Author Topic: Character discussions?  (Read 69385 times)

Offline Jester Schulz

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Re: Character discussions?
« Reply #60 on: November 19, 2014, 07:33:31 pm »
There are more pieces to the Jester's outfit and ship. Each piece has its own tale. Items such as his copper respirator, his duster, his ivory handled revolver, his telescopic eye patch, his backwards pointing compass, his hand augmentation, his custom steering wheel, his clock that works in reverse, and most notably his desert katana. Those are just a few pieces i have in mind. Plus i might want to do something with the Tinkerer. I had a lot of fun putting him into the story.
This was quite enjoyable so i will definitely be explaining more about him and each of his ensemble. This will come in due time or if someone wants to request a piece to be explained i would be more than happy to spin a tale.
So much fun and so much freedom to let my ADHD mind explore. This is perfect for me.

Offline RedRoach

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Re: Character discussions?
« Reply #61 on: November 19, 2014, 07:56:20 pm »
Feel free! This is the cantina, where you can create story after story in the GoIO world! I know it looks inactive right now but, you know, stories are hard to come up with when dealing with distractions like eating, working, and pwning others in GoIO itself, but we're all thinking of something right now!

I still feel stolen from that robotic hand mentioned for Armored Jack, because I had this plan for a character (not my ingame one, I'd like both my arms thanks much) having a robot arm that could deliver ultra punches by compressing the arm and then shooting it forward. You  want to weave that into the Tinkerer's technology, that's fine by me.  :P

Offline Jester Schulz

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Re: Character discussions?
« Reply #62 on: November 21, 2014, 11:30:54 am »
I started my own post where i will be posting more parts to my story. That is, when i think of it and have time to write. If anyone has any ideas or requests i will more than be willing to do them. Anything that helps the gears flow!

Offline RedRoach

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Re: Character discussions?
« Reply #63 on: November 21, 2014, 12:02:22 pm »
Cantina has been a little dusty latley, maybe you could help kickstart the next generation of stories  :P

Though seriously people we need moar stories!

Offline Jester Schulz

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Re: Character discussions?
« Reply #64 on: November 21, 2014, 12:49:07 pm »
I'm trying my best to make a well thought out story. I've even made the Tinkerer which can be character implemented in other stories since he's a figure who has been alive for who knows when. There is no set story with him so he can essential appear in anyone's story. Maybe that can help spark things

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Character discussions?
« Reply #65 on: November 21, 2014, 06:09:32 pm »
Cantina has been a little dusty latley, maybe you could help kickstart the next generation of stories  :P

Though seriously people we need moar stories!

Working on it! I actually got a piece that will help kickstart myself

Offline Mr. Rasaric

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Re: Character discussions?
« Reply #66 on: November 23, 2014, 11:17:36 am »
Mr. rasaric always had a tendency towards blowing stuff up, specially when she was on it. yes she. due to a psychological illness, she is unable to recognize genders. or when is it apropiate to ram a ship full speed (P.S. never). she wears a pure white costume that was given to her when she was captured in a high security prison during the rebellion (she escaped from the hospital during rehabilitation with a restraint jacket, later reconfectioned in her actual suit).

once she found people so crazy as her, she decided to goin the clan. many refused to let her in, since many considered her a danger both in the skies as in land. never the less, she persued her dream of fighting enemy ships (and sometimes allied ships) and looking at the pretty colors of stuff getting blown up. and more often than not getting herself blown up and surprisingly surviving the blast.

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: Character discussions?
« Reply #67 on: November 23, 2014, 11:48:06 am »
Nothing is certain about him, as he never talks about past. He's known as Schwalbe, the swallow. The trenchcoat is dark and dusty, just like his top hat. His eyes are always covered by shades, reflecting only mere chaos of hues on the skies. Usually he acts calmly, apathetically, powerless. But under the light of the moon, his presence seems getting darker, his face more pale than usually, fingers more skinny and cold. Like from night he gets strength, just like the day is what he couldn't bare.

Nobody dares to ask, as his very presence make people feel unease.
These lips, that seem never able to smile. Some say, that at night, in dark corridors of Void Mother, his grin can be seen, despite utter darkness.

Laughter breaks through chaos of sounds, fire, screams of agony. Shifting pitch, from diabolical low, to distorted highs of lunatic banshee and back again.

Some say, that under the moon one can see eye behind shades. Pale iris, pin-sized pupil, filled with pure, unadulterated hatred, and yet - emptiness of oblivion, the final destination of those who stir mind of this wraith, the black fire powering flesh and joints for no other purpose than obliteration...

