Author Topic: Rating System  (Read 14512 times)

Offline Nosgard SilverClaw

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Rating System
« on: February 12, 2014, 11:29:27 am »
I wasn't sure where to put this, but I was talking to Grey T about trolls in GuI last night, few more peeps were their, forget them all, but something that someone mentioned was possibly a rating system could work to help with this problem. I get why theirs opposition to a vote to kick button on a ship, because "it would cause the elitism to come out", and while I personally don't even see whats wrong with that... (Do you really want to play with a guy you can't stand on your ship? and vice versa: Do you really want to play with the guys who will yell at you for not knowing what your doing new people?") an alternative came to mind!

What if we had some kind of rating system implemented on players. Not the commendation for good sportsmanship, I mean like a 1-5 thing..and  trolls and those who intentionally mess up would get many 1's, leaving matches early could also give you a low rating to start with, but the good sports would proably stay in the 3-5 range i'd think.  Get alot of bad thumbs and it could..unlock the power to remove em from your ship, but if you start behaving again you could be back in good standing and that would be taken off your character. I don't know if it would work, but I thought it worth discussing. did I put this in the right thread? :P

Offline Goldenglade

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Re: Rating System
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2014, 12:17:09 pm »
That system could/would be easily abuse.

However if you do have a problem. You can grab me on steam (goldenglade) i'm always around (except on early weekends)

Offline Andika

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Re: Rating System
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2014, 12:49:51 pm »
The thing is that those playing in an extremely casual and/or intentionally disruptive way have paid for the game just like everyone else has, and would probably not be happy about being labelled or "numbered" based on their extremely casual/just-messing-around playing styles. If you pay for a source of entertainment you don't do that to be judged by it later on. Nobody states on the game's website or on steam that "this game is only for those who mean to play nicely and seriously, and will learn everything about game mechanics, and will always contribute their best to the team, and listen to their captains, or else we'll give them a low score and booom, so much about being respected by the community!".  It's another thing that the game has its own policy of conduct, and players violating that can be held back from the game through an official process (you automatically sign up for that condition when you buy the game and accept the terms).

Also, if the score system that you suggest is based on players' judgement, how can you make sure that some players won't use it to abuse novice players/anyone else because they messed up something during their matches? A raging captain would hand out low scores to all of his/her crew at the end of a bad match. Will players have the right to protest against those points and say "I was doing my best, I shouldn't have received those points"?

And then imagine what would happen to a guy with a very low score in a lobby. People would start hating on that player immediately, and this system would not even give a chance for a "second start", at least not immediately. Let's say somebody manages to talk to the trolling player and ask him or her to stop it. Let's say the person actually agrees, but can't start it with a tabula rasa because the scores say otherwise.

I think we have ambassadors, the leave counter, the commendation system, the block system, even a report system. We also have tools of communication to talk things over.  All these should be quite enough to solve in-game issues. If still not, you can always switch lobbies, mark players you dont wanna play with, and avoid them easily later on.

Offline Skrimskraw

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Re: Rating System
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2014, 01:00:01 pm »
trolls rating other people badly...

Offline Nosgard SilverClaw

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Re: Rating System
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2014, 01:10:36 pm »
hmmmm, I do see your points that the system could be abused. but having absolutely no way to keep someone off your ship seems like it has its own faults. I know theirs no perfect system, but I still wish for a way to remove a problem from a ship efficiently.  Even if you can't remove someone from your ship before a match, maybe some kind of system to keep them off it in the future? as it stands, someone can friends list me, join my match, jump on my ship, and litterall chase me around from game to game just to be a pain in my tail. If I contact a community ambassador about it, how am I suppose to prove wrong doing? I can't prove that he simply isn't good at the game but is trying, or that he even speaks english, and I can't have someone removed over something like that.

