Author Topic: Soooo.....Whats new?  (Read 5737 times)

Offline Mr. Kurtz

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Soooo.....Whats new?
« on: November 06, 2014, 09:02:24 pm »
Hey guys

I've been a longtime player and follower of GOI for a few years now. I picked the game up in a 4 pack with a group of close friends back when the game was in Beta. We played the game and absolutely fell in love with it. Back then when the community was tiny and due to living in Alaska and Washington we struggled to often find a full lobby. We played the game to death and eventually stopped playing altogether a bit before the Mobula came out. I recently started the game up again and was just blown away by everything thats been added and how much the game and community have grown. It makes me very happy to see the game come so far since beta. So with that out of the way, whats new? What have I missed? What is the "meta" now? Im just overwhelmed and would like to get back into one of my favorite games again. Im asking you my fellow crewmen, fill in an old captain who hung up his telescope a long time ago.

Offline Wundsalz

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Re: Soooo.....Whats new?
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2014, 01:44:05 am »
- The Balance of the game made several leaps ahead and is not a state where THE metabuild doesn't really exist anymore. It's in an excellent state right now and a lot of past "fun builds" are actually very viable now. Gat mortar is still referred to as meta build, but it works differently now and requires you to get really close to the enemy.
- The hades was introduced after the mobu, right? If so, check it out, it's an awesome weapon. If not, try it anyway since the hades has really started to shine since the gat+mortar combo has been fundamentally altered.
- The community is still relatively small, but should be large enough for you to find a match at any time of the day.
- Lots of new useless bling like hats and the range finder pilot tool
- Lots of tiny improvements which make things easier (like an UI for loadout recommendations - you no longer need to type out what your crew should bring before every match starts)
- we've got a (still very wonky) matchmaking system instead of a lobby browser now
... more

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: Soooo.....Whats new?
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2014, 03:08:25 am »
I don't know if you left before or after the mass patch, but you can no longer use helium to dodge manticores in a pyramidion. They fixed tar so you can see the smoke and it damages enemy components. Also to use tar you have to select it and left click instead of just select it. It takes 9 stacks of fire to kick a gunner of his gun, but the stacks increase faster these days. Fire extinguisher now has a cool down, and has fallen out of favor with relation to chem spray. Muse added the Mine Launcher which does damage to friendly and enemy ships. Aggressive mine junker builds have been the defacto way of showing off. They do a crap ton of damage if used right and absolutely none if used wrong.