as new CA here a small introduction:
Jonasson D.Strought ingame known as
[Gent]D.Strought (or before that Edeltraut_Short

I started to play GOIO back in 2012 but lost interest for ~2 years,
when I came back in ~Feb 2014 I instantly fell in love with it.
Soon after that I joined the Gentleman and still proudly wear my tophat.
As I'm also a Mad Hattter and subordinate of our recruitment officer, I'm at least online at five days the week (UTC+1).
Through the Gents I came in contact with this great community, which is so much more than bullying kinds in Global
I have the highest respect for our community and how close the DEVs are working with us which I've seen in no other game.
I am proud to contribute to this community by being a CA.
*tips his hat*
P.s.: If you find spelling errors feel free to send me a pm, I'll remove them