Author Topic: If the ships were people  (Read 12603 times)

Offline HamsterIV

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If the ships were people
« on: April 15, 2013, 06:58:18 pm »
What would the 6 ship types of guns of Icarus be if they were people/things in a different genera. To get the ball rolling here is my interpretation of the GOI ships as X men:

Squid - Night Crawler - Can place itself exactly where it needs to be, not a very strong fighter, but is the master of tactical positioning.
Goldfish - Cyclops - Has a powerful single purpose attack with a really weak followup. Very clean an elegant so long as it is not caught off guard.
Pyramidion - Wolverine - Close range fighter that can absorb a lot of damage. Not the most elegant of fighters, but has a hard time known when to lay down and die.
Junker - Gambit -  Has a tool for every occasion but can't really out do the core fighters. You get the impression he would rather be playing cards and womanizing than in the thick of battle.
Spire - Jean Gray - Can be more powerful than Goldfish/Cyclops if she can figure out what to do with herself. Suffers from glass cannon syndrome.
Galleon - The Juggernaut - Because I am the Juggernaut B****!!!

Offline MasX

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Re: If the ships were people
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2013, 10:54:54 am »
Squid= m bision  quick offensive fighter usually attacks from the top. No defense

Goldfish=  e Honda fat bulk  hwatcha= hundred hand slap

pyro= akuma  overused 

Spire=  dhaslim  long slender hard to hit can hit you across the stage

Galleon= balrog power house can kill you in a few moves

Offline Letus

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Re: If the ships were people
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2013, 05:58:59 pm »
I don't have a Theme....for mine

Squid = Forrest Gump

Spire + Hwatcha/Typhoon/Lumberjack = Karl Fairburne
If you played the first Sniper makes sense.  You can dish massive damage from long range, but if you get're pretty much dead quickly.  So learning to use cover is a must.

Galleon = Snorlax
....a good one doesn't move much...and the HP is insane while still being able to pack a wallop.

Junker = Mr. Rogers
May not look like a threat, but he can easily surprise you.

Offline Machiavelliest

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Re: If the ships were people
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2013, 03:56:23 am »
Pyramidion - Your mom, because it's overused.

Junker - Your mom, because it requires one below deck and one above deck. Stern is sturdy but vulnerable.

Squid - Your mom. Oblong shape, temperamental to control. Only one useful side, and it's never the one I'm driving from.

Goldfish - Your mom, as the go-to for new pilots and inexperienced crews, but still enjoyed by the well seasoned.

Spire - Your mom, as it has a giant balloon orbited by spindly bits. Pretty easy to get around on if you're into jumping and running.

Galleon - Your mom. Difficult to maneuver--positioning requires forethought.  Always presents broadside. Take out her guns.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 03:58:50 am by Machiavelliest »

Offline VikingOfSixth

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Re: If the ships were people
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2013, 03:38:16 am »
Flak+Gatling Pyramid = That guy who has everything going for him and is probably sleeping with your girl. You want to punch him in his beautiful jawline but you would probably lose the fight or at most inflate his ego even more.

Flamer Squid = 100% effort but never any results in life. The Flak+Gat Pyra is probably scoring with this guy's mother just for kicks. At least the guy is fast, he probably has a golden plastic trophy for some odd field sport that no one knows about.

All Flare Gun Junker = Life of the party but can never score. Need one in every group but there is never any love left for the big man.

Offline MasX

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Re: If the ships were people
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2013, 06:12:15 pm »
Flak+Gatling Pyramid = That guy who has everything going for him and is probably sleeping with your girl. You want to punch him in his beautiful jawline but you would probably lose the fight or at most inflate his ego even more.

Flamer Squid = 100% effort but never any results in life. The Flak+Gat Pyra is probably scoring with this guy's mother just for kicks. At least the guy is fast, he probably has a golden plastic trophy for some odd field sport that no one knows about.

All Flare Gun Junker = Life of the party but can never score. Need one in every group but there is never any love left for the big man.

