I think it would be cool if the follkwing 2 stats were added and contributed to your engineer performance grade.
Hp repaired.
Chem Sprays applied.
This is because I feel that a sign of a good engineer these days, is how well they can Chem spray (is it just me that thinks that?) Make sure it tracks all of them not just when it loses chem and is reapplied.
And although the parts 'repaired' stat shows how omnipresent an engineer is, if 90 of your 120 repairs are on the Pyramidions engines. This does not mean your performance was exceptional. The grade would indicate otherwise.
However if used with hp repaired it shows not only how omnipresent you were but also how important your repairs are.
Plus it would be an Interesting stat to compete with other engis on imo.
Maybe captains could see it to know how good their crew did.
This however maybe tricky and time consuming to implement, it might also cause performance issues, (tracking hp repaired on every ship, and number of chems for evryone playing might strain servers [i dont actually know if it would or not i dont make games])
Plus if Muse did work on it- it's not necessary reaaally. Go work on something worth more of your effort

Scoring is a good enough feature as it is right now.
This just might be a cool addition tho. Idk