Author Topic: Glorious Quotes from Guns of Icarus Online  (Read 1149392 times)

Offline Aayra

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Re: Glorious Quotes from Guns of Icarus Online
« Reply #1245 on: February 22, 2020, 04:09:07 pm »
Frostbound: You can two-shot heavy engines right?
Frostbound: Im just doing a sanity check right now
Frostbound: Like am I fucking insane

Bob: If they shut down the Goio server the players can fund it
Aayra: Yeah like guys all of you paypal them 50 cents and we can play SCS for 2 hours
Frostbound: Like an arcade game
Kira: SCS - Sunday crowd-funded servers

Bob: I like playing with you guys. It is like a perfect mixture of ....wholesome toxicity.

Rensen: is Inkjet in the Thralls server? Invite her
Aayra: ye she got purged. After joining again, she has couple of months until the spring cleaning of the members.
Frostbound: Yeah, fucking thrallocaust

Ser Duck the Quack: we are e-girls
Ser Duck the Quack: we will suck dick for skins

Frostbound: Casuals using virgin spyglass
Frostbound: Then theres me using CHAD RANGE FINDER

Aayra: can you hit?
Frostbound: hard but doable. Just like Frostbound.

Random pilot with heavy russian accent *Kinforth map*:Is this a new map?
Aayra: yes my comrade. This is where babushka lives. In north Russia, Siberia. We are visiting babushka.

Aayra: we took a fat dick in the face from the judgement
Kira: you make it sound like thats a bad thing!

Aayra: We are on 28, one break and we go down...
Kira: No need to talk about your age or your mental health condition!

Offline Aayra

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Re: Glorious Quotes from Guns of Icarus Online
« Reply #1246 on: February 29, 2020, 05:54:36 pm »
Kira: woo I threw a match singlehandedly!

Kira: *giving roles on spire* may I introduce you to the concept of being a bottom

Kira: *us taking a beating in an engagement* OOF! THAT WAS NOT BREATHTAKING AT AL!!!!

Offline Kira Wa Nai

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Re: Glorious Quotes from Guns of Icarus Online
« Reply #1247 on: March 01, 2020, 02:36:23 pm »
   and we can have an afterparty no matter what happens
   play some minesweeper together

Offline Aayra

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Re: Glorious Quotes from Guns of Icarus Online
« Reply #1248 on: April 05, 2020, 02:59:13 pm »
Kira: *joins pilot slot*
Kira: I came here to eat hot chip and cry
Kira: and Im all out of hot chip

Kira: where is Frost?
Aayra: in bed
Kira: this early? Is he ok?
Aayra: he ate too much chicken and is now tired
Kira: I respect that

Hungover Engie: Welcome to Corona Clash
Hungover Engie: No password, just wash your damn hands

Aayra: you have a dog?
Analus: imaginary
Analus: I have 2 robot vacuum cleaners tho

Aayra: I need a shot after this match
Analus: 9 mm?

Krybon: Bob with his shipful of GwTh gfs
Krybon: Big malet gwth gf

Extirminator: I have you blocked Fred
FredTheFifth: I know Tom
FredTheFifth: its been 7 years

Kira: *aggresively clicking, setting up loadout* Aayra, what do you want, gatling or arty? Arty of course, you slut.

Kira: who do we get as 4th for scs
Kira: can we three get like
Kira: another friend

Sly: I used to speedrun some games back in the day...
Kira: wanna join our SCS team? We are speedrunning the lower bracket

Analus: here is a picture of ingame Aayra having a wig. Hold up, those are not black hair, those are your gas mask straps.
Analus: Exactly HOW FAR UP are you shaved, Aayra?

Bob: the only thing Im able to kill with Storm is myself with enviro

Offline Portable Grump

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Re: Glorious Quotes from Guns of Icarus Online
« Reply #1249 on: April 24, 2020, 05:03:41 pm »
"This is the big boy flak for a big boy like me" -Swizy

"I'm on the barnacle gun" -Swizy @ the barking dog carronade

Offline Captainjan

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Re: Glorious Quotes from Guns of Icarus Online
« Reply #1250 on: May 31, 2020, 08:52:31 am »
Wow the forums are still a thing? This is amazing

Offline Aayra

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Re: Glorious Quotes from Guns of Icarus Online
« Reply #1251 on: June 02, 2020, 04:31:45 pm »
KapiteinKoek: Kickstart my private parts

TearsRfuel: who voted crazy king tho
Kruegerz: satan

HelFyre: Ana, wanna play for us this scs?
Analus: They say Im obsolete

Aayra: Sign us up for crewcible! What is the animal of the week? I think is chinchilla, becase it looks sad and we are sad.
Frostbound: I think it is actually hedgehog.
Aayra: You need  to be able to defend that decision.
Frostbound: eeeh...because they have spikes outside but they have a soft heart.
Aayra: FINE.

Frostbound: Im gonna give this ship a sad out of 10.

HulaTroopa: mortar on a mobula is like top mid bottom close, and snipey.

Aayra: I like this guy, he is pretty funny
Frostbound: do I need to unmute the voice chat?
Aayra: no, he is not that funny.

Pilot: *getting doubleteamed* I feel like Im getting bullied by like... 2 fat kids in the primary school man...

