(Inspired by optical shot an ammo suggestion by Richard LeMoon)
Both launchers work in the same way mine launchers work though with longer range.
Mirror Launcher, shoots mirrors attached to balloons, either cylinders or rotating flat shapes, these would allow you (and the enemy) to see around corners. Also giving them shatter damage could be hilarious for those who accidentally run into them (I can't get on the gun, its covered in broken mirror shards!) Lets you shoot x amount of mirrors before they shatter themselves.
Major problem, I don't know much about coding for games, but I have a feeling that mirrors are pretty hard.
Camera Launcher, shoots a camera attached to the balloon out into the field. Give it tiny little thrusters to allow it to slowly spin on its axis. But wait, you cry, this is steam punk we can't wireless control this thing! That is why a second shot is needed, the cable shot. Basically after you've set up a camera, you have to hit it again with a cable shot, I think having it be an ammo type would be the best way to differentiate between shooting or possibly a piloting tool as after all, these have a similar role to spyglasses and range finders. Once you're connected boom start sending images back to the ship. Now because this is steam punk and for balance, these images need to be bad. Black and white, blurry, hell maybe even upside down as they've not been processed. I'm sure inventive types could come up with a solution.