One word. Actually four.
What the fuck.

That's me with my new, recently bought 6-string bass guitar. The guitar is almost as old as I am (18 years old, while I'm almost 21), was build by renown polish luthier, Jacek "Nexus" Kobylski (well, renown at least in my country, though I know about some foreign customers of him).
There's a "funny" story about it: the guitar I ordered from him more than half year ago... was scrapped, because something went VERY wrong and he got a "dead fretless" (with sustain shorter than a second). Right after telling me this
(and causing the murderous whispering in my head to intensify) he gave me a hint about an auction of one of his older works for some extremely cheap price - 18 years ago he made it for 12k PLN ( ~4 PLN == 1 Euro ), and the seller wanted to sell it for... 3.2k - the seller was the second owner, and had no idea about the original price. Less amount of money than I wanted to give Nexus for my bass guitar.
So, Nexus Excelsior 6 is now in my hands. Dirty, filthy, broken-fingered, death metal playing hands. Muahaha. Muahahahaha. Absolutely best trade I've ever made, this bass outclasses most bass guitars to ever fall in my hands with NO effort. And outclasses Foderas with some sweat.
Edit: Pardon the mess. There's lots of things happening lately - like travelling half the country and back in one day - and paradoxically I have some timing issues.