Author Topic: Rangefind your enemies through clouds  (Read 6546 times)

Offline Mezhu

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Rangefind your enemies through clouds
« on: June 21, 2014, 06:22:38 am »
As most know, after the last major patch and before the latest hotfix we were able to see through the closest few layers of clouds by using any zooming tool (spyglass, rangefinder, weapons). This was obviously game-breaking to a large extend, and got properly fixed recently.

Ever since, though, I keep finding myself 'blind'. I got used to the anxious spyglassing of hotspots in my field of view, and having to vocally inform the rest of my team of where I last saw an enemy added a nice touch to the game. Especially for roles that don't usually have much to do out of combat, such as the gunner (and to a lesser extend the main engie), being a spyglass scout made a lot of sense. There was a tactical depth to it, as well- the most eagle-eyed crew would see an enemy long before the enemy saw them, allowing them smarter engagements.

This got me thinking if this could somehow be an intended feature, implemented with respect to the rest of the game's balance and mechanics. If the answer is yes, a potential candidate for this utility would be the rangefinder. It's a tool very rarely (if at all) used, and such a buff would be very logical. It would also be more suitable and beneficial for the gunner class, as it would grant him one additional responsibility and enhance his role compared to the engineer (at least while ooc). Even if the rangefinder was that way altered, it could by no means replace the spyglass. Instead, it could complement it and have a better synergy with it- you 'spot' an enemy with the rangefinder, inform your crew of his position and direction, and the spyglass will be ready to mark him once he becomes visible.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2014, 06:25:07 am by Mezhu »

Offline Milevan Faent

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Re: Rangefind your enemies through clouds
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2014, 08:00:41 am »
Hmm... This sounds kind of interesting. Could you explain more what you mean by this though? This kind of buff to the range finder does sound like it could make it an actually viable tool though, if I understand it at all.

Offline Verbose Mode

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Re: Rangefind your enemies through clouds
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2014, 01:03:24 pm »
I think it would be a great tool (and more useful) if it showed the range to WHATEVER it was pointing at, ignoring clouds, which would mak it more useful on particularly cloudy maps like Labyrinth or Paritian Rumble where rushing ships might smash themselves into buildings. the Rangefinder could act as a really ghetto "radar" to detect obstacles. Perhaps giving it some form of ability to penetrate a few layers of cloud may give it some more utility, but might break the stealth game.
I kinda want it to have a visible laser light when actively ranging, too, to help gunners and crew tell what the exact target it, or even to just get their attention in a certain direction.

However, a dedicated tool to piercing cloud cover already exists in the form of the flare gun.

Offline SirNotlag

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Re: Rangefind your enemies through clouds
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2014, 09:09:27 pm »
I feel the drums already break the stealth game.

I am all for letting range finder detect through clouds would make it a much more useful tool, cause I never see it being taken.