The Whalers
ship 1#
captain: Captain Lockheart
crew: Phoebe
crew: Caramel
crew: RyanMZ
ship 2#
Captain: Fadeshade
Crew: Reticulatas
Crew: Mick Jagger
Crew: Potato Fighter
Two Team Colors: (background color) brown (front color) blue
Team Logo* (Optional): in progress
So I just got up, and I have 12 steam messages from various people flashing, "Just a heads up. Coldcurse signed you up again."

What the hell is wrong with you;- last time you did I thought I made perfectly clear I never even been asked to join;- and certainly never gave the impression I wanted to. Last time it was a misunderstanding between you and Lockheart;- who both thought the other person had contacted me - this time I'm just genuinely aggrevated
I barely ever spoke to you;- I've never been asked to join or gave some sort of reason to believe I was going to, I have talked to and played with Captain Lockheart a few times and he's never asked me to join;- and I made perfectly clear to him last time you boldly just put me on his ship that I'm looking around to see where I can go and want to go.
That's it. End of line. You can't just take peoples names and add them to your ships to get your team assembled;- it doesn't work that way.
I took it privately to you and Lockheart last time this misunderstanding happened and just my friends who were genuinely wondering why I joined you because I didn't really think it was anyone elses buisness and I didn't feel like putting someone in place over it publically;- but now I am genuinely aggrevated and annoyed and I want you to stop