Author Topic: Display friendly ships option?  (Read 14045 times)

Offline SaintR.L.

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Re: Display friendly ships option?
« Reply #15 on: July 21, 2014, 02:35:58 pm »
Why not have green boxes for allies, and red markers for enemies?

I think those are pretty universal friendly/enemy colors, and no newbie is going to get that confused.

Esp with how ridiculous these new ship paints are - so many people paint blue team ships with a red balloon, and vice versa - and lets be honest the balloon is usually a lot more prominent than the pennants they fly.
You can only imagine how ridiculous it'd be if you ever got 3-4 teams fighting at once.

Offline obliviondoll

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Re: Display friendly ships option?
« Reply #16 on: July 24, 2014, 05:24:33 am »
Making the team colour flags larger, and possibly somehow making the colour remain more visible at a distance would solve PART of the problem nicely.

It WOULDN'T help to keep track of where a teammate (who can't be marked) is when they're close enough to make the minimap useless. You can't be sure that ascending or descending won't crash into a teammate when you can't see them and the minimap says you're on top of one another. There are situations you can get into where moving forwards or backwards is a more tricky prospect, and ascending or descending is the best - or only - option. But you don't know which to do, because you can't tell where your teammate is.

Marking their location with a DIFFERENT marker to the one used for marked enemies would help in those situations. You could even use the same kind of marker but with "FRIENDLY: (ship name)" or something to confirm the difference between them and enemies. Simply displaying the ship name isn't going to be very helpful when dealing with new players and all the ships are named "Goldfish".

Offline Yarr Vinny Scarr

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Re: Display friendly ships option?
« Reply #17 on: July 25, 2014, 06:49:39 am »
I dont suggest this, because it would make the game a copy of all the other games.

Alot of games have indicators of who's friendly with differend name-tags or marks.
Now it's like you'r in a real ship where you can't see if it's an enemy or friendly ship. Spotting the enemy makes a
marker which tells your teammates "Enemy!", so I dont think you need a marker for "Friendly!" (This kind of is already the case in the compass)
It's like the same discussion about the fixed position of the repair indicators, this would make it easier but less realistic.

And the part about ramming into your friend, thats true but imagine when you'r in a real ship, then you can't markt the friendly's ships either. You have to keep track of that enemy ship too.

This is just my opinion. For me no friendly-spot. ;)