Greetings fellow aviators, engineers, and powder monkeys near and far.
After discussing various incarnations of this idea with a few people I've decided to put this draft concept forward to the community. If I get a good reception I'll consider setting up a loosely-organized event for this.
Since participating in the TimmyB Tournament, I've felt inspired by the manner of sillyness and its challenges of overcoming them quite irresistible; Its quite fun to be frank and I felt I wanted to expand on that a bit more. Basically a private lobby with trusted players who will participate will form their crews and a referee will preside over the match (based on the level of participation the lobby can be adjusted for size).
The ref will offer each captain the choice of selecting their ship at the expense of all their gun slots being randomly selected or they may choose to have the ship randomly selected by the roll of dice by the ref.
Should the captain choose to randomize the choice of the ship from the dice roll they will be offered one gun placement and gun for that placement of their choosing before the dice will be rolled again for the selection of the remaining gun slots.
Crew and captain loadouts are unaffected by this and can be setup at the crews leisure.
The idea is to have fun with unusual and challenging builds, I love creative efforts by crews to over come them and I'm not looking for a very complex capacity gameplay beyond that. This setup can be used for King of the Hill, Crazy King, and Death matches.
If this is something that would intrigue you and your crew, simply post your interest below and share with your fellow aerial comrades.
Clear skies to you all!
