Author Topic: [Skyward Open] Two vs. Two Deathmatch | Community Tournament  (Read 29568 times)

Offline Naviaux

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Re: [Skyward Open] Two vs. Two Deathmatch | Community Tournament
« Reply #15 on: June 08, 2014, 02:29:10 pm »
When would it start?

Sorry, hadn't seen it on the post o.e but the thing is that July Monday

OH... Oh... OOHHH... Uhm... Welp, I screwed that up... It's supposed to be June 14.... Thank you for pointing that out...
Well... I screwed that up... Now I really wish I could edit the op z_z

Offline Tropo

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Re: [Skyward Open] Two vs. Two Deathmatch | Community Tournament
« Reply #16 on: June 08, 2014, 05:52:31 pm »
14 of june is too early for a team to practice weird ship builds i would have signed up if it was 2nd week of july any way good luck with it

Offline Alistair MacBain

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Re: [Skyward Open] Two vs. Two Deathmatch | Community Tournament
« Reply #17 on: June 08, 2014, 05:57:39 pm »
ALso assume that you will miss several of the established clans when you do it on a saturday due to hephaestus being on the same day.

And even if we see new teams every now and then they arent as many as you need to fill a decent bracket.

Offline Naviaux

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Re: [Skyward Open] Two vs. Two Deathmatch | Community Tournament
« Reply #18 on: June 08, 2014, 06:30:38 pm »
ALso assume that you will miss several of the established clans when you do it on a saturday due to hephaestus being on the same day.

And even if we see new teams every now and then they arent as many as you need to fill a decent bracket.

It's possible that I can talk to the other participating members whom are hosting the tournament to move it to then. I shall post an update momentarily.

Edit: Looks like everyone is okay with doing it on the date set (Monday, July 14th). The only problem I forsee is that it's on a Monday, and most people wouldn't be off work by 13:00EST.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2014, 06:42:32 pm by Naviaux »

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: [Skyward Open] Two vs. Two Deathmatch | Community Tournament
« Reply #19 on: June 09, 2014, 05:17:38 pm »
Only one mine launcher per ship? You make me sad

We haven't seen any valid uses for having more than one of any types of those weapons. Anytime we've seen a build with anymore than one of the above weapons, it tends to fail miserably.

Well that ends my interest right there.

Thats because you haven't been properly Munked. It takes an advanced pilot and crew to pull it off, which is hard to find. You're a newbie to the community so it makes sense that you haven't ran into it. But there is an entire theory and design behind Munker (2+ Mine) combat. Sadly with the netcode problems it has made it too risky to take. If you want to see it i'll show you some time. In proper use it empties lobbies within 1 match, ally counted as well. Another reason why I don't detail it in depth for the community.

Offline Naviaux

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Re: [Skyward Open] Two vs. Two Deathmatch | Community Tournament
« Reply #20 on: June 09, 2014, 07:42:43 pm »
Well that ends my interest right there.

Thats because you haven't been properly Munked. It takes an advanced pilot and crew to pull it off, which is hard to find. You're a newbie to the community so it makes sense that you haven't ran into it. But there is an entire theory and design behind Munker (2+ Mine) combat. Sadly with the netcode problems it has made it too risky to take. If you want to see it i'll show you some time. In proper use it empties lobbies within 1 match, ally counted as well. Another reason why I don't detail it in depth for the community.

Well, if I could edit the main post, you would understand that this rule now only applies to the Javelins. And that the tournament would be on Monday July 14th, not Saturday July 14th.

Offline Frogger

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Re: [Skyward Open] Two vs. Two Deathmatch | Community Tournament
« Reply #21 on: June 09, 2014, 08:01:40 pm »
We haven't seen any valid uses for having more than one of any types of those weapons. Anytime we've seen a build with anymore than one of the above weapons, it tends to fail miserably.

Regarding the double flare, having two left side flares on a pyramidion was, and to a lesser degree still is, a viable competitive build. In this configuration, the rearmost flare serves the utility role of illuminating enemy ships obscured in clouds, while the frontmost flare is used offensively, since before 1.3.2 (IIRC) two flares would put twenty stacks of fire on an unchemsprayed component (they now add only 16). This is even more useful since the flare requires very little attention from the pyra's main engineer to operate. Now, since the buffing of the banshee and flamethrower, there a number of other good options, so it sees less use as compared to before. But it's still definitely a viable setup in certain circumstances, and indeed saw heavy use by Captain Smollett of the Paddling (Icarus's most successful team from March to November of 2013, and arguably the most successful of the Icarus competitive scene to date).

