Author Topic: Guns of Icarus and the Law of Diminishing Returns  (Read 40780 times)

Offline Richard LeMoon

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Re: Guns of Icarus and the Law of Diminishing Returns
« Reply #15 on: May 09, 2014, 06:33:26 pm »
This thread is making Jeeves sad.

This law does apply to Guns, but it also depends on how you fly. I fly double carro on my right side almost all the time, and always have. A lot of good pilots used to say I was crazy or a bad pilot for doing so (back when I was a deceptively lvl 4 pilot). Then they would get stomped. Flying the way I do, one carro is not enough. Three would be too many, though, so the law would start kicking in if you could put three guns on a side.

I would agree that two hwachas would be too many, if you used both guns for the same thing.

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: Guns of Icarus and the Law of Diminishing Returns
« Reply #16 on: May 09, 2014, 07:16:14 pm »
Now you got me thinking of the Spishak Mach 20

The first carronade softens the balloon
The second carronade destroys it
The third carronde breaks the support wires holding the balloon to the hull
The fourth carronade goes to the balloon factory and sets it on fire
and the fifth carronade goes back in time to the of the father of the guy who made the balloon to administer a swift kick to the nuts.
Thus insuring that the balloon would never have existed in the first place.

Offline Frogger

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Re: Guns of Icarus and the Law of Diminishing Returns
« Reply #17 on: May 18, 2014, 02:47:18 pm »
Double Lumberjack
Quite possibly one of the most annoying Galleons in the game, this ship is a powerhouse but ultimately a flawed one. One competent lumberjack can easily suppress a balloon, and a godly lumberjack can suppress two balloons. At the range at which you engage at with this long range of a galleon, you've got time. Throw an H flak or Hwacha and you still have the enemies bouncing on the floor but you gain the ability to kill them too.

Vs. most builds I never understood the double LJ galleon. Having a fast buffed-charged HF finish, especially against pyramidions, is absolutely game-changing. If you watch old Paddling recordings you will see how utterly they cleaned up with it during their peak. No galleon play has come close to that standard since.

Vs. double junker (if you insist on taking a galleon, which is an inherently disadvantaged vs, say, cover sniping junkers), I understood the double LJ approach, since getting that flak hit in is exceptionally difficult if your opponent junker is simply pulling behind cover every time the armor goes below 1/3rd or the balloon pops, and likewise having your balloon down on a junker is a highly disruptive event. However, in the Mandarins' experience, the superior disable-piercing-explosive combo of the artemis/hades would almost always eventually overwhelm a galleon, especially if that galleon was static. The only real chances for a galleon were typically 1) corner-camping in Dunes or 2) getting a positional advantage through an unexpected flank, but even these strategies would work less than half the time.

Now to pick your brains, how about a double merc pyra, that is a common enough build and seems to do a good enough job, it has shatter for disable and piercing for taking down the hull, and ultimately can ware down the hull enough for a kill, i would love to hear your thoughts on this?

On Dunes, vs a passive opponent, it has a good chance of working. But any creative use of cloud cover or terrain will make it very difficult to work (GwTh are probably the best example of how to work clouds/terrain on Dunes).

On other maps, where there is more cover, it becomes an increasingly difficult build to work vs. an experienced opponent (I should note that all of my judgments here are assuming that all combatants involved are experienced).

Two gunners. Diminishing returns.

Or one, most of the time.

A lumberjack merc flak is probably the best and most versatile build at longrange.

That certainly was the case before they chopped the lower arc off the merc, but nowadays that complete lack of downward fire is painfully easy to exploit. The merc nerf was probably the biggest single hit the galleon ever took, as it forced galleon crews to re-train for hades, one of the toughest weapons in the game to use effectively (and even at the maximum end of the skill spectrum very difficult to a) fire from a galleon and b) use against ships with smaller hull profiles, such as junkers).

The dual lumberjacks ability to pop the enemy balloon so fast gives you the ability to kill enemys much closer to you.

I don't entirely see how having two LJs is qualitatively different from having two light carronades, which you poo-poo above. A good Lumberjack gunner, with a buffed weapon, can in theory take down the balloons of two ships with a single Lesmok clip (as buffed Lesmok requires two hits to kill a balloon assuming no repairs, with a clip size of four shots). Is it really worth losing the insta- or semi-instakill potential of a competent Heavy Flak gunner? In the Ducks, we always try to use the minimum necessary amount of force to accomplish a certain job, thereby leaving the possibility open for the application of a different type of force (so, for example, in the case of the Mandarins we found that the combined fires of 4 artemises did 90% as effective a job as the fires of 6, leaving us with 2 extra weapon slots for piercing damage which we used for Hades - in my opinion, a game changer)

I wont compare that to a dual carronade cause the higher rate of fire of the carronade leads to a much faster pop of the enemy balloon.

Depends on how good your LJ gunner is. It is worth nothing that one's perception of the efficacy of 1 vs 2 LJs, or 2 vs 3 artemises, is highly dependent on the skill of one's gunners.

Artemi Junker
With those its similiar. Yes you sacrifice alot of different dmg types. But you also get a much fastened ability to do what you want. That can count alot. Usually 3-4 is all you need thats true.
The decreased effects are sometimes higher than expected.

