Author Topic: [DevApp] Range Finder testing session  (Read 6070 times)

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[DevApp] Range Finder testing session
« on: September 14, 2014, 03:27:23 pm »
Copy-paste of this thread:
Signing up through this thread is also welcome, yet tracking of slots shall be continued in steam thread discussion.

It appears that Keyvias wants rangefinders to be tested and it requires more than just one player to do so.

While tampering with range finder alone I noted this oddity - while captain has a range finder equiped on helm of mobula, he can't receive the feedback regarding the distance to enemy ship.
Therefore testing this issue will be put on To-Do list as well.

Semptember 20, 2014.
16:00 UTC

Minimal Requirments for session:
1) 4 captains with range finders.
2) 3 gunners with lesmok, greased and heavy. (Junker in Match #1 does not require a gunner on board)
3) All those captains and gunners gathered on single server at specific time.

How to sign up:
Leave a post here, stating that you are willing to participate.
Post should include following information:
1) Which ships from Match #1 and Match #2 you are willing to test.
2) Role in which you are willing to test it.
3) Your DevApp nickname.

If you are not sure if you will be available to participate at announced time, then apply as Additional Crewmember. If any of core crew fails to appear at event, you will replace him.

We are going to try and make it as less time-consuming as possible.
For this to happen we need to launch as less games as possible and therefore use pre-determined loadouts.
Commence your testing, record your results and send results back to thread with results for developers to read.
Thread for results will be created a few minutes before testing.

Match #1.

Ship #1 (Red team)
Mobula with following guns: Carronade, Harpoon, Flare, Gatling, Flamethrower.
Ship's responsobilities: test everything listed in Stage #1 of To-Do list and Mobula's part of Stage #4

Ship #2 (Blue Team)
Mobula with following guns: Artemis, Mortair, Flak, Banshee, Mercury, Hades.
This ship will serve as dummy for Ship #3 to shoot at.
Ship's responsobilities: test everything listed in Stage #2 of To-Do list and Mobula's part of Stage #4

Ship #3 (Red Team)
Galleon with following guns: Twin Carronade, Hwacha, Lumberjack, Heavy Flak, Mine Launcher
This ship will serve as dummy for Ship #2 to shoot at.
Ship's reponsobilities: test everything listed in Stage #3 of To-Do list and Galleon's part of Stage #4.

Ship #4 (Blue Team)
Junker with any weapons.
This ship will serve as a dummy for Ship #1 to shoot at.
Ship's reponsobilitiess: Test Junker's part of Stage #4 in To-Do list.

Notes: Try not to kill each other and regarding ship #2 and #3 - do not commence testing both at same time. Settle it between yourselves who will be dummy first and then switch.

Match #2.
Ship #1.
Squid with any guns.
Squid's part of Stage #4 in To-Do list.
Ship #2.
Goldfish with any guns.
Goldfish's part of Stage #4 in To-Do list.
Ship #3.
Spire with any guns.
Spire's part of Stage #4 in To-Do List.
Ship #4.
Pyramidion with any guns.
Pyramidion's part of Stage #4 in To-Do list.

Notes: We will quickly test the Stage #4 in this match and celebrate out good job with onslaughter.

To-Do list

Stage 1: Close range weapons testing.
Test the feedback of range finder with provided ammunition on board of Mobula:
-Barking Dog Light Carronade
-Javelin Light Harpoon Gun
-Beacon Flare Gun
-Whirlwind Light Gatling Gun
-Dragon Tongue Light Flamethrower

Stage 2: Middle-long range weapons testing.
Test the feedback of range finder with provided ammunition on board of Mobula:
-Artemis Light Rocket Launcher
-Scylla Double-Barreled Mortair
-Echidna Light Flak Cannon
-Banshee Light Rocker Carousel
-Mercury Field Gun
-Hades Light Cannon

Stage 3: Heavy weapons testing.
Test the feedback of range finder with provided ammunition on board of Galleon:
-Hellhoud Heavy Twin Carronade
-Manticore Heavy Hwacha
-Lumberjack Heavy Mortar
-Typhon Heavy Flak Cannon
-Phobos Light Mine Launcher

Stage 4: Range finder on helm testing
Test if it is possible to receive the feedback from range finder while using it on helm of Mobula.
Test if it is possible to receive the feedback from range finder while using it on helm of Galleon.
Test if it is possible to receive the feedback from range finder while using it on helm of Squid.
Test if it is possible to receive the feedback from range finder while using it on helm of Pyramidion.
Test if it is possible to receive the feedback from range finder while using it on helm of Spire.
Test if it is possible to receive the feedback from range finder while using it on helm of Goldfish.
Test if it is possible to receive the feedback from range finder while using it on helm of Junker.