Author Topic: Ship explosions deal damage  (Read 7781 times)

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Ship explosions deal damage
« on: July 08, 2014, 08:15:55 pm »
As is stated in the firework thread. Idea would be to add an impact damage effect to ships exploding. When a ship kills another, if they are within the explosion radius, it in turn takes a hit which could throw off arcs, damage parts all over the ship, 5 stack fires, and potentially leave the ship very exposed.

So it would be like a single mine hit going off. Possibly add a secondary explosion to the ship collapse effect to add more effect.

Imagine ramming a vessel at full speed, it collapsing and then an explosion from it bouncing you away. Effect would have to be tuned so it doesn't completely discourage ramming. But something like this has been done in other games. Starlancer for one used this greatly when you'd destroy a torp bomber at close range before it would fire their torpedoes. If coming in at high speed, you could ride the wake of destruction for a moment hoping you had enough speed so it didn't wreak your fighter.

This would also generate some new tactics and reasons for a vessel that is heavily damaged to do a suicide charge. So even if you die, your death would help your ally by potentially causing chaos among the enemy. So no more suicide charges which end in a simple love tap.

Offline Milevan Faent

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Re: Ship explosions deal damage
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2014, 08:32:53 pm »
I don't like this idea. Pyra's would just charge and suicide. Hell, even Squids might do that.

Offline Dementio

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Re: Ship explosions deal damage
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2014, 09:19:56 pm »
Ramming ships in this game is a valid stragety, with the damage you are proposing, nobody would ever ram anymore and a lot of kill potential is lost.

I would like the idea if the damage is relatively small, but still throws you off arc or even up/down.

And I wouldn't call it an explosion, but rather a ship crumbling and shattering under the heavy fire, eventually taking too much damge and a lot of parts get disconnected from the hull, resulting in a bunch of pieces falling down to earth.

Offline Crafeksterty

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Re: Ship explosions deal damage
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2014, 11:19:40 pm »
There is more drawbacks than bons with this.
Suddenly, pyras that charge into spires wont do it anymore because it will blow up in his face, he may not want that after gettting shot at by 4 different guns.

This also encourages death.

However, it may be a good idea as a pilot tool, i feel like someone did make the idea as a pilot tool some time ago.
Where if you die with it activated, only then does the ship blow up and do damage to the enemy ship.

Another idea that would be akward and funny is adding the explosion to the ship with the ammo loaded in a gun. So the more guns have the ammo loaded, the harder the ship explodes (Something to encourage more gunners).

Offline GreyTea

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Re: Ship explosions deal damage
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2014, 03:21:58 am »
Effect would have to be tuned so it doesn't completely discourage ramming.

This would also generate some new tactics and reasons for a vessel that is heavily damaged to do a suicide charge. So even if you die, your death would help your ally by potentially causing chaos among the enemy. So no more suicide charges which end in a simple love tap.

I like this idea, of course the physics and programming would have to be altered, but imagine you ram if successful it could be like using hydro to lift you up, taking a little damage makes people think alot before ramming,

The second part i feel is contradictory because of the nerf to make ramming viable when a ship explodes the damage should be negligible, we also go into the realms of realism because ships would cause that effect, and it does add some new spice to ramming mechanics especially the fire spread,

Here is my thought, fire a mine to get the kill would then a secondary explosion could be interesting to allies in the proximity :D

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Ship explosions deal damage
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2014, 08:17:22 am »
Adjust the impact taken from ram kill explosions based on weight. So risk of ram killing light ships wouldn't be that much. They also in turn wouldn't do as much damage. But say...close range explosion from a galleon...make it like you've taken 2-3 mines depending on proximity to explosion. That there is something to stop moronic pilots from attempting to ram kill Galleons which is a good thing because honestly...its an age old problem with fail pilots. Specially those ramming galleons with squids.

So Spires being lightweight pieces of flying toilet paper, would only knock a Pyra's arcs about on it's destruction. Same principle for Squids/etc. However, you could have it be, the closer you are, the greater the effect.

This isn't something impossible. I've seen mines behaving like this in game right now when an ally triggered a mine and I happened to be near them. They got fire stacks and heavier impact damage while my vessel only caught the edge of the explosion and sustained less overall damage. Course most likely what was happening was the ship was part in, part out of the explosive radius. But tuning the intensity of the explosion based on distance away is a viable idea.

Isn't about realism, its about there finally giving weakened vessels meaning. They can't survive much longer anyways and more often than not they are under heavy disable. Which means someone is grinding them down at cqc range. Suicide charge which ends in something that actually throws off their arcs or potentially tosses them into a building/etc, would be useful and fun for the majority of players.

It would be nice to see in matches. Teams being considered as totally out of options when one vessel is down below 50% perma. Suicide explode charging could give them a very viable option if the opponent doesn't stop them in time.

Heck, if you ever got to see the original mines in the dev app and got to play Captain Phoenix's suicide loch mine saw the potential fun to be had in suicide charging vessels. Holy crap, imagine Whale Wars harpoon battles with it. Would be some silly fun indeed.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2014, 08:19:49 am by Gilder Unfettered »