Author Topic: An Open Bounty: The Head of Jim Grinns  (Read 9343 times)

Offline Lemur Lord

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An Open Bounty: The Head of Jim Grinns
« on: July 27, 2013, 01:43:52 am »
Ships and Crew Wanted

This is a call to arms for any and all able-bodied men and women to take down the notorious Jim Grinns and his band of pirates.
For too long his posse have been preying on the weak and defenseless.
Now, I say, is the time to strike
He's holed up in his heavily defended alcove, so we're gonna need every ship worth its wood and all hands to crew them.

Sign ups will held every evening at six at Shipping Warehouse 12. The abandoned one.
The only prerequisite is that you be one of the hundreds of victims to Grinns' heinous crimes.
We need to be certain you'll have the raw determination to take down this mad man

Clear skies and Calm winds to you

*Hi, this is my first attempt at running a short RP quest thing, all I ask is that you be willing to provide a short backstory as to how Jim Grinns has hurt your character in the past and why you want revenge. After a few people and ships sign on we'll set sail and try to, simply put, kill him using our literary craft to come up with the most (hopefully) awesome and coherent tale possible. Good Luck*

Offline Allen Fierte

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Re: An Open Bounty: The Head of Jim Grinns
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2014, 07:58:15 am »
Welcome welcome one and all, I am here to answer your call!
You’re probably wondering, “Who are you?” Well I’ll tell you, that’s what I’ll do!
I am Jack of many faces, I am Jack of many places,
My age is somewhere from zero to ten, then up to infinity and back again,
I am a man of peace, but also a man of blades, I am The Jack, The Jack-of-all-trades.
Now you know who I am, now you have learned something new, but I have a question, look into your soul and tell me “Who are YOU?”

(Note: Jack is a character that made up on a whim. He is incredibly unpredictable, an embodiment of chaos and randomness. The reason Jack wants to kill Jim is that Jim crippled Jack's sister and almost killed Jack. (Jack was 15 & his sister was 11.) He was able to drag his sister to the door of a hospital or whatever they have. However they were being followed by one of Jim's men so Jack lead their pursuer away. He was caught by the man following, but saved by an old sailor. Jack suffered amnesia so he has no recollection of these events, he just knows that Jim did something and hopes by finding him he can figure out what.)

Offline Baron Saturday

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Re: An Open Bounty: The Head of Jim Grinns
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2014, 10:06:31 am »
I'm curios if this contract is still open.  If so, please submit it through the Fjord Baronies bounty office care of Baron Industries or Kazteel Angelous.  You may call me Saturday by the way.  *He knocks the counter with his cane, lights his cigarette, and tips his top hat.*  Be seein' ya.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2014, 10:08:26 am by Baron Saturday »