Your engineer and gunner analogy is inaccurate. If you use the wrong ammo or engineer tool at the wrong time, it can be fatal. Ever had someone hit a Squid hull with a Mallet in the middle of a battle? A hell of a lot more punishing than leaving PC on for an entire match. Having lesmok loaded when you should have greased can mean a loss of DPS that can cause you to lose an engagement. PC overuse has never meant the difference between life and death.
Try again.
I would further contend that if you SHOULD be constantly using pilot tools, then there really is no truly proper use. You can't constantly use Hydro or Chute vent, Drogue Chute, or Moonshine or Impact bumpers without severe penalties that should lead to your demise. Kerosene and Phoenix Claw can be used constantly. Kerosene has a direct competitor in Moonshine. Phoenix Claw has no direct competitor and can be constantly used.
Hitting 2 at the same time you hit A or D takes no skill. Knowing when to reverse engines to speed up your turn does. Knowing good angles and bad angles does.
This is the same umbrella as dominant meta builds. If some element of a game becomes ubiquitous, the game starts to become stale, certain builds and ships and guns and ammo become dominant and seen over and over again. Phoenix Claw is the most dominant element of this game. NO pilot worth a damn would be caught dead without it. It's not even a question. It's the only item I never change in any loadout -- gunner, engi, or pilot.
Any other slot, you have to ask and answer questions to determine what should be there. I've never not run PC as a pilot. Like ever. Even when I was running with a Spyglass, I still ran with PC. It's a no-brainer to take it, it's a no-brainer when to use it (if you're turning).
Where exactly is the skill in using PC? Feels to me it's more a crutch for those that have less skill. Oh, that junker is in my blind spot, guess I'll just PC.