Lmao funniest thing on the forums

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: If the ships were people
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2014, 01:49:32 pm »
I am necroing this thread because it is silly for me to start two threads with the same topic.
GOI ships as the 7 deadly sins:

Lust - Goldfish - She is sexy and she knows it, but watch out or she will throw you to the ground and have her wicked wicked way with you.
Gluttony - Galleon - She has consumed the resources to equip two goldfish yet is too encumbered to use the firepower half as effectively.
Greed - Spire - She wants to do it all, light guns, medium guns, convergent gunarcs, multiple decks. Yet for all she does, she is remarkably shallow.
Sloth - Junker - Unlike her sisters the junker can't be bothered with things like armor plating or much of a hull for that matter. She will meander through the sky taking on anything that wants to spend the effort to approach her.
Wrath - Pyramiddion - Her only desire is to close and kill, close and kill. She is the only ship with a bayonet attachment, and that says something about the level of fury
Envy - Squid - She is a firm believer that the grass is always greener on the other side and will get to that other side faster than any one. She is the sports car of Guns of Icarus, and you always feel a little green with envy as you see her making donuts in the skies.
Pride - Mobula - Putting the hull on top of the balloon does not make engineering sense, but she did it anyway just to show off. Everything about her is showy from the three golden eagle heads to the fact that her dingy working parts are hidden away below decks.

PS can we move this to the pit?
« Last Edit: March 04, 2014, 01:53:12 pm by HamsterIV »

Offline Mod Josie

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Re: If the ships were people
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2014, 06:11:11 pm »
I personified my ships very quickly based on their 'flaws'. Some of them are a little metaphorical (or might say more about the people that fly them than the ship itself :P), but my ships are named after negative-ish personality traits that I believe they possess.

Goldfish:          Abdicative - Skittish - runs from trouble.
Mobula:           Diffident - Shy - lack of self confidence.
Spire:              Circumspect - Wary - unwilling to take risks.
Pyramidion:     Misanthropic - Distainant - lack of trust in others.
Galleon:           Aristarchic - Critical - unwilling to accept blame.
Squid:              Pettifoggery - Squabbling - quibbling and annoying.
Junker:            Prevaricative - Untrustworthy - hard to ascertain their intentions.

Offline snor-laxatives

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Re: If the ships were people
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2014, 01:46:27 am »
I love this thread first off, and true to my name might as well go with the pokemon comparison (i'll stick to the first 151)

Galleon: Letus hit it right on the head, Snorlax.

Goldfish: The Pokemon you teach cut: Helps you a ton through out the game, but doesn't get any credit... usual has a name like Buttface.

Pyramidion: Ryhorn. Not the fastest, or most mobile... but you get it front of it and you are in for some trouble.

Junker: Alakazam.  Remember in the first pokemon games?  Everyone wanted Alakazam, he could kill/ do just about everything!  ....maybe just a liiiiiitle OP  (Eevee could also work here)

Mobula: Team Rocket... You see them try so hard, and you root for them at times, but more often then not they end up blasting off again.

Squid: Gengar.  Whats that?  Did you just feel a chill?  BAM!  Your soul just got eaten.

Offline Javrak

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Re: If the ships were people
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2014, 07:24:20 pm »
Galleon - Siegfried: Big, slow, packs a punch.
Squid - Taki: Small, maneuverable, tries to stay in your blindspot.
Pyramidion - Maxi: Two weapons constantly attacking you as it always moves forward, favored by the new.
Goldfish - Mitsurugi: Easy to pick up, hard to master, very powerful in the hands of the skilled, easy to counter by the skilled.
Mobula - Asteroth: Easy to take down if you have the drop on it, very powerful if left unchecked. In the right hands can one round you.
Spire - Yoshimitsu: Suicide ship, can kill you quickly, also dies quickly. Highly dangerous in the right hands, not suggested for new players.
Junker - Killik: Can keep you at a distance while killing you, equal parts offensive and defensive, OP in the right hands, still usable by new players.