I think the same basic analysis applies here with the LJ galleon - vs. all ships apart from a junker, you are better off with a hades on the bottom deck. Vs. a junker, due to the relative difficulty of getting the armor break, you're probably just better off with one more artemis. But that necessarily must lead one to ask oneself if ranged engagements vs cover-sniping junkers are the way to go about things, and if you're not better off dumping all those artemises for something entirely different.

Thus double H.Flak could kill everything. An advantage.

At the unjustifiable cost of losing the armor strip and balloon pop of an LJ.

I still very much feel that our choice of ships was the correct viable counter at the time...

You guys had the right idea with the balloon popping, but generally junkers have a serious advantage over pyras, so (typically) double junker will win out over double pyra, all other things being equal. Puppy Fur and redria are one (extremely) strong example to the contrary, but with pyras' huge hull profiles, weak armor, blind spots, and slow turning radius, they simply present way too many weaknesses to exploit if your piloting isn't picture-perfect.

Support ships

Sammy and I have argued about this endlessly (and I think we eventually reached a happy medium towards the end of our time as a team), but my feeling on the ubiquitous "support ship" is that you really can't afford to have one if you only have 2 ship slots - hence Sammy's emphasis below on our typical lack of specialization. As omniraptor put it in a post long ago, why have a hero and a sidekick when you can have two heroes? That's why I've always steered clear of team compositions that involve "support" or "set-up" ships. It's kind of depressing, really, since it slashes the really effective range of builds that can be fielded, but you have to play the game the way it is (unless you want to be an airship Quixote, which is cool too, but not for me).

Oh and as for the "need" for an explosive weapon... Rams (;

If you miss a pyra ram against a competent opponent, you will pay for it. In most cases with the destruction of your ship.

But most of the time, muse has designed its guns to be effective by themselves. One flamer is enough to cause chaos, one mortar is enough to kill a ship, one hwacha is enough to disable a ship, etc.

That depends how you define "effective". For me, "effective" was winning matches, which is getting five points, which is getting five kills, which is getting five finishes preceded by five armor breaks. Obviously, there's more than one way to skin a cat here. To me, "causing chaos" with a flamer isn't effective per se because it's typically not sufficient to achieve those aforementioned goals. Necessary depending your build, perhaps, but not sufficient. It has to exist in conjunction with some other combination or weapons or factors, such as goomba stomps, sandwich rams, a mortar, whatever. That's why in my opinion guns are never really effective "by themselves", either singly (obviously) or in excessive combination. So I generally take a fairly dim view of double- or triple-weapon builds of whatever sort. And this is the way that things should be, if Muse has balanced their game properly, which I think they are slowly but surely achieving.

Offline Alistair MacBain

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Re: Guns of Icarus and the Law of Diminishing Returns
« Reply #18 on: May 18, 2014, 02:59:50 pm »
The flak is nice. But as soon as the enemy gets in closer you wont get it. THe second lumberjack can give you the faster disable and or the disable on both opponents. Those are different approachs.

Offline Frogger

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Re: Guns of Icarus and the Law of Diminishing Returns
« Reply #19 on: May 18, 2014, 03:07:24 pm »
But as soon as the enemy gets in closer you wont get it.

You mean here that the HF won't be effective because of arm time or what?

Offline Alistair MacBain

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Re: Guns of Icarus and the Law of Diminishing Returns
« Reply #20 on: May 18, 2014, 03:09:25 pm »
I say a heavy flak wont do alot as it doesnt do alot when the armor is still up.
The effective window is much tighter ... Even on the longrange.

Offline Frogger

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Re: Guns of Icarus and the Law of Diminishing Returns
« Reply #21 on: May 18, 2014, 03:33:49 pm »
Yeah, but let's take the example of your double LJ vs. a pyramidion. Questions I would ask myself:

1) How much additional effect, in terms of balloon pop and armor strip, do you get from that second LJ?

2) Is the guaranteed pop of that pyra's balloon a worthwhile trade for a potential (even reliable, with a trained HF gungineer) instakill?

3) Assuming that the pyra does actually manage to cross into the HF's arm time, how does that affect the number of Charged HF shots needed to kill the pyra? How does the arm time performance hit on the HF compare to the second LJ's?

Remember, the goal of the game is to kill your enemy. It's fine to disable him for a little while, but at some point (and sooner better later), he needs to explode into tiny pieces. And at the extreme higher end of the skill spectrum (which is what all competitive teams should aim for), one hades/merc + 1 LJ provides plenty of strip and disable.

This is all very subjective, I understand, but in short I think taking two LJs vs. non-junker builds is extremely questionable. Especially vs. pyras, which you see so many of in competitive play.

Offline Alistair MacBain

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Re: Guns of Icarus and the Law of Diminishing Returns
« Reply #22 on: May 18, 2014, 03:34:56 pm »
Sure but instead of the hf i would rather use a hwacha than ;).
Sure much lower range but if i count on my enemy closing distance hwacha is superior. And can still instagib.

Offline Sammy B. T.

