Author Topic: More Players Or Is The Player Base Fine?  (Read 12065 times)

Offline DaOrks

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More Players Or Is The Player Base Fine?
« on: July 02, 2014, 11:49:01 pm »
Obviously the game could do with some more people, but what do people think of the game getting a large influx of players? This is unlikely but would it benefit the game or hurt it considering the fantastic player base as of right now. I'd like more people just based on the fact that this game is fantastic, although its a niche game for sure.
(If this has been posted before sorry but no harm is throwing some discussion out on the forum right?

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: More Players Or Is The Player Base Fine?
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2014, 12:34:13 am »
I believe there have been a few discussions, however because I can't be bothered to actually look for them let me just chime in here. Getting new players and losing old ones happen all the time, even for a game like this new people are coming in and out. While I don't mind new players, I personally dislike extremely large player influxes because they are hard to manage. A steady flow of people wouldn't be bad but if say 400 people suddenly appear out of nowhere, not only would global be filled with people who are unfamiliar with the community standards, there are always a certain number of trouble makers when we get new players, we've been cracking down on extreme vulgarity and the like a lot recently, I'd prefer not to give any examples, many of them were minor but some where just plain terrible.

On another point Hamster IV brought up some fantastic points about why this game isn't for everyone here,4367.0.html I recommend you give it a read.

Offline Dutch Vanya

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Re: More Players Or Is The Player Base Fine?
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2014, 12:42:07 am »
It's the only game 'community' that i actually consider a community. These people are dedicated as well. During sales the game does get large influxes of players but the majority simply doesn't stick around

Offline DaOrks

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Re: More Players Or Is The Player Base Fine?
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2014, 12:53:02 am »
I believe there have been a few discussions, however because I can't be bothered to actually look for them let me just chime in here. Getting new players and losing old ones happen all the time, even for a game like this new people are coming in and out. While I don't mind new players, I personally dislike extremely large player influxes because they are hard to manage. A steady flow of people wouldn't be bad but if say 400 people suddenly appear out of nowhere, not only would global be filled with people who are unfamiliar with the community standards, there are always a certain number of trouble makers when we get new players, we've been cracking down on extreme vulgarity and the like a lot recently, I'd prefer not to give any examples, many of them were minor but some where just plain terrible.

On another point Hamster IV brought up some fantastic points about why this game isn't for everyone here,4367.0.html I recommend you give it a read.

I have read that but I figured another page for something like this couldn't hurt. Maybe spur some more involvement in the forums.

Offline GreyTea

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Re: More Players Or Is The Player Base Fine?
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2014, 01:20:09 pm »
Obviously the game wants to see more players, because that means more sales have been made and then there is more features for people to play and support can continue and the cycle of prosperity fuels itself,

However i do agree with pieman and Dutch, This game is a community, its small dedicated and filled with fantastic people and that is one of the selling points to anyone who wants to be involved in a community, I picked this game up on sale last year and now i work for the company who made it, I dare say if this game was bigger then would i be where i am now?? Would i have made the awesome friends i have now, Or even meet the person who i feel in love with through this game. I feel strongly that the community side of this game is very important and well looked after, that is why i wanted to help keep it this way, In an age of online communities and gaming in a general, how many games can you say you have made friends through or meet the love of your life.

People from all around the world play, and if you ask them most the stories are the same picked it up didn't expect much then got ''the bug'' next thing they have over 500 games clan friends ect, People who have been around a while know to make friends and be ''accepted'' all you have to do is be Nice and well mannered and have a little patience, Don't bully people or be obnoxious its just common sense and respect of others,

I think over the next year it is going to be a very exciting time, with lots of possibilities and prospects of new players, and hopefully they fit right in and break this attitude some have of constantly flaming NOOOB!!! OMG YOU'RE **^& and ready up ready up ready up, or my personal favorite, *Insert random profanity here* In to global for no context or logical reason. We get some lovely people you can start to see more and more coming through making clans and friends and numbers are rising slowly i remember playing with ram on a Sunday morning with 37 people on, sounds bad yes but when there is that many people on you get know the regular players and with the main thing being communication and team work you soon develop bonds.

So in short, More players but in little doses so everyone can experience the game from the way the vets did and hopefully fall in love with it and want to be apart of the growing community.