Nobody really knows from where he came from. Rumours say, he was the captain of junker named "Nastiez". Ghost, skeletal ship with ghost crew - bunch of myths. But if you take a look into Archives, you might find records of ships shot down by unidentified ship, years ago, near the area said in myths.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2014, 12:00:25 pm by Schwalbe »

Offline RedRoach

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Re: Character discussions?
« Reply #68 on: November 24, 2014, 06:14:30 pm »
God I haven't contributed for a day! QUICK! TO THE POSTS!


Wait, wait, so you want to hear about how I chose to be a scavenger instead of a mercenary? Yeah, well... guess what buddy? You don't have to have a job that includes blowing things up 24/7 to have adventure! Geez, you and all the other sky-raider-menance-mercs are all the same.

Oh, you're actually not pointing a gun at me? Oh, so you really DO want to know how I became a scavenger. Well, the whole thing started off when I got caught stealing some ornate figurehead carvings so I could sell them out to my co- the black market. Yes, that was a cop-out. No, you don't get to know who I sell things to. Anyway, after getting hailed with more rifle shots coming at me than a mobula firing all five Gatling guns it hit me that it was a bad idea to use the "Finders Keepers" rule with people who were alive. After all, the people who were awake weren't happy over the fact that someone went and stole their priceless artifact about demolitions-of-unmeasurable-blah-blah-blah.

Think about it. When have you ever gone up to someone and gave them a sucker punch to the stomach, left them alive, and ran off with their money? That's the stupidest thing ever! When have you ever gone on a "looting" run on a raider camp that's still filled with guards and angry crewmembers ready to unleash galleon broadsides?  Never! What you do, is make sure they can't ever come back. And what's the easiest way to do that? Here's a hint: It involves finding something more red than the wine in your drink and the color of my nickname from a human body.

Anyway, back to story of escaping from Chaladonian treasurers, I hopped onto some guy's squid and flew away at rapid pace, sold off the figurehead, and started looking around for dead people to loot. Ater all, the dead don't fight back right? This started my least known job that I am in fact NOT proud of: Grave Robbing. Needless to say, it lasted a whole whopping week. The conditions were awful, the people wouldn't care about guarding the place, and at the end of it all I got from popping rich merchant's tombs were less than half what I got for the figurehead. One day, someone, who is now my "rare sites" contractor, asked for some person to do guard duty on some ruins he was examining. I got bored, signed up, drank way more than the daily intake of moonshine should have been, and, Big-Finding-Direction-In-Life Moment, found a shiny piece of metal in the remains I was supposed to defend.

It was shinier than silver, it wasn't piss-yellow gold, and it was a hint of blue. It looked like a gem, you know, the fancy thing that most rich and lazy people love to wear. Later I found out it was a material called Cobalt, but that's for later. I, obviously, took the thing without anyone asking, thinking "Oh noes hopefully nobody watches me swipe this cool stuff here hur dur". Later on the flight back though, a frustrated excavator, same "rare sites" contractor, got tired of not finding anything at his well-thought out search area. I don't know what drove him to actually go and ask his mercenaries, but he did, and he found my shard of cobalt. When that happened, man I thought I was a goner. Got caught stealing from an excavation. Didn't quite go down like though. He questioned me alright, but nothing major, simple "Where did you find this?" stuff. Then, he finished. No punishment, no "WTF DIDN'T YOU TELL ME EARLIER!?!?", just a simple thank you, took it, and he left. When we docked back in... Anglea? Yeah, I think so, in Anglea I got a large whopper of cash and a small note saying "Thank you for your discovery, I'd like your help later."

From then on, I was sold. If I can go find things, no relics, from the past and hand them off to people who still care about advancing past the Dusty Dunes, then I can get a quick and easy payment. And soon after, as you can now see, I also look to the past as well. I have seen some crazy things from the past. Magazines, Piano Songs (which I totally don't know, and never will. Swear to god if you make me do it I will set the piano on fire.), Strange Metals that can bend easily or be a pain in the ass to move, and, most importantly, Blueprints and Ideas for constructions of may utilities, such as weapons, scanners, and this funky design for a vest. Which I made! And talked about already.

So, there's my story, about my job. Yes, that still skips a lot more about me, but I answered your question yes? Now here's my question to you. Yes, it's a mandatory question, and No, I wasn't planning to do this at the start but even my own words made me sane enough to think for a second.

What do YOU want to be? There's no simple answer for it, but how do you want to be remembered?

Offline Jester Schulz

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Re: Character discussions?
« Reply #69 on: November 24, 2014, 08:12:01 pm »
From the journal of Miss Petra Brimstone.