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Re: Guns of Icarus and the Law of Diminishing Returns
« Reply #23 on: May 18, 2014, 03:45:45 pm »
Sure but instead of the hf i would rather use a hwacha than ;).
Sure much lower range but if i count on my enemy closing distance hwacha is superior. And can still instagib.

Assuming heavy clip, buffed, perfect accuracy on enemy hull and waiting for the armor break something a hwacha almost never does, sure a hwacha can one clip a pyramidion at much less range than a Flak.

One buffed and charged h flak shot will leave a pyra with 3 health, (enough for a flare to finish), this is a weapon that is made to wait till the armor break.

People wonder why no one ever held a candle to the Paddling, its largely due to the H. Flak.

Offline Alistair MacBain

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Re: Guns of Icarus and the Law of Diminishing Returns
« Reply #24 on: May 18, 2014, 03:53:19 pm »
Thing is. It doesnt matter if you dont get the armorbreak early enough for the hwacha.
It can still just disable a whole ship for several important seconds. The only purpose of the hflak is to kill.
The hwacha has a much bigger effective window than the hflak.
I like the hflak for what it does. Dont mistake me. But imo it can be abused to easily.
But preferences are always a thing ^^.

Offline Frogger

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Re: Guns of Icarus and the Law of Diminishing Returns
« Reply #25 on: May 18, 2014, 04:25:00 pm »
The problems I see with the hwacha filling in for HF are:

1) The necessity of a small gunnery miracle for all of the shots to connect at any range above 400m;

2) The extremely long reload time, which effectively reduces the total available number of instakill opportunities.

Also, I think you are probably underestimating the HF's kill ability within arm time.

But, at the end of the day, it is as you say:

But preferences are always a thing ^^.

Curious, though - what do you mean here:

But imo it can be abused to easily.


Offline Alistair MacBain

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Re: Guns of Icarus and the Law of Diminishing Returns
« Reply #26 on: May 18, 2014, 05:43:05 pm »
In my opinion the range limits and the bullet speed of the heavy flak can be abused by the enemy quite easy. Dodging the shots if they arent shot with lesmok is pretty easy. Sure thats also possible with a hwacha but much harder at a range of 1k and below assuming you have heavy clip.

Offline Dementio

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Re: Guns of Icarus and the Law of Diminishing Returns
« Reply #27 on: May 19, 2014, 07:52:32 am »
If you see it coming, heavy clip hwacha is the easiest to avoid in my opinion.
I don't fly galleon much but if I had to go for a long range galleon, long range hwacha would not be my choice.
If you go for double long range hwacha, however, you can "half" the reload time of the gun, have 1 gunner shoot both of them (and hope he hits) and have 1 engineer for extra stuff. You wouldn't even need to turn around since hwachas are rather usefull for close range combat.

Whether you use a hwacha instead of a flak or not is your own preference and does not have anything to do with the topic of the thread, if my memory of what this thread is about is correct.

The usefullness of a ship with double merc, double carronade, double triple whatever, all depends on somebodies preference, crew skill (including pilot), enemy and the engagement itself. Every combination has its advantages and disatvanges and depends on a lot of factors.

Nothing fails in this game, if executed correctly, no matter the opponent. This thread has no reason to exist.

Have 5 artemis on a junker is certainly a waste of at least 2 guns slots, but if the enemy never gets close to you or you happen to get into situations where enemies are to the left and right of you and both of them are quite a distance away from you (hoever the hell that happens), it might prove useful.
Double carronade/lumberjack may be an excessive use of balloon poping guns, but it ensures that at least 1 ship will never see the sky again. With double lumberjack you have an extra gun to hit with, more hits are effective.

A quick kill or a long time disable are different things, but they lead to the same: Victory.
You want a heavy flak to finish your enemy? Go for it. You want a second lumberjack for more diable? Go for it. You want double harpoon mobula? If your armor is not down, go for it!

Again, everything you do in this game has a potentional to work, if executed right and "the wind blows in the right direction". If you want to do such things, do it. If you don't want to, don't do it. If you can do such things, you win either way, but if the enemy has bested you in strategy and what not, you lose either way.

My conclusion: It doesn't matter wether you have 5 artemis or 2 and a hades, combined with gat mortar on the other side on junker. Both builds can work and fail likewise.

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Guns of Icarus and the Law of Diminishing Returns
« Reply #28 on: May 19, 2014, 09:17:50 am »
And really at this stage we hit the difference of opinion, so truly gauging diminishing return is based on personal thoughts.

And thus this thread shall continue much like this one has:

Quote from: RearAdmiralZill on May 08, 2014, 10:38:33 am

Two gunners. Diminishing returns.

Or one, most of the time.

Offline Alistair MacBain

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Re: Guns of Icarus and the Law of Diminishing Returns
« Reply #29 on: May 19, 2014, 12:48:05 pm »
Never said i go for longrange hwacha ;)
We had the dual lumberjack. Ducks brought hflak in discussion and i said that in most situations i would choose a hwacha over a hflak so i can disable much easier.
Thus having diversified damage. And a ship with a dead balloon will have it much harder to dodge a hwacha. Plus i treat the hwacha at much easier to hit at 1k and below than a hflak.