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: More Players Or Is The Player Base Fine?
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2014, 03:29:10 pm »
Being part of a mass influx as some pros and cons. Pros are having a bunch of people who are all at your skill level to experiment with. The cons are that some people who might otherwise love the game don't get to experience the the best of what this game has to offer and may quit the game before knowing what it is like to fly with a solid crew.

On a whole the mass influx thing is a positive for our community.

On thing Muse could do to increase retention is to focus advertizing on people who would like this game instead of to the general gaming public. As stated in that other post this is an incredibly niche game. It would be better to get 100 new players who like games that focus on team work and have 50 of them stay then get 300 new players who just like video games and have 20 of them stay. While I appreciate what the big Youtube casters have done for the popularity of this game, I can't help but wonder what would happen if Muse reached out to no video game communities that like team play. People like like board gamers, irl team sports, or even recreational sailors.

Offline obliviondoll

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Re: More Players Or Is The Player Base Fine?
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2014, 05:55:26 pm »
I've been a part of the online community for a lot of different games over the years. Not just videogames either. LARP and boardgame sites have had me as an active member as well. So far, Guns of Icarus has been one of the better experiences I've had when I'm new to a game and its community.

I joined a non-novice match through a friend inviting me to a game, and stuck around after he left. I was an Engineer, and a very gruff-sounding voice told me that I had to either be a Pilot or leave the game. I came on voice and said "I've never been a Pilot before, but ok!" quite happy to be put into a new situation. Immediately heard "You're new? I'll tag along and give you some advice" then another player swapped over from his clan-crewed ship to join me.

Back in the early days of Assassin's Creed multiplayer, there was a similar sense that when someone was new, everyone was thinking "I remember being new. I'll try and help out so s/he doesn't go through hell like I did", but after a while, that turned into either "I'm stuck carrying the new guy" or "easy trolling victim" for a lot of the veterans (depending which side of the fight the new player was on).

Armored Core has always had its elitists, but there are also a lot of people willing to help new players learn the ropes. I've gone out of my way to provide resources to help new people out in the latest game in the series. On the more active forums for the game, responses to new arrival posts sometimes go as far as "Just leave. The game is better off without you" (yes, that's an actual quote from someone's introduction thread). But for the most part, new people will find at least a few veterans who give them advice and a warm welcome. And when I say "warm welcome", I don't mean setting them on fire and laughing. ;)

All that being said, as a new player, I'd love to see more people coming to play Guns of Icarus, but like other posts in the thread, I'd be hesitant to encourage a massive influx of people that might unbalance the community in the wrong ways.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2014, 05:57:02 pm by obliviondoll »

Offline Sal Torito

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Re: More Players Or Is The Player Base Fine?
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2014, 01:59:24 am »
I'd like more people, but honestly, at any hours I haven't had so much trouble finding a game. That said, the game seems to have a learning curve that turns most casual gamers off. I bought the 4 pack for this game, and NONE of the FILTHY MUTINEERS I GAVE THE GAME TOO PLAYED IT WITH ME. Yesterday I bought the game for my girlfriend and so far she seems to be sticking with it. Hopefully it continues.

There really isn't anything for it though, to make the game easier to play would rob it of the very things that make it good. I'm still pilot level 3 so I'm playing with the fresh guys (I was actually in beta, and took a long vacation before picking this up again), and I try to teach them the things they need to know. Hopefully it helps some guys to stick around.

Offline Imagine

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Re: More Players Or Is The Player Base Fine?
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2014, 02:22:50 am »
I'd like more people, but honestly, at any hours I haven't had so much trouble finding a game. That said, the game seems to have a learning curve that turns most casual gamers off. I bought the 4 pack for this game, and NONE of the FILTHY MUTINEERS I GAVE THE GAME TOO PLAYED IT WITH ME. Yesterday I bought the game for my girlfriend and so far she seems to be sticking with it. Hopefully it continues.

There really isn't anything for it though, to make the game easier to play would rob it of the very things that make it good. I'm still pilot level 3 so I'm playing with the fresh guys (I was actually in beta, and took a long vacation before picking this up again), and I try to teach them the things they need to know. Hopefully it helps some guys to stick around.
If one person out of every 4-pack that gets purchased sticks around, we're in good shape.