I can't believe you outright promote this blatant deterioration of morale here! Treachery!
All powder monkeys and swabbies I've ordered to get planked for a spot know they didn't die in vain because they served the greater cause by sacrificing their life. Not a single crew member executing this maneuver complained about it to me afterwards.
Instantly derailing the discussion overridden by hilarity. Well played.
Thank you for the compliment! - And fuck you for making it sound sarcastic so I feel obliged to make a constructive contribution on this topic!
Anyway, here you go - words of reason against Sprayers populist propaganda in which he elevates a crew members life to a valuable entity (such a silly concept):
Not knowing where an enemy directly above/underneath you is and moves is extremely dangerous. However before ending up in such a situation the crew almost always had a time slot where they could have made the spot. Hence I think it's just fair the enemy can capitalize on their information advantage. Personally I really like the panic an unspoted ship this close to you can induce (I've even heard about people jumping off the ship because they can't stand the pressure anymore).