It's not only the Lumberjack. I need a gunner with discipline on the Flak to wait for the lochnagar finisher, a steady hand to hose components down with the hwatcha, and one that can prioritize component targets with the heavy carronade.
When it's the gun that makes the ship work, you need a good gunner. It's that simple.
But still, it is amazing when you're locking down someone's balloon and grounding them from 1000+ meters.
Agreed. I love it when I get a good gunner on my Hwachafish. You can tell, too. It's absolutely beautiful when he disables
every component in on volley, and then you can just turn, gat them, turn, Hwacha, turn, gat, repeat. Or have your team mate meta him. I still prefer my main engi on most ships, but on Spires, Mobs, and to an extent the Gally, gunner is really important.