Author Topic: From the Tawdry to the Venial: my two cents.  (Read 5599 times)

Offline Insanegorey

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From the Tawdry to the Venial: my two cents.
« on: December 24, 2014, 03:54:33 pm »
Right, so if I was God and could just magic up the changes to the game, I would probably do the following:
But unfortunately, (or fortunately) I am not God.
So, instead, here are my ideas on what would make the game somewhat more interesting, at least from my perspective.
When the update was released so that holding down click was just as effective, (if not more) than clicking on a component a thousand times a second, this was both a thing I liked and missed. I missed having to click twelve times a second in order to get everything on time, but having the hold down feature is definitely a much needed update, especially for players who are new to the game. But, man, how i miss how engineer used to be like three hundred clicks harder than it is now.
What i am NOT advocating for is a return to the old system, but perhaps a "hard" mode of sorts, which might include some of the following:
-Given a random ship + random personal items within "hard" mode matches.
-the super clickey mode.
-in hard mode, the stats of things might be reduced. For example, the spanner might heal the same amount, but take as long as the hammer to recharge, or the guns could do less/more damage, balloons/hull/armor could be drastically reduced in hitpoints, and, just make the game harder within this "hard" mode.
-also, or perhaps otherwise, instead of debuffing everything, certain ships would have different balances to component health/tool ability/speed/weapon damage, so that each of these items would be randomly buffed/debuffed based on some sort of points system. This may add a whole new area to the replay-ability to the game, considering that you would literally have no idea what was happening at first.
-within the "hard" mode matches, you would have one life. As in not only your ship, (i.e. your ship explodes you dont respawn) but also if you fall off the ship. This would, I imagine, make pilots more tentative and more able in solving situations, which would help teach them lessons in flying they might not learn otherwise.

Now, I would like to say this. This mode wouldnt be here for masochists sake everywhere, (even though i would play the hell out of it) but it might reward players with a certain multiplier of experience (if, and only if, they win), but perhaps items that would only be unlockable to players who either completed a very difficult match setup, or if they progressed within some sort of new experience thing with the missions.

Anyways, thats my two cents for now, even though they are very esoteric. Thanks for reading and please give feedback! (Good or bad, it doesn't matter!)