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Lies, Dirty Lies, and Propaganda

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Muse has given us a world with 6 factions. Each faction has to convinced its people that war with the other factions is justifiable. Enter the hard working propaganda minster, who through clever words and outright lies, justifies their nation's struggle against the outsiders.

As a fun writing project come up with some creative slander about one of 6 factions. Tell us about their secretive past. Why they are responsible for the fall of humanity. How their current leadership is unfit to rule. How their people are weak, cowardly, and deserving of conquest. As a bonus try to write from the point of view of one of the other factions and sign your work as that faction's propaganda minister.

We are not trying to establish any lore here, and are most certainly not trying to hurt anyone's feelings. Keep it fun and keep it silly. Here are some examples:

--- Quote from: HamsterIV on October 23, 2014, 05:28:42 pm ---For all we know Chaladon could be ruled by a vast thinking machine that was created prior to the cataclysm that turned much of the the world to ash. Perhaps this thinking machine controlled a network of skybound vessels. A Skynet if you will. It recognized the feuding nations would one day destroy the entire planet and decided it would give the process a kickstart. All the while preserving an isolated island that housed its central core.

Sadly this machine miscalculated the durability of its physical systems and after a few decades was in sore need of maintenance. It tricked a small population of refugees that washed up on its shores into thinking it was a god and used their agile human fingers to clean and maintain its internal systems. The Skynet used its advanced knowledge of human psychology and agriculture to cultivate its people and its island into a garden of Eden.

Ultimately all Chaledonians are slaves to a homicidal machine god. They do not understand the technology which they serve, but accept its control because it has allowed them to lead lives of abundance. Without the influence of their mechanical overmind they are a weak people only suitable for enslavement and pillaging.

Sincerely Yours,

The Angelean Propaganda Ministry

--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: HamsterIV on October 23, 2014, 08:25:20 pm ---Have you ever wondered how the Angeleans could survive in their vast arctic tundra? They say they harness thermal energy from within the earth, but that is a lie. No human could stand the noxious gasses and extreme temperature differences.

Any child knows all human life needs food grown in the light of the sun to provide the nutrients for good health. Yet the sun rarely shines on the Angelea's domain. I posit to you that the Angeleans aren't really human, but a race of Lizard people from the center of the earth. Our two races lived in blissful ignorance of one another until pre cataclysm man kind's greed for fossil fuel caused them to drill too deep.

Any records of mankind's contact with the lizard people have been lost but reputable schollars believe a cast of these Lizard people carry the Chamelion's color shifting ability. They no doubt  used it to infiltrate pre cataclysm human society with the intention of turning man on his fellow man. Ultimately this precipitated the great war that nearly destroyed this planet's fragile eco system. Were it not for the guidance of Chaladon's founding fathers and the lizard people's inherent fear of great bodies of water this planet would have been overrun by a scourge of lizard people.

Do not trust the Angelean's promise of shelter and meaningful labor in their underground cities, the lizard people look upon humanity as a food stock and nothing more. That is right, your friends, family, and neighbors who were taken in Angelean raids now rest comfortably inside the bellies of those forked tongued fiends.

Next time you see one of those lumbering brutes wrapped in their furs and armor look closely for scales and reptilian eyes. Then you will know the truth, Angeleans are not to be trusted.

The Chaledon Ministry for Truth.

--- End quote ---

The so called Yeshan "Empire" claims to be a meritocracy where even the lowest born thrall can aspire to own land and title. Yet one must wonder what trait could merit such a rise in status? Could it be Loyalty, Honor, Compassion? No, it is the first of their "Guiding Principals:" Ambition.

Their culture is despite its outwardly ordered appearance is a seething mess of political backstabbing, corruption, and envy. Everyone from the lowest farmer to the grandest admiral has one eye coveting the position above them, and the other eye wary of the underlings yearning to unseat them.

With both eyes occupied acquiring or maintaining their status they are blind to the past and the horrors that brought the downfall of mankind. It was the ancestors of the Yeshan who forged alliance on top of alliance with neighboring countries so that they would not have to send their own sons and daughters to war. Yet this diplomatic house of cards could not stand its own weight and collapsed into the war that burned the planet.

Our ancestors bore the brunt of this war, serving with honor on the front lines. Their ancestors grew fat and wealthy selling ever more destructive weapons to both sides. In the end our ancestors realized they could only trust men and women of honor and not empty ideals spouted by the greedy and corrupt. By then we had turned much of the world to ash in our rage.

