Author Topic: 3/8/14 - Aerodrome Episode Four: Above and Beyond  (Read 7742 times)

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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3/8/14 - Aerodrome Episode Four: Above and Beyond
« on: March 05, 2014, 04:25:12 am »

Welcome to the week four program of events for Support Your Local Aerodrome!

This is it, the final week of regular action before the final showdown. Special thanks to all the teams, casters, voice actors, and everyone that has been involved with making Aerodrome happen.

The Gents will be pulling double duty this week and yes I know you'll be seeing another rematch between VSS and the Gents this week. The match list was designed taking into account who has played what and who hasn't in an attempt to balance. Then also the story elements. The problems we had on week 2 in part led to this. We have teams entering this week that didn't get to play certain maps in prior weeks. Last week solved some issues but we just still had some to work in this week.

Apologies to teams that have had to do extra tours of duty on certain maps.

Match 1: Desert Scrap
Teams: The Merry Thralls vs The Juicy Gents

The trail of blood that follows in the wake of the Thralls is ever growing.

After beating a confession out of the mercenaries as to where the Ryders have gone, the Thralls have departed Anglea hot on their trail. That trail has led them to the desert. However the Ryders have left and the Gents, after noticing that VSS departed back to the desert, have taken up chase intending to drive the VSS back to Yesha.

Yet on arrival both teams find foes they did not expect. The Tiger is still frothing with vengeance. But will it’s hunger be sated by the flesh of the Juicy Gents, or will the Gents give the raging Tiger, more than it can chew?

Match 2: Anglean Raiders
Teams: VSS Squadron 1 vs The Juicy Gents

News from home has finally reached the VSS. The war is nearly lost. Yesha is pulling back behind it’s borders and the VSS has been issued a general retreat order. But Anglea is pressing the attack hard and Yesha’s frontlines are being overrun.

Beaten and battered, the survivors of VSS decide amongst themselves, whether to return home at flank speed as ordered, or make one last ditch effort to buy their forces time to retreat.

The pride of the Tiger swells in their hearts and knowing they may never return to see Chang-Ning again, they make for Anglea to create a diversion that if successful will be remembered for all time in the Yeshan history books.

In the meantime, needing to recover from numerous battles, the Gents return to their homeland. But their homecoming is tarnished by a familiar foe over the skies of Anglea.

Here the two tired fleets meet once again. Will the VSS succeed in drawing Anglean forces away from the retreating Yeshans, saving countless lives of their fellow soldiers, or will the Gents lay the VSS to rest over the skies of Anglea and make their final sacrifice in vain?

Match 3: Refinery
Teams: Mercs vs Crimson Rhino Ryders

They say there is no honor among thieves, and the mercenaries of this war have stolen much from both sides.

Now as the Yeshan forces retreat and Angleans wrap up this conflict, the Mercs turn their attention to the refinery. There they seek to turn an even greater profit, as well as payback on the military forces who treated them harshly.

By holding the refinery, they can ransom it to Yesha or Anglea and make a fortune. Both sides will be at their mercy and in the end the Mercs can come out ahead.

Unfortunate for them, the Ryders have arrived from their battle in the desert. They are looking to resupply as they push the Yeshan forces back.

Seeing the Mercs once again taking up arms against them, the Ryders gun their engines hard and now make it their goal to put an end to the filthy honorless mercenaries.

Will the Mercs be able to hold the Refinery and ransom it to the highest bidder, or will the Ryders drive them off once and for all to secure the Refinery’s much needed resources for the Anglean homeland?

Nitty Gritty

Streaming channel:

Time will be 1pm EST/6pm GMT Saturday.

Teams are requested to be in game and start forming up 15mins prior if not sooner. Bully Buddies and Scorekeepers will have lobbies preloaded and ready to go well in advance and passwords will be given out ahead of time too. Teams may join in and start filling their lobby at any time during the event, earlier the better. But they will be requested to hold off starting until all clear is given. The match ref/scorekeeper will handle that.

We will continue to use both the Aerodrome Steam Group and the Skype group to communicate between the teams.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2014, 07:43:58 pm by Grey T »

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: 3/8/14 - Aerodrome Episode Four: Above and Beyond
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2014, 05:01:51 pm »
Guys remember, Americans have DST this weekend. Scheduled for Sunday at 2am.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: 3/8/14 - Aerodrome Episode Four: Above and Beyond
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2014, 07:32:08 pm »

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: 3/8/14 - Aerodrome Episode Four: Above and Beyond
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2014, 02:50:03 pm »
Final Score: Yesha: 3115 - Anglea: 5573