My hair colour a few days ago, the pink is temp dye.. but I'm going for semi perma once the pink wash out, I love it! Taken Last Week

My Most recent face picture, I think this was 2 month ago? before I face planted on some ice, after my kidney stone passed (this was a FUCK YOU KIDNEY STONE Celebration for me and my other half, Inka)

What I looked like after the above picture, on the morning of Christmas Eve. It's quite a story.. I was in hospital for really really bad vertigo that I could not even sit up, and it mostly gone when hospital discharged me, 10 min later, I ran to catch a bus, slipped on ice and booya, that's the result.

That evening, one beautiful black eye,
I talk about this guy from time to time in various areas of GoI, this is my little guy, Wally

And that's the story how I ended up as the Queen of Icarus