So, i keep trying to come up with a reason why gunners are so gosh darn useless.
They arent useless, but their effect isnt as wanted as much as the engineer.
Ived toyed with the concept of the gunner having a new tool
Type. And that to me is still the solution.
Here is a previous post on the subject with an idea:,3680.0.htmlBut today, ive come up with something that gunners can have fun combining and be effectve as the post above, but still stick with the guns the ship has.
And that is.
Weapon AddonsWeapon addons are very small effects that give a small benefitt to an applied gun.
They are designed to take a bit away the drawbacks of ammo types, or enhance the beneffits of an ammo type even further.
Much like the buff hammer gives 20% damage, with charged ammo type working well. Or buff hammer, with greased.
The special use of Addons is also that it can be stacked up to 3 different ones on a single gun.
This tool takes place on the gunner loadout that is applied to guns from outside of the gun. You place it on the gun much like a chem spray.
The cooldown to each use of the same addon is 30 Seconds, while the duration of each addon on a gun is 15 (Not talking about repair cooldown).
So now we know how the addons work in terms of usage. Now we just have to focus on their effects. They are minor but easy to apply.
Charged addonApply to a gun, and for 15 seconds, that gun gets
15% more damage. 30 second cooldown until usable again.
Greased addonApply to a gun, and for 15 seconds, that gun gets
15% faster rate of fire. 30 second cooldown until usable again.
Fire AddonApply to a gun, and for 15 seconds, that gun gets
15% added chance of fire stacks on hit. 30 second cooldown until usable again.
Stable AddonApply to a gun, and for 15 seconds, that gun gets
35% less recoil. 30 second cooldown until usable again.
Sling AddonApply to a gun, and for 15 seconds, that gun gets
20% added Projectile speed. 30 second cooldown until usable again.
Oil AddonApply to a gun, and for 15 seconds, that gun gets
50% added rotation speed. 30 second cooldown until usable again.
That seems like alot, but it does not have to be all of them. You can choose which one is most neccesary.
The point of all this is making gunners more flexible in what they do and make it take less skill requiered to be a gunner, and for skilled gunners be rewarded more.
For example, a gunner can add Sling Addon with Lesmok Lumberjack. That way, his shots will hit alot easier.
For a skilled gunner, he can use Greased addon with Lesmok Lumberjack to be able to fire quicker.
And this then will work along with many other gun combinations.
Something engineers wont be able to do unless gunners are there to give them the ammo type!!!Here is some other Combos:
Heavy Flak Lochnagar + Oil Addon. Uses up 2 slots to concentrate easy lochnagar use.
Greased Gattling + Greased Ad + Charged Ad. Uses 3 slots for a concentrated gattling use, not really good repair man then because gunner.
Burst Banshee + Fire ad
Burst Hwacha + Stable ad
Heavy Hwacha + Sling ad
Incindiary Flamer + Fire ad + Greased ad
Burst Artemis + Oil ad
Light flak + Stable ad. A non-gunner combination
Buffed charged Mortar + Charge ad. A combination where the gunner loads charged into engineers mortar, and the engineer simply has charged addon. (65% more damage)
Heatsink Twin Carronade + Charged ad + Stable ad
Greased Hades + Greased ad + Charged ad
Charged mercury + charge ad + sling ad
Charged Heavy flak + Sling ad
Heatsink heavy flak + charge ad + sling ad
Heavy clip Gattling + Greased ad + Sling ad
Damaged gun on repair cooldown + Oil ad/Greased ad
Lesmok Artemis + Sling ad
With this, we probably would see alot more gunners in games. Engineers do not benefitt much at all from this as they only have one gunner slot.
And maybe benefits pilots for quick effect on guns.
But for gunners, it gives them more combinations to play with and be effective with.
In my oppinion, with this. I would GLADLY have 2 gunners on my spire.
What do you guys think?
This idea is mostly to add a different tool TYPE for the gunner. pilots have 2, and engineers have 3. Gunners have a meesly 1 use which the other classes can take also.
When the gunner has 2 different Tool types, that is 1 more than pilots and engineers can handle, suddenly the gunner is usefull for having more gunner slots.
Edit: Has this been mentioned before? Kinda got a flashback