1. Location: (Country/Province/State) - England, Hertfordshire.
2. Age: (How old are you?) - I'm nineteen years old, nearly twenty ._.
3. Experience with GOIO (How long have you been playing?) - I honestly don't know, I've been away from the game for a while but I know what I'm doing.
4. Why you want to join Angelic Odyssey: (Why do you want to join us?) - I've already met a lot of your clan and played with them, you seem nice c:
5. What makes you a good addition to the clan: (What classes do you like to play and why?) - I'm extremely friendly, always open to changing my class when it's required. I'm helpful, always happy to talk and listen.
6. Other Info: (Tell us anything else you'd like us to know about you) - My name is Paul but most people call me Davis. I've been away from gaming for a while but I'm slowly coming back. I'm a fun person!