It's been almost 6 years since father... I mean Lord Brimstone, made me join the Baronies army. Life isn't too bad. I've made my way to the top of my legion. I think the captain wants me to transfer to one of the special forces units. The question is, which unit do i want to go to? The vanguard unit is all about being the first ones into battle and being the last ones out. They are the best of the best. That sounds like it would be interesting but those guys are really cocky and due to me being the illegitimate daughter of a high born, I wouldn't be welcomed kindly. The scouting detachment seems like they have seen some adventures. Being able to scout undiscovered locations and interact with new people would be wonderful. The only problem is that the new commander of the scouting detachment has a tendency to command his men into traps or even worse, send them to places where the conditions are hospitable. How he ever became the commander is beyond my comprehension. It must be because he is a pure blood noble. I could take the same route as Sven and join the Black Bird group. It would be nice to see what goes on in that secret military group of his. All he ever tells me is "You might be able to join some day, little sis." All i know is that they specialize in espionage. I haven't seen Sven in 7 years. It would be great to see him again. Which to choose, which to choose. Oh wait. There is one more of that I know of. The Talon. They are almost never talked about. They are the most unorganized military group I have ever seen. It's as if they took the bottom of the best and put them there. They simply hunt down enemies of the Baronies. The don't get much credit due to how disorganized they are and the unorthodox methods they use but they always get the job done. If i recall from some of the gossip from the other soldiers, I think they are going through a transition period and are looking for someone to command one of the subbranches. I might look into that. If it keeps me from going through another 2 to 3 years of serving under someone it would be worth it. I'll think about it and then talk to my commanding officer tomorrow. Until then,"May Blood be Stronger than Steel".

Offline Alastor Snow

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Re: Character discussions?
« Reply #70 on: January 11, 2015, 09:13:27 pm »
"Are you the group known as Will o’ the Wisp?" A man in standard Port City military uniform asked. 
Alastor looked around the enormous building he was at the foot of.  It certainly looked impressive with its large archways and expansive hallways.  His pure white hair was naturally spiked but it seemed ever so slightly slicked back.  This seemingly white color scheme continued to his coat and undershirt.  Finally giving notice to the military personal, Alastor nodded.  His cold icy blue eyes never truly focused on the man. 
The man led Alastor with two of his crew further down the hallways.  One being a woman called Spider, she is Alastor’s first mate and pilot.  The second is a kid gunner named Rat, they had picked up only recently.  The kid always seems nervous when he is in Alastor's presence.  Something about Alastor appeared to give him the wrong feeling.
Following the military man into a large room that is clearly meant for nobility, an imposing chair which held a wealthy nobleman, sits in the far end of the room.
 "So you are the group known as Will o’ the Wisp, I assume you have the money on your for this exchange?" asked the noble.  Alastor nods and looks over at Spider.  Spider opens the briefcase she was carrying and displays the vast amount of cash they have on them.  The nobleman gleams in happiness.  "So to clarify, you called for me to make a business trade of one of my very own high end Galleon ships?   Well I do not see much of a problem."  Said the noble with a wicked grin.  "Only, since you came all this way unarmed to bring this money to me.   I don’t see a reason why I should GIVE you the Galleon when I can just take your money." 
All the armed guards in the room aim their rifles at Alastor and his crew.  Rat started to panic.  Alastor and Spider didn't even seem to notice the barrel of the guns pointed at them.  Alastor slowly pulled out a pen and document; with a few scribbles he put it away.
"It does not seem you were informed about who I am." Alastor told the noble with a hint of disinterest in his tone.
"Explain," demanded the noble.
"I did not come here because I personally wanted a Galleon, nor had the money to spend; I came here because I was hired to do so.  You don't appear to have heard the rumors surrounding you, Sir.  The rumors being that you cheat deals.  This had made certain other nobles you have trades with a little...skeptical."  The nobleman looked a little concerned but let Alastor continue talking.  "I was hired to make a business deal with you on behalf of a certain lord in the Yeisha Empire.  I'm sure you know of whom I am talking about.  What I just wrote down is a document concerning how this deal went, after I turn this into him he will cancel all trade routes and business deals with you."
A look of dread came over the nobleman.  How could his informants have let this slip by?  He needed these trade routes and to be cheated like this now of all times.  It left him in a state of panic and frustration.
"If you'll excuse me, Sir," Alastor said while turning away from nobility.
"Wait! Surely there must be a way to, you know, make this all go away."  Alastor glanced behind him and pretended to think.
"Sir, give us the of charge."
"What!? Why?"
"So that I may tell my employer that the deal went well, you got your pay and he got his much needed ship.  I plan on pocketing all this money as the bribery." 
The nobleman sunk back in his chair in disbelief. Is he just going to give away such an expensive ship?  He had to. He couldn't risk these trade routes to end.
"Fine! Agreed, take the ship, just…leave."
Alastor nodded.
"Make sure all the paperwork is legalized and have it ready within twelve hours please."  The nobleman didn't respond except for a slight nod. His face buried in his hands.  Alastor and his crew never said a word until after they were outside and heading toward their ship.  Rat was the first to speak up.
"When were we hired by a Lord?"
Alastor got aboard their run down squid and just replied with: "We weren't."