Is the new heavy gun, whenever it comes out, carefully looked after so it doesn't end up like the Heavy Flak? AKA will it be usable on the Goldfish?
Will we get a sound notification like bullets hitting the armor when a Gatling gun is firing at a ship?
Is the Junker being looked at at all? It's current very high turning speed/acceleration eliminate any possible blindspots it might have had, making it very hard to approach. It also defies all laws of physics.
Are the Artemis and the Carronade firing arcs being worked on at all? Will we see an increase in them at in the future to allow more proper use of these guns?
Regarding the Spire changes, does the Dev team realy think that it will make the Spire properly viable?
All in all will, disablers be brought more on par with straight out kill builds?
and everyone's favorite, are we ever getting a heavy flamethrower or sorts?