Aayra: how did you manage to lose keys from your keyboard?

Analus: I love you Valhalla, I love you. You are my son...............SUCK MY DICK!

FredTheFifth:  *picking ship for crowns gambit* What should I take?
Aayra: painkillers
Aayra: this map gives headache

Aayra: *Fred joins lobby and people start leaving* Fred you killed the lobby
*lobby actually dies*
FredTheFifth: My work here is done *leaves* ghost: ez win

*70 players online*

Offline Aayra

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Re: Glorious Quotes from Guns of Icarus Online
« Reply #1252 on: August 29, 2020, 03:41:55 pm »
Frostbound: Like I hate when they constantly change names, like, suddenly Pomelos are like whatever the fuck Im gonna call them Skyborne next time.

Marza: Lore come here!
Lore de Spades:
Marza: you broke my heart...
Lore de Spades: thats fine.

Analus: Carronade is a gateaway drug to lumberjack

Aayra: big PP gameplay
Kruegerz: what,  big PP?
Aayra: yes.
Kruegerz: thank you.

Portable Grump: Kira carries, I nyoom
Kira: and other hilarious jokes grump tells herself before a stomp

Frostbound: How does it feel to be on the ship of the captain who single handedly got shrike nerfed?

Kira: I wanna go bully the stormbreaker...
Frostbound: yep. Ortagon, your ass is mine.

Kira:  *playing against triple crusaders* so many flat bois! Fucking pancake ships!

Ah2: Im just trying to make new friends in crewcible. It is like guns of tinder.

Frostbound: we have a severe case of where the fuck is team
Aayra: yes, how to tank 3 enemies on stormbreaker while allies are 1 km away – the tutorial.

*Kira reffing crewcible, after pause*
Kira: Hewwo and wewcome back to The Cwecibwe úwú
Kira: now that we pissed off frostbound, we can go to map votes

Offline Aayra

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Re: Glorious Quotes from Guns of Icarus Online
« Reply #1253 on: February 08, 2021, 04:31:52 pm »
Frostbound: Bound is my name, angy is my game

*on spire*
Huskarr: Im the best power bottom! Top me, Frostbound!

*got pyra front gun sniped by superlong nem shot by Koek*
Frostbound: after that long range nemesis gun snipe I just had to resign my goio career
Frostbound: I will never be as good as captainkonk

Freddyyy: I just opened a beer with my harmonica..... *long silence*
Freddyyy: *harmonica sounds*

Flebe Tyronian: I love most of you, I hate half of you, you know who you are, goodbye. *leaves the lobby*

Bob: fuck you Hardstrike
Hardstrike: bob noob

Lieutenant Space: pog stands for person of gaming

Captainjan: aayra and frost count as 3 crew
Artimis: they unlocked dual weilding
Frostbound: when sober

Fynx: Im thinking big brown and furry
Koek: Fynx decribing his ideal partner?
Fynx: die

Empress Asuna: 3v3?
Rensen: no
Rensen: stay 2v2
Analus: contact your local DdCo rep for 3v3 upgrades

Analus: impact diapers

Kira: CA stands for Canyon Ambush
Kira: simp stands for skillful innovative magnate picker

Offline Aayra

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Re: Glorious Quotes from Guns of Icarus Online
« Reply #1254 on: February 16, 2021, 04:49:46 pm »
Aayra: Fred chem the balloon pls
FredTheFifth: Aayra its been 5 years
Aayra: Fred we lost against SPQR because of it
FredTheFifth: you cant prove that
Aayra: do I have to pull out the videos Fred
FredTheFifth: I wasnt aware my mistakes were being filmed
FredTheFifth: This is bullying

MightyKeb: rules for gunning a carronade front squid
MightyKeb: 1. Do not underestimate heavy clip component disables
MightyKeb: 2. Do not underestimate heavy clip component disables
MightyKeb: 3. Refrain from disregarding the component destroying capacities of heavy ammunition

Aayra: Kira you are on fire today
Kira: I wish
Kira: me being on fire would imply me being hot for once
Kira: hell, I would be hot for the rest of my life

Hadush Dongus: next match we can hardcounter and fight in our own spawn
Artimis: Sundstrom do you have a tissue box pilot tool?

Whereami: why is game alive on Monday night?
TearsRfuel: game isnt more alive
TearsRfuel: we are more dead

Aayra: maining corsair is the only time I feel alive

Zyx Freelancer: brb
Bob le Sponge: please dont be

Frostbound: did you just give me wrench mallet
*(Crew): Frostbound has left

AhtwoDtwo: playing GoIO at 6 am is fun
AhtwoDtwo: Im out to buy breakfast in 1-2 games

Bob: guys just give up we have mr. Ghosts bathwater
Bob: unfermented I hate this game
Frostbound: **sip**
D.lo-res: **sip sip**

TearsRfuel: good job not throwing
MightyKeb: fuck you
MightyKeb: stfu

*on squid*
Disgruntled scrub: pls no turner buff
Frostbound (buff engi): Eat my ass

Soul.less: russia vodka balalaika vladimir putin
Kira Wa Nai: soviet invasion confirmed
LightTrack: Kirov reporting in!
*changes name*
Kirov Wa Nai: ??

Aayra: I miss shrike
Analus: Congrats Miss Shrike