Again, what do time limits really do? My post is not about the amount of time it takes, how long we sit in lobby. My point is there are no rules covering this area. Putting a time limit on anarchy is not dealing with it.
And I don't buy the, "just get better," or ,"the best team will win anyway" idea either. If that were truly the case, the supposed best wouldn't swap ever, no matter what the other team has, and it is clear that there is at least some swapping, people are insisting that there be a way to swap ships or weapons once you see your opponent.
Or how about this scenerio"
5 minute timer
My team has two Mobies up to see in lobby. The other team has two spires (stick with me on this one, as ridiculous as it may be). No one does any switching for say 2-3 minutes. The other team readies. Me and my teammate switch to double pyri and ready and the 5 second countdown finished before the other team realizes what happened.
I know, I know, the other team should have paid attention, unreadying when they saw the swap.
To put it bluntly, whoever is willing to be the bigger a-holes and take advantage of the lack of rules surrounding this area get a bit of a leg up on the competition. Does it always work? No, of course not. But that doesn't make it acceptable on the competitive level.
It is tantamount to sneaky and dirty play. It gives teams a reason to bitch and call foul.
Again, I don't have the end all, be all of answers to this problem, but to say this problem doesn't exist or to say putting a timer on it is the answer doesn't seem realistic.