Author Topic: The damage system is flawed. Suggesting overhaul.  (Read 41334 times)

Offline sparklerfish

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Re: The damage system is flawed. Suggesting overhaul.
« Reply #45 on: September 26, 2014, 06:02:31 pm »
Better tutorials would be fantastic, although to be fair, the gunner tutorial DOES cover that gatling strips armor and mortar takes down permahull... so in order to not even be able to grasp that, a player would need to have not completed the tutorials at ALL.

Steam and these forums have some excellent guides, but I'd guess a lot of new players don't seek them out.  I'd like it if they were highlighted more or linked to from the game to encourage players to learn about these things.

Maybe the tutorials should be required.  Many, many, many games start with a tutorial section that you can't skip, and that would definitely help mitigate some of my frustrations in matches when I have someone on my ship who has literally never played at all and I have to waste a portion of the match training them on how extremely basic game mechanics work when we could actually be playing.

Offline Van-Tuz

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Re: The damage system is flawed. Suggesting overhaul.
« Reply #46 on: September 27, 2014, 02:40:25 am »
The biggest problem I can see here is when we go long range. Atm you can take some damage in long range and then go back to cover, while with your suggestion most would probably be rather scared to move out of cover, because they will get instant perma hull damage.

Question is: Is it worth changing the system to this? I say not, as well because the current one works so well.
The hull is supposed to be repairable in my system. If it would have a very large health pool then it can't be repaired quickly enough to affect the result of a battle much but you would be able to fix it if you have a minute between engagements.

Answer is: It is worth discussing it seriously at least.
What caught my attention in this 'reform' is that ships are going to die waaaay faster which I think isn't the good direction
Actually no. I expect ships to die slower.
Currently explosive weapons have so absurdly high damage in proportion to hull HP because they need to operate in a very little time window when the hull is exposed. This window can range from 15 seconds (roaming engineer and Galleon's armor) to as little as 2 seconds (2 engineers camping squid's armor) That's why we have little to no time between "we're fine" and "o'shi..."
The system can fail in another way too. If you ease the pressure for a few seconds (for example your gatling was disabled) then enemy armor would be completely repaired and you'd have to start over.

These 2 factors are making TTK very inconsistent. When explosive weapons won't need to operate in a tight schedule and disabled gun won't give a chance to completely negate all your efforts then the Time To Kill may be stabilised and balanced as needed.

Offline macmacnick

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Re: The damage system is flawed. Suggesting overhaul.
« Reply #47 on: September 27, 2014, 11:23:05 am »
...Time to kill is not everything. Fun is a higher priority. For example, if mines had the same tim to kill as a gat-mortar pyra, I would not be able to have my fun as much, or make nearly enough mine puns as I currently can.