Author Topic: Potential additions  (Read 5433 times)

Offline Cpt. Sterling Dreyar

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Potential additions
« on: January 22, 2014, 09:48:09 am »
So i've been playing this game on and off for a long while now.
And i feel there's a few things that could contribute to the game. :3

NB: If any of these ideas has been pitched before i claim no rights to them, also this might be a messy post so bear with me. xD;

Poons! Those nasty bstards really knows how to give a ship a bad day.
But there should be some kind of counter to this.
Now option 1:
If you manage to destroy the gun, the cable should snap off.
Or Option 2:
Either one of the existing tools or add a bolt cutter that can smack it off.
Now in case of the tool, the idea would be to first locate witch part of the ship the poon is stuck to.
And then start wacking the component that it governs.
For a little extra challenge, should the poon attach to a place that's physically reachable, it can be knocked off in one blow?

Option 1 makes the most sense, but i feel option 2 would be more challenging and fun.

Captain (Pilot) tool/skill: Rally.
Or some sort of buff that increases morale of crew in terms of say movement speed?
You're the Captain and you should have some effect over your crew.
The mov speed buff might have been suggested earlier so sorry if im stepping on toes ^^;

Engineer: Dynabuff.
How about allowing the engineers to choose what type of buff to give?
Engines keep getting destroyed? We don't need speed, we need additional armour!
It would provide a more deeper level on when and what type of buff is needed.
So for example allowing engie to switch between offensive and defensive buff mode.

Ammo: Smoke rounds
True the pilot has the tar barrel, but what about a type of round that acts as a debuff?
It needs to hit in order to deploy the smoke, and the smoke linger around on the enemy ship allowing for a swift escape or further attacks.
Now im thinkin in order for this not to be op, clip size will be reduced to 1, projectile speed reduced 30%.
Explosive damage will instantly clear away the smoke.
The idea is to make it a utility option, but at the same time make it so it cant be used effectivly all the time.
Now smoke will not do any damage to the components, and it only lingers for about say 5-10 seks?
Should be more than enough to reach their blind side, put distance between you two or help out a friendly.

Tar Barrel: Flames.
Now the tar barrel skill is intriguing, and i've always wondered why you cant ignite the fker. 8D
Now don't get me wrong i hate fire with a passion, the lag is unmerciful. And i hate the type of payers that purposly use it to cause lag for others, but it IS a part of the game.
So what about making the tar flamable?
If used wrong it could backfire, but used right it would set an entire ship on fire.
No damage, that would be to much, but giving one fire charge to all components.
More than enough to cause utter chaos to the enemy. >:3
Or yourself if used wrong xD;

Ammo: Chain shot.
Right now theres a lot of guns capable of shredding any type of component.
But what about a chain shot ammo, that works similar to fire?
It ruins the engines, and has a set chance of disabling them with the chains?
This could go well with the bolt cutters tool for example, and it goes the same as extinguishing fires.
No idea what the drawbacks would be, but would work excellent for both big and small ships.
Small ships darting in and causing mayhem, frack up the engines while your at it making them an even bigger target.
Or slow those speedy rats down a notch, and bring your mighty guns to bear.

Beacon gun: Tagging
Now this gun I've always wondered about.
Detects enemies in clouds, small chance of setting things on fire. Fair enough, but what if in addition to that it could attach a tracker?
Making the enemy show up on the map for you and all allies. Now you'd have to be on alert for this tracker if you see them using this gun. And it would look like a flare attached to wherever it it.
Again much like the poon idea, engie wacks the component to detach the flare.
This would promote ally ships to converse a lot more, warning you that you have a big ass glowy thing on the bottom of your ship.

Ability/item: Scope
This would primarly be a gunners item, they need some love desperatly.
It would essentially give them a scope and larger zoom than others on any gun, instead of the iron sight of alot of guns.
It would allow them to better perform both at long range, and let them target spesific components on enemy ships.
It would also in the instance of arc weapons, display it's trajectory?

Captain Ability: Evasive maneuvers
Now the thought behind this is, the captain lets out compressed air from the bloon witch makes the ship yank to the side.
Excellent for avoiding ramming, but takes it toll on the bloon of course.
Bloon health is reduced by say 70%? If the bloon is already at that or below it ruptures.
So it's an absolute emergency only.
Perhaps additional downsides as well, i don't know.

With additional ammo types witch breaks away from the normal Fire rate/reload/damage pattern.
I'm hoping to give gunners a more versatile role to play with these ideas, cause at this moment any engieneer is worth way more than a gunner.

This is all i got for now, I'm sure more will pop up. xD

Again sorry of I'm tagging another persons idea.

Give us your thoughts?
« Last Edit: January 22, 2014, 09:59:05 am by Angstrum Darkwater »