Author Topic: The most beautiful thing.  (Read 6903 times)

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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The most beautiful thing.
« on: November 11, 2014, 02:36:40 am »
Let's set the stage. 3v3 Raid match. No rematches left. My allies are very new. Highest lvl among them all is ~15. The captains are 7 and 1. The enemy is also relatively unbloodied, but they certainly knew what was going on. My crew is completely random.

The battle starts, and immediately im explaining crazy king to my team. I know they don't know what's going on, and only the drums of war guide them on. A quick 101 and we're off to the first point. Our enemy knows where the points come from, and the fight ensues. It's not too pretty, myself going down first.

Shrug it off, and explain to my team about the changing points. We get the upper hand on the next point, and hold. The fates favor us, as this is our side of the field. We get a lead on our enemies. While all this is happening, only one of my crew remains. The ai replacements just dont cut it, but we survive. Unable to kill, but able to survive, we fight bitterly but we only hold out. The next change is on the enemy's side of the field.

I steel my lone engie for the fight to block the resources. We manage it while our allies head to the following point. It's about this time our enemy starts getting crafty. They realize we are close to victory. The next 4-5 point changes are all out brawls that net no points either way. Enter in a new engineer for my crew. Suddenly we have a chance to turn this into victory.

The enemy manages to snag a few points, but then their momentum slows. We start pulling the points in. All the while my new allies are fighting for their lives as well. They do spectacular work. Enter in a surprise gunner, and the sky opens up.

We gather steam and brawl our enemies. We only need 100 points to clutch victory. Our enemy knows this and fight at every turn. With the points shifting back to our side, we make our final play. A distraction stalls the enemy for just long enough so we can cap. We've done it.

This has to of been the best public game ive had in months, even possibly a year. To watch the crew work, to see my allies respond, and acknowledge what's happening and work as a team. It was beautiful. My heart goes out to all who played in that match.

Offline KitKatKitty

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Re: The most beautiful thing.
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2014, 11:13:12 am »
Salutes to you!
I love reading posts like this! Not only is it exciting when you are playing matches like this but you can feel the excitement when reading it. Wish we got to see more stories like this.