So, felt like having an old laugh with a GOIO twist thx to Inu x Boku SS character Kagerou.
Reference here: a showing of it's power in true S style but at it's heart it longs to take a beating. M!
Pyramidion...Rigid and inflexible with speed and power...S!
Junker...It's balloon screams shoot me in M style but it has a maniacal love for dishing out pain to others. Super S!
Goldfish...Rarely effective outside of disabling roles. This ship loves to sit on top of people and grind them into the ground. S!
Spire...It loves to tower over others and bring down hot death from above but has no staying power to take it itself. S!
Mobula...Feign's M with it's huge balloon but dishes out pain upon those who underestimate it. S!
Squid...It's high speed and potential at dishing out quick destruction, masks it's love for pain due to quick rebuild. It likes to be hit and invites foes to try and catch it. M!
It appears most GOIO ships are S. Or are they? What else can you all find in GOIO?