While the fleet and resources of the Yeshan seem great they are not a unified fighting force. Each soldier, sailor, and officer is fighting for their own advancement. Their engineers will not expose themselves to fire so that they can reach critical components mid battle. Their gunners will not target a hostile ship with an ally if their own ship is in immediate danger. Their pilots will not ram an enemy's guns off angle to rescue an injured comrade. Just like their perfidious ancestors the modern day Yeshan lack the commitment of true soldiers.

Stand firm with your lords sons and daughters of the Baronies. The Yeshan menace may seem as numerous as the waves of the ocean, but just like the waves of the ocean they will crash and break against the rocky Fjords of our native land.

For the Honor of our Ancestors,

Arch Herald of the Fjord Baronies

The Fjord Baronies pride itself to have come from ancient nobility, dating back to the Great War. They promise to be the lords and the protectors of their people. This, my friends, is a lie.

When you meet a Baron, ask him to prove his "noble" lineage. You'll be able to count his ancient ancestors in your hands.

And ask what is noble about his lineage. The scholars rummaging through the great Archive of our empires have discovered that these so-called "Barons" descend from cruel, bloodthirsty and insane power-maniacs and murderers and war-criminals. They promise peace, but they are living representation of violence and madness of the Old World.

The Barons promise to defend their citizens. Do not be deceived. You, the citizen of our glorious empire, live comfortably within the walls of cities, in good weather, under just rule, and with many opportunities. They, the citizens of the false Baronies, live in unprotected hamlets, freezing in the cold, beset by raiders and pirates, and with no chance to improve their status. Know this my citizens, you live in the best and the safest place the world can provide.

Friends, know that the seeming magnificence of the Fjord Baronies can only be false.

Stand firm with the Yesha empire. The treachery of Barons is a treachery only we can defeat.

May your ambition be rewarded.

碩虎, 偉大的學者 of Yesha Empire.

My friend,

I hear you find the recent pact with Yesha to be a most agreeable idea, and for the moment, I believe that too. But only for the moment, to get back at those who caused our losses. Do you really, truly, want to become a slave, a worker in the field for those oppressive rulers? I would consider your options carefully once our revenge is complete.

Being a scavenger is what they labeled me as, a picker of trash, he who goes and kills without discretion just to get the scrap off of their ships. They see me, no, our entire way of pushing forward with the technology of the past, as simply seeing if we can make the most grotesque death possible for our enemies. You know me, and my... ah, lack for sincerity. But I hinge on the truth when I say that death is not what we live for. We live to advance, to grow, to outclass these men who believe that sheer manpower could trump tech.

I have read stories from books of those in bunkers hidden throughout the Dusty Plains, and I've found what I think they work like. You wouldn't understand, and I won't lie when I say they don't exist anymore, but I think with their desire to become a strict orderly nation, they're beginning to wane with their decisons, letting a ruler dictate how they live. Maybe now, that ruler is looking towards our advanatage. But should we permanetly join with those... ugh, Yeshans, then they'll begin to attempt to push their authority over us. And soon, we'll all be underneath the heel of a single man who decides on a dime if you should die on a spike, in front of a gatling, or underneath the cannons of a Scylla Mortar.

From your friend in Anglea,

(The message stops there. Smudge marks lie where the name should be.)

Our scholars have recently unearthed historic documents that mentions barbaric pillagers who pestered our ancestors. These savages were called Mongols.

Mongols were savage people, with no language nor civilization. They lived in inhospitable steppes of the North. They refused to make an honest living but raided villages for man-flesh to devour.
They said, and I quote word for word:

--- Quote ---The greatest joy for a man is to defeat his enemies, to drive them before him, to take from them all they possess, to see those they love in tears, to ride their airships, and to hold their wives and daughters in his arms.

--- End quote ---
The evil barbarians! They deserve only the most abhorred death!

Our ancestors built a Great Wall to defend themselves. It was an architectural wonder, designed by the best masons and bureaucrats of the time, but it not enough to stop the savages. When the walls crumbled, the Mongols took over the entire world.

They brought about an reign of chaos. Murder, hunger, and rape became commonplace. They beheaded entire cities for "entertainment". They burned books and buried alive scholars. It was a dark age for mankind.

My fellow citizens. Let us learn from the mistake of our ancestors. It is not enough to the keep pillagers at bay. We must eradicate them, clear the danger from the face of the earth.

Arm your Galleons and fly north. For your Ambition and Empire's Honor, destroy the Angleans!

May your ambitions be rewarded.

碩虎, 偉大的學者 of Yesha Empire.


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