Its just my policy, I want to give everyone a shot, I dun care if their new or not, but they need to be able to listen to teh captain, and coordinate with the crew and not be..well trolly. but except for the very loud ones, I can't even prove trolling when it IS happening. A gunner simply refusing to shoot to spite do I even show thats happening? This is the type of thing that has me pondering the system as is and wishing to open it to a public discussion. :)

Offline Imagine

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Re: Rating System
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2014, 02:11:16 pm »
hmmmm, I do see your points that the system could be abused. but having absolutely no way to keep someone off your ship seems like it has its own faults. I know theirs no perfect system, but I still wish for a way to remove a problem from a ship efficiently.  Even if you can't remove someone from your ship before a match, maybe some kind of system to keep them off it in the future? as it stands, someone can friends list me, join my match, jump on my ship, and litterall chase me around from game to game just to be a pain in my tail. If I contact a community ambassador about it, how am I suppose to prove wrong doing? I can't prove that he simply isn't good at the game but is trying, or that he even speaks english, and I can't have someone removed over something like that.

Its just my policy, I want to give everyone a shot, I dun care if their new or not, but they need to be able to listen to teh captain, and coordinate with the crew and not be..well trolly. but except for the very loud ones, I can't even prove trolling when it IS happening. A gunner simply refusing to shoot to spite do I even show thats happening? This is the type of thing that has me pondering the system as is and wishing to open it to a public discussion. :)
Has it actually happened to you? Have you actually tried to report it? I ask this in all seriousness, as I'm curious because if there's one thing that the Muse staff (note, not CA's, but more like Meta or Keyvias) seem to be pretty good at, it's following up with those.

As for removing people from game, almost certianly never going to be an option for anyone but CA mods and up, because as much as you can abuse a rating system for people you can also abuse a kicking system for the exact same type of trolling. It's all about positive reinforcement, yo :)

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: Rating System
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2014, 03:00:09 pm »
Being new, stupid, uncommunicative, or annoying isn't a reportable offense in my book. These properties are enough to make me want to avoid a player's ship/team if I have the choice. I think the OP's desire is to have some help with that choice when encountering a lobby of complete strangers. A rating system would be one way of accomplishing this, but it may lead to some exploitation and hurt feelings. I have a counter proposal that would accomplish a similar thing, but with less opportunity for abuse:

Show if an unknown player is a friend of a friend or a block of a friend:
If a friend joins a server I am on, I will let them know who are the trouble makers and who are the solid performers. I have like wise received similar messages from people when I join a server. Muse could formalize this by doing a database query for every one in the lobby not on my blocked or friend's list. If they show up on my friend's friend's list or my friend's blocked list it would server as a useful indicator of how much I would like to fly with that person.

Offline Imagine

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Re: Rating System
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2014, 03:01:31 pm »
Being new, stupid, uncommunicative, or annoying isn't a reportable offense in my book.
Following someone around from game to game for the sole purpose of trolling you however should be.

Offline Nosgard SilverClaw

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Re: Rating System
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2014, 04:35:44 pm »
eh, I didn't bother reporting him because I didn't have any proof of wrong doing. and its stopped now, can't even remembe the guys name, some lvl 2 engineer. and being new, stupid, and uncommunitive isn't something i'd report over. Being intentionally annoying, yah, that is worth wanting him off my ship. I can teach stupid, I can teach new, I can even teach quiet if they listen. I can't fix intentionally screwing up. Plus, you get 23 people in a lobby ready for a serious game, and -one- guy can ruin an otherwise solid match through intentionally bringing a bad loadout or refusing to ready up and darting back and forth between the captain seat and spectate over and over. Your going to have to step on a few toes to please the majority, this is not an avoidable thing. Also, can someone explain to me WHY its a big deal that elitist wouldn't want the new guys on their ship. The elitist don't want em, they are going to bitch and moan and yell at em for being new. The new guy dosen't want to be chased off by grouchy old-timers. No one is benefiting here in my eyes. :(

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: Rating System
« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2014, 05:14:02 pm »
Also, can someone explain to me WHY its a big deal that elitist wouldn't want the new guys on their ship.
The game mechanics Muse puts in play support some types of behavior while discouraging others. If they put a mechanic in where you indulge in elitist behavior the entire community would become a little more elitist. For example, if career kill to death ration was displayed in the lobby next to your name, players would care more about making the last shot and kill steals. We have been socially engineered by the puppet masters at Muse to welcome new people and generally not be dicks to one another.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2014, 05:15:53 pm by HamsterIV »

Offline Spud Nick

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Re: Rating System
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2014, 06:29:11 am »
I have played with a lot of players that cant hear me or understand me. Win or lose I don't think it's right to down grade players because they don't follow orders. You can't expect to have good teamwork and communication in every match.