Author Topic: Muse, give us a better wind simulation!  (Read 6421 times)

Offline Wundsalz

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Muse, give us a better wind simulation!
« on: July 17, 2014, 11:35:55 am »
Currently GoIs winds feel kind of dull - some static force pulling you into the same direction over the entire map. Usually we only notice it if we try to keep in a static position for sniping.
That's sad. Wind could make an awesome game mechanic: Imagine yourself using current peaks to burst through the gaps in canyons - or using the swirls behind rocks to decelerate quickly! It would add an entirely new layer to consider for strategical positioning as well because wind could make certain spots more (or less) attractive for approaches/escapes.

Now I'm not into game-physics-programming, but I figure any sort of live-wind-calculation is a no-go as it'll likely be to computational heavy. So in order to make this work precalculating the wind behaviour and generating some sort of look-up-table/grid for later ingame usage is probably a better approach. Here's an idea how to create and use such a table/grid with (hopefully) relatively low effort:
1. Export your maps to a file format a CFD-simulation software of your choice can handle.
2. run some simulations with a set fluid(air) entry and exit areas. Optional: run the simulation with different boundary conditions to generate data for winds of different intensity and direction (WIND SHIFTS FUCK YEAH!)
3. export the generated wind data in a format that's useable for you.
4. generate a look-up-table/grid from the simulation data and put it into the corresponding map
5. ingame check the position of the ship every second or so and look up the windspeed corresponding to the position in the table/grid.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2014, 11:37:55 am by Wundsalz »

Offline Sanji the Chef

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Re: Muse, give us a better wind simulation!
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2014, 01:20:51 pm »
While I think it would be a lot of work, a realistic(or maybe even unrealistic) wind system would be awesome. I'd love to cut engines as I bank between mountains and start reversing and use the wind to turn the ship faster!

Offline pandatopia

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Re: Muse, give us a better wind simulation!
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2014, 11:55:07 am »
I think this would be a great idea in theory, but would need a new indicator for it.

Obviously people can't see wind (aside from looking at clouds blow through).

So maybe a weathervane/tee flag type thing on the wheel (or to the side) so pilots could get a better idea of how wind is blowing.

I actually think this should be a adventure mode thing, as wind will give you a sense of flying and soaring, one thing that is surprisingly lacking in GoI. I get that we are blimpy airships, but if more ships felt like the squid I think I would get more a sense of enjoyment flying them. Esp since the squid (and maybe the goldfish) are the only ones where you can get fast enough to hear the wind whistling past your ear - something that was surprisingly awesome when I first heard it, and always tickles my fancy when I hear it after moonshining. I think wind (high winds) will lend itself to more of an adventurous feeling, and should fittingly go in adventure mode instead of the brawling wood-crunching combat we currently enjoy in skirmish mode.

I don't think this would be very good in skirmish, as that is one more thing that is (inivsibly) going to make aiming/piloting/predicting harder.

Offline RistoH

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Re: Muse, give us a better wind simulation!
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2014, 01:43:13 pm »
I think this would be great for the base game, it would add some variety to piloting, and it would be really cool.