52 pm »
On that note I have a Mobula build that might be of interest:

I do too and I call it the Fancy Two Carro Counter  ;D
3 art gat mine

A good mine will stop a pyra in it's tracks
« Last Edit: January 28, 2015, 01:09:49 pm by BlackenedPies »

Offline Dementio

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Re: Anti-Pyramidion Mathematics
« Reply #20 on: January 28, 2015, 01:44:12 pm »
On that note I have a Mobula build that might be of interest:

I do too and I call it the Fancy Two Carro Counter  ;D
3 art gat mine

A good mine will stop a pyra in it's tracks

That sounds like my original Fancy GatCarroCounter! Instead of a 3rd artemis it has a flare gun though.

Offline BlackenedPies

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Re: Anti-Pyramidion Mathematics
« Reply #21 on: January 29, 2015, 11:25:23 am »
I like a mine launcher instead of the flame on the meta mobula loadout (merc double art). The flame is usually on the top  right wing (for the gunner) while the balloon engi stays downstairs on the artemis.

The gunner brings charged heatsink lochnagar. For close range they jump to the mine with preloaded heatsink.

I usually do heavy clip banshee carro left side because double art OP.