Regarding mine builds, I have yet to see one succeed at the highest levels of competitive play. It is, however, an undoubtedly effective and entertaining way to clear a pub lobby. The sudden violence of one's ship being disintegrated by multiple mine hits is certainly one of the most frustrating ways to die, and has no doubt contributed to many a new player ending their nascent airship career in utter despair, as Gilder rightly claims. However, more experienced opponents with a ranged component to their strategy can quite easily avoid this fate by simply flying backwards and refusing to engage at the mine ship's optimal range. Mine junkers are particularly vulnerable to this tactic due to the difficulty with which they control their engagement distance, which is absolutely critical in mine combat. It's also why the most effective mine ship that has yet been seen in competitive play is the Squid, which can both control its engagement distance while at the same time bring other tools to the fight instead of relying primarily on mines, which is a strategic mistake. On the whole, reliance on mines is a risky strategy, with many potential counters and a relatively limited number of contexts in which it can truly succeed vs. a prepared and thoughtful opponent. Its greatest appeal comes from the fun and satisfaction derived from its use, not from any real competitive advantage. (I should note, however, that this does change in CP maps, where they become much more viable due to increasingly claustrophobic engagements)
« Last Edit: June 09, 2014, 08:05:59 pm by Frogger »

Offline Naviaux

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Re: [Skyward Open] Two vs. Two Deathmatch | Community Tournament
« Reply #22 on: June 09, 2014, 10:11:12 pm »
-Block of Text-

Thank you for the enlightenment! I have discussed this with the other members of the tournament, and they are okay with lifting the gun limitation on Flare Guns and Mine Launchers (though, limiting it to two may prove a good idea as well).
We are still going to limit the Javelin to one gun per ship, as (forgive my lack of ignorance once again) it doesn't seem like it would be very effective if you had two or more of them.

Offline GeoRmr

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Re: [Skyward Open] Two vs. Two Deathmatch | Community Tournament
« Reply #23 on: June 10, 2014, 06:43:01 am »
Just because you personally can't see how something can be effective/don't think it will be effective, does that mean you should prevent other players from creating a strategy around it? None of the weapons are abusable to game breaking extent; I don't see any reason why you need to limit them at all.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2014, 06:46:45 am by GeoRmr »

Offline Naviaux

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Re: [Skyward Open] Two vs. Two Deathmatch | Community Tournament
« Reply #24 on: June 10, 2014, 11:39:22 am »
Just because you personally can't see how something can be effective/don't think it will be effective, does that mean you should prevent other players from creating a strategy around it? None of the weapons are abusable to game breaking extent; I don't see any reason why you need to limit them at all.

I never said that they couldn't be effective, I simply stated that I've never seen a build that had more than one of these guns work. Now, the Flare Guns I can understand now. They apply a lot more fire to things than a flamethrower does.
But we didn't restrict them because they are 'abusable,' we restricted them so we can create a more healthy tournament environment. Having a Junker with 5 Mine Launcher or even 5 Harpoons doesn't create a healthy environment, in-fact it creates a rather unpleasant feeling for their allies and possibly a hollow victory for their opponents.
Now, this being a tournament, I would hope peoples don't have this issue with their allies, not are they the people doing it.
I think what will happen is the Flare Guns and Mine Launchers shall be limited to two, where as the Harpoons shall be limited to one.

Offline Deltajugg

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Re: [Skyward Open] Two vs. Two Deathmatch | Community Tournament
« Reply #25 on: June 11, 2014, 06:50:41 am »
I'll let myself send you this link:
Just a little piece of proof that if a player is willing to use something effectively in a set number, it can, and will, work well for them if played properly.

The amount of guns on the ship should be player's decision and player's decision only. If they feel like taking 5 mine/flare/poon, let them, it's their choice and their responsibility for taking this kind of build and not any other. If people sign up as a team they most likely know one another to the point where they can trust them with not taking anything they will consider stupid, they probably won't grab just any other person from the global chat that can take a unique ship layout they can't even use properly, so you don't have to worry about them taking anything that will cause "unpleasant feeling for their allies". That being said, as much as I doubt anyone will use 5 poon junker, I believe it is for the player to decide whether or not it's viable for him.

Offline Tropo

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Re: [Skyward Open] Two vs. Two Deathmatch | Community Tournament
« Reply #26 on: June 17, 2014, 12:42:31 am »
i totally misunderstood these rules not sure if its the way i read them or the way there written

yeah would be a bad idea to not alow some one to take dual flares or dual mines because they are some of the best weapons and good combat to rushing pyramidions